3: The Injection

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3rd POV

"Hey! Nagisa-kun!" Kayano called to her blue haired friend.

"Hi Kayano-chan. Did you need something?" Nagisa asked, looking the girl over to make sure she wasn't hurt or anything.

"I just wanted to ask you about Karma-kun. You seem to know him." Kayano noted.

"We were friends back in first year." Nagisa stated blatantly.

"So? What happened? You don't seem to be friends now, are you?" Kayano questioned.

"We aren't really friends anymore. As for why, I don't know. Guess he just was done sharing the stage with a nobody like me..." Nagisa said, his tone a mix of sadness and bitterness. Kayano's face morphed into a frown. She didn't like seeing Nagisa like this. It was obvious something more happened in their first year, and she planned to find out.

"Alright then. I'll see you tomorrow Nagisa-kun." Kayano said before she ran away.

"Bye... Kayano-chan." Nagisa muttered as he watched his friend run away. He was sad she left so soon, he wanted any excuse to stay away from home.

Nagisa sighed a little bit and kept walking, he was with his dad starting today. He was only with his dad for three days, but three days was still three days of constant training and the temptation to kill. Every day he was there, he knew his dad would bring him down to the basement and offer a man to him, giving Nagisa both a knife and a gun, telling him that he had the choice between the two weapons. Nagisa was allowed to refuse, but every time he knew that he wanted to take the man's life. It would be so easy to simply slide that blade across his neck or to pull the trigger, but Nagisa knew that once he did that, he wouldn't be able to go back. He'd be taken out of school, his death would be staged and he'd be expected to become a full fledged assassin

Nagisa just wasn't ready for that yet.

Nagisa broke from his thoughts and got on his train, taking the few stops that he needed to get to the one closest to his father's slightly larger than average home.

Nagisa made it there and knocked before entering.

"Otou-san? I'm here." Nagisa called into the house. Soon after a middle aged man came down the stairs to see his son.

"Nagisa, good to see you. Come down to the training room." Nagisa's father, Sadako, responded strictly. Nagisa nodded obediently and set down his bag before following Sadako down to the training room which was hidden under the house.

Sadako motioned for Nagisa to go into a room and change into a better outfit for sparring and the likes. Nagisa did so and came out wearing a black shirt and pants, which were lightweight and made Nagisa slightly harder to see, but his bright blue hair negated those effects. Sadako looked over his son in slight disgust.

 "You're still small. Doesn't your mother feed you, boy?" He spat. Nagisa nodded.

"Oka-san does feed me, she just has me on a diet." Nagisa answered honestly. Sadako huffed in annoyance.

"You're as thin as a twig, why does she think you need a diet? No matter, come here." Sadako ordered.

Nagisa shyly walked up to his father.

"I'm going to use you to test something for my new clients." Sadako stated as he pushed Nagisa into a chair and tied him up in lightning speed.

"W-WHAT!" Nagisa exclaimed as he struggled against the ropes binding him.

"Stop struggling! This'll only hurt more!" Sadako yelled as he held Nagisa's head still and grabbed a syringe filled with a crimson red liquid.

Nagisa tried to move away from the vial, but his attempts were in vain as his father plunged the syringe into his neck and emptied its contents into the teen's bloodstream.

It felt like fire.

Every inch of Nagisa felt as if it was being pierced and stabbed over and over. Every ragged breath he took burned as if he was inhaling lava down his throat and into his lungs. Every heartbeat pounded like a steel drum as Nagisa tried to stay conscious. His eyes felt heavy, as if each eyelash had been tied to a 5 pound weight. Nagisa could feel himself screaming, but he couldn't hear it. All he could hear was the pounding in his chest and the pulsing of the serum inside his blood. He could tell he was screaming from the sandpaper like sensation that pulsed in his throat as his voice pushed itself out of his mouth.

Soon enough, Nagisa fell into the darkness.

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