12: Family

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3rd POV

"We heard what happened, and Nagisa-kun, if it's alright with you..." Irina paused, looking to Karasuma to courage. He nodded, and she continued. "I'd... We'd, like to adopt you, to keep you out of an orphanage."

Nagisa froze for a moment at the offer, stunned.

"Adopt me?" He repeated, to make sure he had heard right. Irina nodded.

"If you'd rather go to an orphanage we understand." Karasuma affirmed. Nagisa looked at Karma for a moment before turning back to Irina and Karasuma and nodding.

"Thank you so much."

Irina broke out into a smile.

"We'll speak with the authorities and see when you can be released from the hospital." Karasuma said, pulling Irina from the room to leave Karma and Nagisa alone once again. Once they were alone, Karma pulled Nagisa closer to him.

"I was hoping you'd stay with me." Karma pouted.

"Just because I'm not living with you doesn't mean I won't see you." Nagisa consoled.

"Still, I want you all to myself~."

"Possessive much?"

"Yep, because you're cute and you're mine~."

Nagisa sighed as Karasuma and Irina came back into the room.

"As long as we keep an eye on you to make sure your stitches don't open you can come with us now. Do you need to go to your house to get your things?" Karasuma asked.

Nagisa shook his head.

"I already have all the important stuff, I was on my way to Karma's before my mom caught me..." Nagisa murmured.

"Well grab your bags Nagisa, let's go home." Irina smiled warmly.

Nagisa took one last glance at Karma before grabbing his bag and following Irina and Karasuma out of the hospital and into a sleek black car, which Nagisa immediately assumed was Karasuma's. His thoughts were confirmed when Karasuma went in the driver's side and started the car.

"So... should I keep calling you both sensei?" Nagisa asked a little ways into the ride. Karasuma and Irina exchanged glances before Irina spoke.

"I don't think you need to at home. At school you can if you'd like, but at home you don't have to." Irina smiled.

"C-Can I call you Oka-san and Otou-san?" Nagisa asked shyly. Irina and Karasuma were shocked, but Irina regained her composure after a moment and smiled warmly.

"I'd like that." 

Karasuma nodded in agreement as well, right as they pulled up to a decently sized house.

Smiling, Irina led Nagisa in to a medium sized room.

"This'll be your room, do you like it?" She asked. Nagisa nodded, and then realized that he couldn't keep secrets from his new parents forever.

"U-Um Oka-san?" Nagisa felt unfamiliar using the term.

"Yes, Nagisa?" Irina decided to drop the honorifics, which Nagisa was plenty fine with.

"I... I need to tell you some things about me. I need to tell both you and Otou-san." Nagisa murmured. Irina nodded, and brought everyone together in the main room.

"What did you need to tell us Nagisa?" Karasuma asked.

"W-Well.... my birth father had been training me to be an assassin since I was little, and recently, he, uh, well..." Nagisa's voice faltered before he took in a deep breath and continued. "He was paid to test the effects of some kind of poison or potion thing, and he tested it on me."

"What did it do?" Karasuma asked.

"This..." Nagisa used his sleeve to wipe away the foundation covering his scales.

"He said he was going to keep testing it on me and I just snapped... I killed my own father." Nagisa choked on his words as he let soft tears flow from his eyes.

Soon enough, he felt a large pair of breasts pressed against his chest and two arms around his neck.

"We don't care Nagisa, we still love you." Irina consoled the crying child.

"T-Thank you, I love you too." Nagisa smiled softly.

"Let's get some sleep. We can speak about what we are going to do about your scales. If you'd like you can keep hiding them, but I don't think the class will mind. One thing we should tell them is that you are living with us. But that can all wait." Karasuma smiled as they all parted to sleep.

In the morning, they got ready quickly and drove to the school building, entering the room to see the whole class there. As soon as Nagisa walked in, he could tell that Karma's eyes lit up with happiness due to the fact that he was alright.

"Before class starts, Nagisa, Irina, and I have a sort of announcement." Karasuma shocked the class with his lack of honorifics with Nagisa. Nagisa took a step forward and spoke.

"My mother has been arrested..." He took in a breath and exhaled. "...for child abuse." The class gasped.

"What did she do to you Nagisa?" Korosensei asked, enraged.

"S-She thought I was a girl... and if I told her otherwise she'd get really mad and... well I think you know what would happen. But, since I don't have any other relatives, Karasuma-sensei and Irina-sensei took me in." Nagisa smiled a little at the end.

"I-I'm sorry Nagisa." Isogai apologized.

"Don't be sorry! I finally have a family!" Nagisa smiled a pure smiled of joy.

"It's lovely to hear this, but we should start class."

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