6: Nocturnal

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"I'll be there in a few."  

Nagisa waved Karma off as he looked around the house with trained eyes.

"Alright." Karma shuffled up to his room.

Nagisa sighed as he walked in a few minutes later after locking all the doors and windows, even though he knew if someone really wanted to get in that wouldn't stop them.

"You don't seem very tired." Karma noted as Nagisa changed into one of the new pajama's he'd bought.

"I'm part snake, and my type of snake is nocturnal."

"You found out what kind of snake you are?" Karma looked up, slightly more awake than before.

Nagisa nodded. "Yeah, while my venom isn't the exact same as its, I'm actually a Common Krait, also known as the Blue Krait. Although I can still administer a similar venom, it's less lethal so I normally use my other type."

"Unsurprising." Karma kissed Nagisa's scales before forcing him into the bed and turning off the lights.

"Karma I'm not tired." Nagisa protested.

"Well you're going to bed anyway."

"But I'm not going to be able to sleep."

"Then use me as your sleeping drug."

"Uh Karma you're a person, not a drug."

Karma just shrugged before he got an idea.

"Well I'm not tired either so we can stay up together."

"You seemed pretty tired a little bit ago."

"Well I thought you were tired so I lied."

Nagisa's trained eyes caught the lie instantly. "Karma you are tired. Stop lying."

Karma huffed. "Fine, but I'm still not going to bed."

"Do you need me to make you go to sleep?"

Karma suppressed a smirk. "Yeah, maybe."

Nagisa brought the two of them in for a kiss before injecting some venom into Karma's mouth, just to have Karma use his own canines to rip a small cut into Nagisa's lip and have his own venom be force into it before Karma fell unconscious, Nagisa following after.

Nagisa, who had considerably less venom in his bloodstream, woke up first, looking to the side to see Karma still deeply unconscious. Nagisa chuckled to himself as he pushed Karma's bangs away from his pale face.

Nagisa placed a light kiss on Karma's head before going out to explore the rest of his new home to see if anything had changed in the two years he'd been gone.

"Look at that a locked door." Nagisa huffed as he wriggled the doorknob on an interesting looking room. "Oh wait I still have a bobby pin." Reaching up to his pigtail, Nagisa withdrew a small metal pin and skilfully inserted it into the lock, hearing a click not 10 seconds later as he smirked victoriously and swung the door open.

"And behind locked door number one is... towels... "Nagisa felt his palm come in contact with his face "And there was so much build up too."

"Found my secret towel stash?"

Nagisa turned his head to see his redheaded lover awake at last.

"Door was locked. I just had to see what was inside. Who knows, maybe it could be full of corpses."

"Don't you think that'd be more likely to be found at your house?" Karma snaked his fingers up Nagisa sides as he rested his head on the smaller's shoulder, kissing his cheek once he was settled.

"If I stayed in one place for longer than a week or two, maybe."

"Well you're breaking that habit since you're staying here for forever."

"Only if you win the deal, Karma. You know if anything goes south, I'm gone." Nagisa stepped forwards, away from Karma's embrace.

"And I only make bets I know I'll win. You aren't getting away this time Nagisa. I love you and that's all there is to it. I'll do what it takes and you'll see I can hold my own and you don't have to worry anymore."

Nagisa let out a breath. "I hope you're right."

"When am I not? I'm the genius after all."

Nagisa let out a laugh. "You're my genius."

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