20: Antidote

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'Karma can't be allowed to remember any of this- no- he can't remember any of me.'

The thoughts alone sent Nagisa into more tears, but this was the second time he had hurt Karma. Who knows when the, and more importantly how lethal, the third time would be.

'T-There's a procedure that can be done, i-isn't there?' Nagisa asked himself, thinking of what Karasuma had said when he first came to the class.

That was right, Karasuma had stated that if anyone in the class were to reveal the secret of Class 3-E they'd be subjected to a mind erasure procedure.

'I could have that done to Karma! He'll forget it all!'

That was if Karma even lived to be hurt a second time.

The thought hit Nagisa like a ton of bricks. Karma was dying, and he was sitting in the forest crying.

Having no idea where he was, Nagisa ran in the direction he assumed the classroom was located, and while he wasn't perfectly on the mark, he did find the train and manage to make it back.

Sliding the door open with enough force to crack the wood, Nagisa rushed to the infirmary.

"How is he?" Nagisa demanded as he ran in.

"Stable, but only for now. Nagisa, we need some of your venom to create an actual antidote. He'll only be stable for so long with what we've given him." Korosensei requested.

"H-How do I give you some?" Nagisa questioned, having only used his venom twice.

"With the fact that simply Karma scratching himself on your fang poisoned him, we can only assume a little is expelled every time you bite- which means you are immune since any time you eat you inject some of the venom- but forgetting that, if you can bite down on this." Irina gave Nagisa a sponge, which he bit into, shredding the area he bit.

"Octopus." Irina held up the sponge, which was quickly taken.

Around two minutes later, Korosensei came in the room and injected Karma with an antidote.

His heart rate stabilized and he regained color in his skin.

"He'll be fine, but out for a couple hours. When he's awake I'll take him home." Korosensei informed. Nagisa breathed out a sigh of relief before remembering what he planned to do.

"O-Otou-san?" Nagisa began. Karasuma looked over and hummed in acknowledgement. "You have access to a machine that can erase specific things from people's memories, right?" Karasuma nodded wearily. Nagisa paused before speaking again. "I want you to erase Karma's memories of me, even back from our first year. The only memories I want you to keep are the ones from before we were friends, back when I was just his classmate."

Korosensei, Irina, and Karasuma all gasped in shock.

"W-Why would you want that Nagisa-kun?" Korosensei asked.

"I've already hurt him twice... maybe if he forgets about me I won't hurt him again." Nagisa's tears returned.

Karasuma's eyes glazed over in thought as he formulated a plan.


Everyone, excluding the still unconscious Karma, looked over in shock.

"I'll do it, but on one condition." Nagisa nodded for Karasuma to list his condition. "You have to be there, tell him what you're doing, and watch the whole thing." Karasuma's steely, burnt crimson eyes bored into Nagisa's own, still slightly yellow, ones.

"W-Watch it?"

Karasuma nodded. Nagisa took in a deep breath.

"Alright. I accept your terms."

The two other teachers looked at the boy in shock.

"Why don't you go on to the car Nagisa, we'll meet you there." Irina directed. Nagisa nodded.


"Why the hell would you agree to that!?!" Irina demanded.

"Nagisa needs this, alright?" Karasuma responded, his voice slightly monotone.

"I do not support the idea of one of my students going through a procedure like this one." Korosensei added.

"But do you support one of your students beating themselves up over something they can't control?"

The room went silent for a moment before Karasuma spoke.

"Just let me handle this one." 

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