1: Losing Him

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"Say, Nagisa-kun?" The second Reaper, or Silver-sensei as Nagisa had grown to call him on occasion, spoke to the boy he was training.

"Yeah, Silver-sensei?" Nagisa piped up as he drank some water.

"I heard a quote once, can't remember where I heard it from but I think it suits you and Karma-kun quite well." Silver murmured.

"What was the quote?"

"There are times in life when you must distance yourself from those you love because you love them. Quite fitting for you and Karma-kun, don't you think?"

Silver left Nagisa alone in the room.

Nagisa looked down as he heard the words in his head.

'I already tried that... didn't I? It's not like I'd be able to escape, we go to the same school together after all.'

Nagisa remembered a promised he'd once been offered.

"If you ever need to just get away from it all for a few months, even a few years, to just focus on work, you just come tell me and I'll whisk you away, count on it."

Nagisa laughed slightly as he remembered how Silver had booped him on the nose after saying that.

Was this the time for him to take Silver up on that offer?

Nagisa stood up from the bench he had sat down on in the training room.

Leaving from the wide fancy-type year three-thousand-ten door, Nagisa silently walked to his mentor's office room where he decided what jobs to take himself and what jobs to give to Nagisa, and the occasional job he had them complete together- though those were less necessary after a little training.

"Hey, Silver-sensei?" Nagisa asked, peeking his head into the room. Silver hummed in acknowledgement of Nagisa's presence.

"Remember when you said that if I needed to get away from everything you'd quote-on-quote "whisk me away?""

"Would you like for me to do that?"

"Maybe... but just for a week." Nagisa nodded. Silver stood up and smiled, patting Nagisa's head and hair.

"Just for a week it is. Why don't we go camping?" Silver offered.

Nagisa smiled and nodded like a child.

The requests came more and more often.

"Take me away for a little, like you did the first time!"

"Alright, for how long do you want to go?"

"Two weeks?"

Two turned to three, three to a month, a month to two, two to six, and six...

"The last six months have been so much fun!" Nagisa giggled as the plane back from Italy landed.

"Yes they sure have been, I'm sad you're going back to Irina-san and Karasuma-san now."

"Oh... well maybe we can go on another trip in a little while!"

"About that... Nagisa-kun I was wondering if you'd like to just... leave your past life behind."

Nagisa froze.

"Leave it behind?"

"You've already been gone for six months... and I have a feeling everyone knows what we've been up to, do you think they'd take you back without questions? If you go back now I don't think you'd ever get to see me again."

The same fell from Nagisa's face as he discerned the meaning of the words.

"I guess that's true..."

"So, what do you want to do Nagisa-kun? Stay with me and be able to have so much fun like we've been having, or go back to them and be forced into the cage, maybe even sent to jail for doing what you were born to do."

When put into those terms it wasn't much of a choice.

Nagisa smiled up at Silver.

"I wanna stay with you."

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