60: Visit

711 34 2

Gakushuu wasn't exactly sure what he expected, but it certainly wasn't this.

Nagisa was... Nagisa.

Yeah, there was something unsettling about him and Gakushuu knew Nagisa was an assassin but that didn't mean he wasn't totally floored when he saw the scales for the first time.

It made it worse that his first thought was that they were beautiful.

Deep blue scales pressed out from pale skin, shining teal where the light hit it just right-- and was that glitter? It couldn't be but there certainly were weirder things. For some reason it reminded Gakushuu of a sunset put through a negative filter-- he certainly held the same feelings for the scales as a sunset at the very least.

"So... This is what could happen." He murmured.

Nagisa's face screwed up slightly. "Not... exactly. The sample Karma swiped is similar, to say the least, but it's not the same. I don't know exactly how close it is to the original as I've never been able to get anything but a general idea of the chemical formula by working backwards from my blood. It's close to what I've made but it's not the same."

"So it could be worse, or have only half the effect." Gakushuu mumbled to himself, glancing up as he noticed Nagisa nod.

"I hope it's not as bad as what happened to me and Mikkun. Though I doubt it-- the man who made our poison also was the one to make Korosensei like he was and I don't think anyone else has that level of intelligence, or at least I hope not. The man was also so haughty, he didn't take down notes and those he did were all on paper-- paper I have burned."

Gakushuu nodded solemnly. "I'm talking with Natsuhiko at the Takano Fruit Parlour in two hours. I assume you'll easily be able to listen in and tail us without anyone knowing."

Karma snorted out half a laugh at that. "Even I could do that."

Gakushuu chuckled, "I get it, I get it. Will you be ready by then?"

Nagisa nodded, walking off to presumably get ready.


Gakushuu turned his eyes towards the stairs where his name was called, smiling as a jubilant Iyuka bounded over to hug his legs.

"Hello Iyu-chan." Gakushuu smiled. "How have you been dear?"

"I'm good! Mana-nii took me to a festival yesterday!"

"Oh how fun. Did you wear a kimono?"

Iyuka nodded expressively. "Yeah! Papa got it for me! It's so pretty, it's got sakura on it!"

"That's so cool." Gakushuu smiled.

"You should have seen her Gakushuu-kun." Karma chuckled.

The three continued chatting for around twenty minutes before Nagisa returned and joined in.

"Okay, I've got to head out soon, you'll be watching?" Gakushuu asked Nagisa, who merely nodded before walking of into a room Gakushuu never had noticed before.

"You're not gonna notice him, but he'll be there. I'll text you in code, let's see if you decipher it." Karma winked. Gakushuu rolled his eyes before giving Iyuka one last hug and leaving.

The cafe was pretty quiet, considering. There were a good amount of people here and plenty of single people at their own table, so Gakushuu had no idea if any of them were Nagisa.

Natsuhiko sat alone at a table in the back, and just before Gakushuu walked over his phone buzzed in his pocket.

One new message from "Literal Demon"

The snake chose his prey.

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