30: Manipulation

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"What did she do?"

Korosensei's voice took the class by surprise, having only heard his fury once.

"S-She broke out of jail and came to get me." Nagisa forced a few words to break from his throat.

Korosensei's face contorted to an even angrier one, if that was even possible.

"And how did she die?"

"My gun..." Nagisa muttered the bare minimum.

The rage vanished from Korosensei's face as it turned to pure shock.

"We... we should get back to the classroom." He instructed.

The class, still numb with shock, followed their teachers blindly back to the classroom to push through the rest of the boring day- which wasn't more than two hours.

At the end of the class time, everyone was sent home, and although he was hesitant, Karma let Nagisa alone due to the persuasion of Irina, who knew the boy needed a little bit of time to himself, to collect his thoughts and decide what came next.

Should she have known what one decision could do, she would have taped the boys together.

Nagisa decided he needed some air, the stuffy air conditioning feeling suffocating to the tired and confused teen.

"I'm going on a walk." He called out to the house as he exited the building.

Aimlessly wandering about, Nagisa made it to the park.

Sitting on a bench, he looked to his side to see a pretty patch of wildflowers. Looking about, he noticed all different shapes and colors blending together, along with a special few roses mixed about and erupting the area with a heavenly scent.

"Pretty, aren't they?" A voice sounded from behind Nagisa. Nagisa didn't look back, not caring who was behind him.

"Yeah, that they are." He smiled lightly.

"You know, I like to think flowers are like human life, so fragile and so short-lived is their beauty, and so little attention are they given."

Nagisa took the words to heart almost instantly, plucking a blue rose.

"This one is my life, I've decided." Nagisa pricked his finger on the thorn and let a few drops of blood stain the light blue petals.

"Now it's stained in blood, just like me." Nagisa smiled grimly as he felt the person sit next to him.

"You know Nagisa-kun, I know what it's like to watch the death of an abusive parent. I was friends with your father, he asked me to train you- if you chose our career path that is."

Nagisa finally turned to the man sitting next to him, his azure eyes contrasting with the pale yellow ones of the silver-haired male.

"You're eyes remind me of Karma's, but with bloodlust instead of fire behind them." Nagisa casually conversed, knowing well enough if this man had known his father, running would be fruitless.

"Glad you think of me so highly, gracing my eyes with the comparison to your precious Karma-kun."

"We were going to meet eventually, you were going to be my teacher after all, you deserve respect like any other mentor."

"You speak as though I won't still be your teacher."

"Well if you wanted to we both know you could have just kidnapped me or something, but that didn't happen so that means I get a choice."

"You're quite perceptive for someone so young."

"Assassin's gift I guess." Nagisa gave a closed-eyed smile. The man laughed.

"Ha ha, assassin's gift it is young Nagisa-kun. I see potential in you, if you'd ever like to join my field of work and the community you were born into, never hesitate to ask out loud."

Nagisa took a moment to think on the offer.

"I think I'd like that very much."

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