9: Confession

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3rd POV

"Because I love you Nagisa!"

Nagisa froze at the confession.


"I said I love you! Agh! I'm sorry I said anything!" Karma yelled before running off.

"Wait! Karma!" Nagisa called out, but the redhead kept running. Nagisa fell to the ground, weeping.

He was so confused. First he thought Karma didn't remember him, then he thought he hated him, now Karma's saying he loves him?! Nagisa just didn't know what to do.

The better question was: did Nagisa love him back?

Gays and lesbians weren't really accepted in the world as a whole, but Karma clearly didn't care about the rest of the world. Up until first year, Nagisa had thought he may even be aromantic, but something made him change.

Nagisa's eyes shot open.

The only thing added to his life in his first year at Kunugigaoka was one Akabane Karma.

Nagisa felt a pain in his chest as he realized he just made Karma think he didn't love him back.

"KARMA!" Nagisa shouted as he ran into the E Class building to see Karma sitting at his desk, curled up. Nagisa ran over and clasped Karma in a hug.

"You didn't let me say anything." Nagisa murmured as Karma shot up, teary eyed.

"N-Nagisa...-kun!" Karma added the '-kun' at the end.

"It's fine Karma, I... I love you too after all." Nagisa admitted, his face a firetruck.

"You do?" Karma's golden eyes lit up. Nagisa nodded. Karma looked into Nagisa's slightly slitted pupils for a moment before bringing their lips together.

Nagisa gasped in shock for a moment before melting into the affection, wrapping his arms around Karma's neck. Karma took Nagisa by the hips and pulled the bluenette into his lap.

A few moments later they parted from a need of oxygen.

"So, I guess that means we're dating then Nagi~." Karma teased.

Nagisa burst out laughing and snuggled up into Karma's embrace.

"If that's what you want." Nagisa hummed.

"Well it looks like our plan worked better than expected Rio-chan."

Nagisa shot up to see a smirking Kayano and Nakamura at the door.

"R-Rio! Kaede!" Nagisa stuttered.

"Plan?" Karma asked, ignoring his newly acquired boyfriend.

"Mhm! Nagisa needed a friend and we knew that friend was you, but it looks like he got more than a friend~." Nakamura teased, making Nagisa blush and Karma smirk.

"You just missed the show girls, Nagi here's a great kisser." Karma teased.

"Karma!" Nagisa scolded as everyone burst out laughing.

"You should go back to your seat Nagisa, Korosensei's going to get here soon. But first thing's first. You need to tell Karma what happened." Kayano turned serious. Nagisa looked down, just then realizing they hadn't seen his scales.

"Actually, I need to tell all of you what happened." Nagisa said, standing up and using his sleeve to wipe away the concealer, which came off of his scales quite easily.

Nakamura and Kayano gasped.

"Truth is, Otou-san wasn't murdered by just anyone... I was the killer." Nagisa admitted.

"N-Nagisa...?" Karma muttered.

"He was an assassin, and he planned for me to be one too. You always ask me how I catch on so easily to Karasuma-sensei's lessons, well, it's because I've already learned all of them. One day, Otou-san was paid to try this drug on someone, and as you can tell, he tried it on me. I still have no idea what the drug was, all I know is that it hurt, a lot, and once I woke up I was like this..." Nagisa explained, looking down to the ground in shame, tears brimming in his eyes.

He felt two pairs of arms clasp him in a hug.

"Don't worry Nagisa, we're never going to leave you." Kayano consoled.

"Damn Nagisa, that's one backstory you've got. But, I'm glad you trust us enough to tell us." Nakamura added.

After a while, the hug pile broke.

"Nagisa." Karma said coldly.

"W-What?" Nagisa stuttered, shocked with his tone.

"You forgot to tell them about your mom." Karma lightly glared.

Nagisa was silent for a little while.

"Nagisa? You can tell us anything." Kayano comforted.

"N-No..." Nagisa murmured.

"Nagisa, if you can tell them about your father you can tell them about your mom." Karma glared. Nagisa took a silent moment to gather his thoughts before squeaking out a quiet voice.

"She thinks I'm a girl, and hurts me if I tell her otherwise, or ask to cut my hair. She makes me wear skirts and frilly things all the time. It's why I'm in E Class. She was too busy dressing me up to let me study, so, my grades slipped." Nagisa was full on crying now.

Karma was the first to speak.

"Nagisa... you're going to stay with me for a while."

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