51: Reconnecting

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Miki was, obviously, nervous. He was meeting the person who cared for him when he was younger, when he was still just an experiment, but before that he was meeting the husband of the God of Death. He knew Nagisa hadn't gotten that title on accident, his kill count was higher than his by many hundreds. And he was meeting the person that this man, this God, loved.

Of course he was nervous.

He only got more nervous when Nagisa brought them to his "house," though Miki was sure it couldn't be called that. The building in front of him was a mansion, not some dinky house!

Before the two of them exited the car, Nagisa turned to the kid, eyes glowing in bloodlust.

"Try to hurt my family and you'll be dead the next second, got me?" Nagisa lowly threatened, getting a scared nod from Miki before all that bloodlust up and vanished, replaced by a friendly smile. "Good! Let's go, Karma said he already called Misui, so she'll be here in just a few minutes."

Miki nodded, holding their hands close to their body as they followed Nagisa into the mansion.

Nagisa opened the door with a smile, yelling into the building "I'm home! I brought the kid with me!"

The next moment a man with gorgeous red hair came down the stairs, a mischievous smirk on his face. "Oh, so this is the famous Spider~"

"Yep," Nagisa nodded, "Turns out they're a hybrid like me. That's why they asked to meet Misui."

"Well then, introductions first, I'm Karma Akabane, nice to meet you~"Karma grinned sadistically.

The doorbell rang, startling Miki. A familiar woman walked in, before setting her eyes on the young assassin. Choking back her tears of joy and relief, the woman ran to him.

"Oh my goodness, thank God you're alright!"

Miki just stood there, shocked. Karma awkwardly cleared his throat, gaining their attention.

"I see you two really do know each other. Were they at the laboratory that Nagisa was taken to?" Karma asked.

Misui shook her head. "A side laboratory. Shiro cleared out the main one for Nagisa since he expected the tentacles to go wild--though not quite like they did."

Karma nodded.

"I'm glad you two are able to talk. We'll leave you two while I finish up dinner. Nagisa, can you help?"

Nagisa nodded, smiling and patting Miki on the shoulder before walking into the kitchen with Karma.

"How are they?" Karma asked as he started idly adding spices to the dinner.

"They're doing good. They have some training though I can tell nobody ever trained them specifically to be an assassin, that's just what they put their skills into." Nagisa responded.

"I see... I saw a little bit of that with how they held themselves. I'm pretty sure they don't know how to hide wavelengths."

"You're right on that one. Even while they were hiding, waiting for me to arrive, they didn't still their wavelength. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't know about them." Nagisa shrugged.

A silence ran over the two for a few minutes while they put the finishing touches on the rice and meat dish they were making before finishing up and bringing it out to the table.

"Finished!" Karma called, waving Misui and Miki to the table. The two both had smiles on their faces, happy to be chatting once again.

Everyone sat down at the table when Nagisa spoke.

"So, Mikkun, I was wondering, since it doesn't look like you have any plans to stop being an assassin if you would like me to personally teach you."

"R-Really?" Miki stuttered out. "Of course! I'd love that Nagisa-sama!"

Nagisa smiled, "Wonderful. Are you staying anywhere close by, or would you like to stay here while I am training you?"

"Oh, well... Currently I'm moving from one place to another since I think someone got a tip on my location. It would be amazing to stay with you but I don't want to be a bother."

"This house is massive, Miki-kun," Karma rolled his eyes, "We have the space and you won't be a bother. So long as Iyu-chan approves of you I'm fine with it."


"Ah, my daughter." Nagisa noted. "She's staying at a friend's house tonight, but tomorrow I'll introduce you to her."

"Yay! How old is she? I love children." Miki beamed.

"She's just turned seven."

"Aaah!" Miki gushed, gleeful. "I can't wait to meet her!"

"The warning is still there, Miki. You harm her, I'll, no, we, Karma and I, will personally torture you to death." smiled Nagisa.

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