15: Venom

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It was the kind of feeling one got when they realized that they weren't going going to live for much longer. The kind of feeling that froze one to the floor as they watched in silent terror, eyes wide and heart beating frantically in one's chest. The horror would take a hold of them, making their suffering a million more times worse than it needed to be.

That was just what Karma was feeling right then.

Karma froze as he saw Nagisa bite his own wrist, likely injecting his lethal venom into his own bloodstream.

There were two possible outcomes that Karma could think of.

Nothing would happen.

Or Nagisa would die.

Karma felt his breath get caught in his throat as he processed the second option. Nothing would happen, right? Nagisa was immune to his own venom. Yeah, that was right.

Biologically, it wouldn't make sense for a snake to be effected by it's own venom. That was logical, wasn't it?

But then again... why did Nagisa fall unconscious when Karma used the venom Nagisa used on him for sleep?

Nagisa began laughing as he took in the confused expression on Takaoka's face.

"Hey sensei, you see these scales on my neck? Some of my makeup came off and they're visible now aren't they- you've never seen them before, but they've always been there. I'm not just human sensei, I'm half snake." He smiled a wicked grin, showing off his fangs dripping with a black liquid. "And when I die, my scales release a lethal gas, killing everyone in the vicinity. Pretty cool right? In less than ten minutes my venom I just put into my wrist will reach my own heart and the gas will release, and thanks to you, my family will be safe in their air-tight container while you will die. I've called emergency officials, but they won't be here for nearly an hour. Plenty of time for the gas to disperse so they can safely get my family out of your torture trap." Nagisa fell to full blown laughter, clutching at his stomach.

"Your downfall will be what you used to try and stop me!"

Takaoka stiffened as he understood what the boy was saying.

"You're bluffing!"

"Am I? Would I?" Nagisa's grin turned nothing short of predatory as his slitted eyes began to nearly glow in the dark warehouse. "Would I have a reason to bluff? HahahahAHAHAHAHA!"

Karma found himself numb as he understood the situation.

Nagisa was effected. Nagisa would commit suicide to ensure Takaoka would suffer and die. To ensure the safety of his family and get revenge on a man too strong to simply pin down and beat black and blue. And Karma didn't doubt him. He knew Nagisa hid a broken insanity under his innocent mask, how could the murder of hundreds not weigh on his conscious? Nagisa was an assassin, but he still had his humanity, and it was shown clearly through the jobs Nagisa accepted. Murderers, rapists, abusers, only the scum of the earth was on Nagisa's radar, but that hadn't always been the case. Back with Silver-sensei, Nagisa killed blindly, mindlessly, as he learned to control the bloodlust that sent even the great Akabane Karma running. Nagisa had to learn how to keep his consciousness when under bloodlust, when he was a killer.

And the people who got in his path were taken down, no matter if they had a loving family at home.

Nagisa wasn't okay, Karma knew that. Nagisa wasn't okay, but Karma knew he was getting better and being able to come to peace with himself. But seeing his own family taken from under his nose, taken because of something he did, clearly didn't help.

Karma knew all of that- and Karma wished it wasn't true- but Karma knew one thing for sure.

Nagisa was going to release the gas, and Takaoka would die.

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