16: Bloodlust

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"Come on, I should go home, Oka-san is probably worried."

Karma sighed, but nodded, as even though Irina hadn't been Nagisa's mom for long, it was clear she was protective.

"At least let me walk you home." Karma offered as he and Nagisa exited Nakamura's house.

"Okay." Nagisa smiled as he linked hands with Karma.

When they got to Irina and Karasuma's house, they bid their farewells and Nagisa went inside to see Irina and Karasuma sitting in the living room, talking. He smiled.

"Hey, I'm home."

"Nice to see you, how was the sleepover?" Irina asked.

"It was fun, we played some games and chatted alot."

"That sound's nice, have you done your homework?"


"Go do your homework." Irina ruffled Nagisa's hair and smiled. Nagisa smiled back and went up to his room to do the homework. He started with Koro-sensei's subjects, before going on to English and training. He needed Karma for that last one.

After doing his English, he went downstairs.

"I'm going to go meet up with Karma to train, see you later!" He waved before going outside and calling Karma.

"Sadist here, how's my Blueberry doing?" Karma introduced from the other line.

"Want to meet me at the park to spar, Strawberry?" Nagisa asked.

"Sure, meet you there."

Karma hung up and Nagisa took the train to the park by Karma's house.

When he got there, as expected, Karma was already there since the park wasn't far from his home.

"Beat ya~" Karma teased when Nagisa showed up.

"Shut up, let's just spar..." Nagisa huffed in defeat, blushing slightly.

The two went to a secluded area of the park and took out anti-sensei knives.

"3...2...1...go!" Nagisa counted down as he sprung at Karma, his bloodlust slowly making it's way to his eyes.

Karma got the first hit, slamming his fist into Nagisa's arm, shoving the bluenette to the side. Nagisa rolled to avoid going down, flipping back up to his feet and grabbing onto a tree branch. Nagisa pulled himself up and looked down at Karma, his eyes glowing with bloodlust. Karma wavered for a little, but got back at it, his own eyes bright with the same, albeit weaker, bloodlust.

Nagisa jumped down from the tree, aiming at Karma. Karma jumped back to dodge, dropping down to attempt to swipe Nagisa's feet from under him. Nagisa jumped up and hissed, literally. Karma huffed out a laugh.

"You've given up trying to hide the snake haven't you." He taunted. Nagisa's eyes thinned into slits as he lunged again. His eyes glowing fiercer than ever. Karma dodged the wild attacks, confused at the movements Nagisa was making. Nagisa was an assassin, one who looked for the single move to take down his opponent. All he was doing now was hissing and sprinting at Karma. Karma looked to the side and noticed that Nagisa had abandoned his knife.

"Uh, Nagisa? You dropped your knife." Karma pointed out. Nagisa didn't respond.

"Are you even trying?" Karma asked as he made an attack of his own, which wasn't dodged. Nagisa didn't waver in his attack, his fangs barred.

"Nagisa! Cut it out!" Karma yelled, throwing his knife to the side as he tried to get Nagisa to stop.

Karma threw a punch and hit Nagisa square in the face, throwing the assassin to the ground.

"You okay Nagisa?" Karma asked in worry when Nagisa didn't get back up.

Nagisa whipped his head around to look back at Karma, who gasped at the appearance of his boyfriend.

Normally azure eyes had changed to a lime-ish yellow, pupils thinned to slits. The normal kind look on his face wiped away entirely, replaced with only bloodlust. Blood trickled down the side of his face from where Karma had punched him, the deep ruby standing out against his pale skin and partially-wiped away concealer, leaving his scales part-way visible. Fangs barred and eyes ready to kill, this wasn't the Nagisa Karma knew.

"Nagisa, what happened?!" Karma exclaimed. Nagisa lunged at Karma again, attempting to bite him.

'Oh crap! He's trying to bite me! He said his venom killed his father in less than 10 minutes, if he gets me I'm dead!' Karma realized.

"Nagisa you're going to kill me!"

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