20: Revenge

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Nagisa slinked in the darkness. Shiro seemed to have disappeared, though where the controlled bluenette didn't know. He suddenly closed his eyes, brushing up against the wall. Without the lights on, one could just barely see Nagisa's hair, that is, as long as he had his bright irises to alert you of his position first. A smile crawled up his face as his ears strained for those thumps that belonged to Shiro's pacing.


The camera moved, so Nagisa did too, his eyes still closed. Even in a bloodlust rage, Nagisa wasn't stupid. He wasn't going to pull off some cliche trick that involved shattering all the cameras. Wait. Actually, never mind.

Opening his eyes, the camera caught on and stayed in his position, the red dot blinking profusely as to keep him there. Nagisa watched as the camera lenses adjusted, meaning Shiro was keeping an eye on him. Smiling even wider, maybe for the fact that Shiro revealed his location or because he had a present for the older man, Nagisa slashed the camera in a sudden motion, shattering it into crying pieces.

The parts of the camera clashed to the ground, and he could practically hear Shiro stiffen with his breath caught in his throat at the loud noise. Nagisa, noticing this tenseness, slithered his way to the other side of the building, his eyes remaining closed as he destroyed the cameras at a random pace, going around the building to cut them all off, each one sending shivers down Shiro's spine.

Ten of the eighteen were destroyed, and Shiro was waiting as he sat in his chair. He watched as the cameras were taken down, but after the first view of the young boy, Shiro hadn't been able to see anything. He clenched his jaw, nothing for the past minute was occurring. Standing up, he was about to see if he could use a heat sensor, only for him to come face-to-face with the devil himself.

Shiro jumped at the sudden appearance, almost landing on the control pad when backtracking. Nagisa was smiling eerily, his eyes planted onto his skull. It was terrifying, really.

Shiro, not knowing what to do in this situation, messed with the controls as the lights turned on. It made his eyes hurt, but he was hoping that it would affect the person in front of him. However, Nagisa didn't even flinch, his eyes glowing even more in its dark abyss.

"I found you~." Nagisa sang, smiling his ever famous innocent smile.

Shiro was unable to form words before he felt something gelatinous crawling up his spine before quickly wrapping around his chest and forcing him against the wall.

Nagisa smiled as he walked up and formed a small dagger in his hand, laughing as he pressed the blade into Shiro's arm, about to do more when a loud yell sounds from around when the main entrance was located.



Karasuma had just finished breaking the door in when his wife and pretty much son-in-law began yelling, a holographic 4-inch-tall Ritsu projected onto the young boy's shoulder.

"He may be gagged. We need to look for him ourselves." Karasuma hid his worry and kept his guise of pure professionalism up as the group began running-

Just to bump into a frantic looking Shiro who was running the opposite direction.

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