62: Stress

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Gakushuu was stunned. He knew that Iyuka called him her uncle but always thought she did that out of not knowing any other words.

"Thank you Nagisa" he smiled gently and walked into the manor to see Karma and Iyuka playing a board game. Karma simply nodded in his direction while Iyuka ran up to him.


"Hey there Iyu-chan, what game are you playing?"

"We're playing Go!" she grinned brightly, pearly teeth on display.

"Oh, sounds like a lot of fun. Who's winning?"

"Mm... I think Daddy is but I'm gonna get him! You'll see!"

Gakushuu couldn't hold out his small laughter as he spoke, "I certainly will won't I. Best of luck to you E-Class, you'll need it." He playfully teased.

"Oh, what's that Second Place, think I can't win?" Karma jested.

"Against Iyuka and those puppy eyes? Not a chance."


Nagisa typed away at his computer, in a way that seemed completely calm to anyone else, but Karma wasn't anyone else and had long since learned the tells when Nagisa was stressed and trying to hide it.

Karma sighed, running a hand through his hair. Nagisa had been working non-stop since he brought that vial home, and while Karma knew it was serious and certainly understood the concern, at this rate Nagisa was going to end up getting himself hurt from exhaustion.

Karma also knew no sort of non-related distraction would work on one Stressed Akabane Nagisa, so something related would have to do.

"Hey Nagisa, isn't it time for you to train Miki-kun? Perhaps you can talk with them about their experiences with the poison and the two of you can work on your animal characteristics." Karma suggested, slowly bringing his hands to softly rub at Nagisa's tensed shoulders.

Nagisa sighed, sending a half-hearted glare at Karma, "I know what you're trying to do, Karma."

"And because you love me you'll let it slide and do as I ask just this once?"

"Just this once my ass, but fine. You're paying me back tonight though."

"Oh I wouldn't expect otherwise, not with Iyuka over at the Isogai's for once."


Zamakane angrily shoved all the papers off his desk.

"What do you mean he's dead! Natsuhiko was the best we had and now he's fucking dead?" He growled at his terrified messenger.

"S-Sorry Sir, but they found his body this-this morning."

"Fuck! Get me Natsuhiko's work list! And find out what he was doing before he died! We're going to find out what happened if it's the last thing we do! I need back that fucking vial because as much as he was a genius the damn asshole never wrote anything down!"

"Right aw-away!"

The nervous twink shuffled out of the room, shutting the door as quickly, but as quietly, as he could behind him before sprinting off.

Zamakane continued grumbling at his desk until a beeping noise from his computer alerted him to a new email. A devious grin emerged on his face as he opened up the record of where Natsuhiko had been for the three days before he died.

All seemed normal for the man except for a single entry.

Eats lunch at Takano Fruit Parlour with Asano Gakushuu

And if Asano was in on it, Zamakane would bet his life that that brat Akabane was also involved. Something needed to be done. He could arrange a meeting with both, as he had the economic and influential pull to do it. However, he wasn't sure if he could pull off murder, even with his power. He could put Asano out of commission, he was sure, no he had to. He couldn't have loose ends lying around.

The Serpent Inside (A Karmagisa Fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя