33: Motherization

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"I'm glad that your father's so very understanding, Asano-kun. It would be such a shame for me to have to beat him up." Karma teased, crossing his legs as he watched Asano choke on his wasabi-infused snack he was offered when he came over to the Akabane-Shiota home. (He was also given milk after Akabane had been threatened by his lover, of course.)

He coughed some more, finally unblocking his windpipe before looking at Karma incredulously. "My father has been understanding for the past four days, Karma-kun. For one, he's glad to actually have taken his position back as Chairman of the school and he's generally making an effort to keep it this time. Also, have you already forgotten that you've been here since Monday? It's currently, I don't know, Thursday?" Asano said sarcastically, peeved at Karma for teasing him the entire day, but this sort of banter between the two wasn't unusual.

"Really!? I didn't know that!" Karma said, sarcasm literally dripping from his words and making an annoying puddle on the floor that the snake-devil and regalia of authors would end up needing to clean. (THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS OWL!)

The two continued their almost-friendly chit-chat until a miffed Nagisa interrupted, his snake-eyes revealing themselves for a moment Karma caught, but went unnoticed by Asano, who hadn't trained himself to look.

"If you two don't shut your mouths I'll murder you in your sleep." He said, his eyebrow twitching, the image of a hissing snake appearing lethally behind him and some others wrapping tightly around the two nearly-identical teens.

"...Why do I not doubt that?" Asano asked quietly, mostly to himself.

"Probably because he's scary when he's irritated and he might just kill people for a living." Karma replied, earning him a venomous glare from his partner.

"Ha! As if Nagisa-kun is capable of killing living, human, beings. As I understand, the one being he has killed was an octopus. I mean, even I have to admit he's a "blueberry cinnamon roll," as I've heard him been referred to as. He's like a floofball of goodness." Asano said, with uncharacteristically kind vocabulary.

"Whoever said that they can't be the same thing?" Karma shot back, defending the current worlds-best-assassin with a cold.

Asano gestured to the petite male in question, a thin blanket covering his shoulders as he curled up into a cartoonishly-sized ball, cuddled up to Karma.

Karma tried to keep a straight face, failing miserably as he sighed. "Fine. You win." The redhead grumbled.

"Karma." Nagisa glared up at his boyfriend. "I will call Yumi, and we can look through more pictures, and I can even frame some and put them around the house and send them to Asano-kun, if you do not shut up this instant."

Asano had to stifle a laugh at the red that engulfed his rival's face.

"F-Fine." Karma mumbled in irritation, knowing the reality of the threat.

"Too late~! He called me an hour ago~!"

"Oh Kami." Karma wanted to curl up and stop existing.

Lucky for him, Nagisa picked now to cough and alert Yumi to his slight illness.

While he should be writhing around on the floor puking up blood, there happened to be this helpful little chip in his heart that changed a normally life-threatening sickness into a small cold.

The sound of her nephew-to-be coughing sent Yumi into... mother mode.

In an instant, Karma and Asano were thrown uselessly to the other side of the room.

"NAGI MY BABY YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU WERE SICK THAT'S IT YOU ARE GOING NOWHERE UNTIL YOU ARE AT 100% HEALTH!" Yumi shouted, her red, white, and purple ponytail poofing up behind her as she threw herself down to Nagisa's height as he was sitting.

"Yumi-san, I'm fi-"


Yumi scooped the little "floofball" and threw it onto its bed before tightly tucking it in.

"Yumi this is unnecessary, he'll be fine soon."


"But I'm no-"

"NO BUTS! BED! NOW!" Yumi's eyes turned white as she roared out her order.

Karma paled and wisely did as instructed.

Yumi turned to look at Asano.

Asano pointed at the door.

"I think I'll just go home and get in my own bed..."

And with that he ran home.

At the Asano House

Gakushuu came into the large house, panting.

"Where have you been?" Gakuho politely asked his son.

Gakushuu turned to his father.

"You don't want to know Dad." He stated with traumatized eyes before going to his bed and curling up in a ball.

Gakuho just stayed frozen at the dining table.

Since when was he called "Dad" and what the hell happened to traumatize his son?

To say the least... nobody was the same for the rest of the week.

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