16: Misui

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Alright, so I know what your instant thought is: oh, just another note , I'll just skip this and get on to THIS AMAZING STORY, but I'm hoping you guys can do me a favor (Starling: This is why I avoid author's notes and chat in the comments). Yes, this might be long and boring, and YES, I might be rambling on for too long, but I'd really appreciate it if you could just hold tight and sit still.

Now, I'm going to try to make this as short as possible, while still explaining to you the details, but it might end up more complicated, since I often get off topic. So introductions: I'm @Owlfeather45, though I'm more often referred to as just Owl. If you haven't seen the millions of signs everywhere, I'm Starling's co-author. Which, I know. I'm ABSOLUTELY LUCKY to work with the goddess of satan (I think that's DemonKit (or The_Hanji_Zoe or something now idk anymore)). I've been "working" with her since chapter fourteen, also labeled as "Home". Yeah, I'm sure at least SOME of you noticed how detailed it became.

But anyway, let's cut to the chase before I ramble on for too long. (Too late for that!) Honestly, I don't think any of these things will be an actual problem, seeing as this is based off of a story where an alien-octopus thingy destroys a large percentage of the moon and starts to teach the worst class of a prestigious school. Plus, it's a fan fiction for crying out loud, so I mean... yeah.

I don't think it's gonna be a problem.

But I still want to address these three things, which mostly relate to one big picture, just in case there's that one reader who doesn't comprehend the sudden changes or for any future readers who are late to the updates. This "big picture" is mostly related to the quality of the content Starling and I am giving you. Because of our huge differences in writing, if something is awkward or seems out of place, that's probably the reason why (The differences are a lot smaller than they could be honestly, you should see my friends's writing styles).

Starling's writing style is more popular among readers: the chapters are smaller, shorter (Totally because the readers like that yep that totally not because I used to force myself to write 3000 words per chapter and then I physically was forcing myself to write and it was actually the worst and I almost stopped writing all together so I let myself do 2000 but that was still bad but I finally got enough self respect to just write until I was done yeah no it's reader style uh-huh). It consists of one big event and any smaller details to keep the chapter rolling, finishing with more questions than answers, leaving a huge hype for the next chapter. My writing style is much less enjoyable, giving you several huge events along with an extremely long chapter, with an ending that can either a) leave you craving for more, or b), allow you to step back for a minute and simply enjoy it, leaving a reader's focus on other fan fictions or things instead of what I'm writing.

Not only that, but I usually write in the first person, so when I'm writing, I've caught myself several times writing the wrong thing. Starling writes in the third person omniscient, so trying to adapt became kinda difficult. (Starling: I used to write in 1st POV all the time. Originally this book was going to be in Nagi's POV and sometimes Karma's, but I ended up finding that I just wrote in 3rd Person so I kept it the whole book. I write alot of personal fanfic that I don't publish in many POVs so I'm good at switching around.)

The next topic I wanted to address was the length of the chapters. No worries, this will be much easier to explain. Here's a pro-tip for you: there's a point in which chapters get too long. Starling's chapters, from what I've been able to tell, range anywhere from 450 on her bad days and 700 on her longest chapters. Starling actually had to scold me (jokingly, of course), because I kept on writing the chapters way too long. In fact, the latest chapter I had written had to be kept at its length, simply because of the way I had written it. (Also people would like a long chapter and the events deserved it)

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