59: Inside the Vial

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Nagisa sat in front of his computer. He was trying to decode the contents of the vial. He needed to figure out the animal from which the contents were derived from.

He was scared. First, it had been him, then Miki and now, there is a high possibility of another mutant. Another tortured soul that will probably have their life stripped away from them. Hell, there may already be more mutants already. And if there were, who produced these vials? What were they planning to do with them?

A beep from the computer shifted his focus away from his anxious thoughts. No animal was displayed on the screen. The snake part of him shuddered. He really didn't like this information. His thoughts start to run again

"What if the poison is shaped to the injected person's personality? Like my own ability to 'slither between the cracks'?"

Nagisa sighed, running a hand through his hair. Miki was enough, there didn't need to be more hybrids. Iyuka still was fascinated by her Papa's "pretty scales" and "cool teeth" but she didn't know the mental effects of that stupid poison. Nagisa didn't know all of Miki's effects but he knew the kid suffered them too. The meat smelled better, the cold was colder the heat warmer, he found hisses leaving his mouth in warning, he wasn't able to make noises as he walked unless he thought about it, he hid in the dark whenever he got scared. Part of Nagisa knew he wanted to be a loner, not trusting anyone, but lucky his love for his family overruled that one.

Nagisa let out a deep breath when he heard the door open. Two arms slinked over his shoulders and Nagisa relaxed into the touch.

"Any luck?"

Nagisa shook his head. "Nothing much yet--nothing I didn't already know. It shouldn't exist! I destroyed... I destroyed them all. Nobody else should have to be like this."

Karma rested his chin on Nagisa's head. "You've been up for a solid day and a half darling, you should rest, at least for a while. It was very clear the sample we have is all that there was, and it was very much a prototype. It'll take a long time to remake it, you can afford to rest."

Nagisa sighed and closed his eyes, taking in deep, measured breaths. "Alright, I'll take a nap, but only if you do too. I know you haven't slept either." Nagisa stated with a half-glare. Karma rolled his eyes but didn't deny the accusation.

The two slowly trudged towards their room, both silently cursing to themselves how long the hallway was.

Once Nagisa was in bed he nearly instantly fell asleep, arms wrapped around Karma's waist. Karma chuckled and sat down to better accommodate Nagisa's arms before idly picking up his phone.

Two new messages from "Second Place"

Karma tapped the notification, opening up his phone to the text stream he had been chatting with Gakushuu on.

Seeing as you haven't replied, I'm assuming you left to get your idiot of a husband to take a nap.

Text me when you return--I have news.

Karma cocked a brow before typing into the chat.

I'm back. What did you find?

Natsuhiko knows more than he's telling me. I did some digging--he works for Zamakane-san. Head of his science department. I'd wager he made it or knows who did.

Now your part of the deal. Why do you need to know?

Karma sighed.

I was hoping you'd forget about that.

Then you're dumber than I thought.


Ugh, fine. It's for Nagisa.

Tell me something I don't know. You know that's not what I meant. What is the serum, really.

A poison. It changes the physiology of the person it's injected into. Have you ever noticed how Nagisa always wears a foundation on his neck and part of his face? He's got scales. He's had them since E Class.

Nearly 10 minutes passed before Gakushuu responded.


[Attachment: 1 .jpg file]

Who did it to him?

His father.

I'll be there tomorrow at 14.00 I expect him to explain in more detail. I'll get more details on Natsuhiko and bring them over.

Karma didn't respond, seeing as there wasn't anything useful to say.

He set his phone down with a sigh, falling backward onto the bed.

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