15: Cuddles

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"Uh-huh." Nagisa responded positively. 

"W-When did that happen!?" Isogai stammered.

"Um... a few days ago? A week?" Shrug. "Something like that."

The class was stunned into a silence which was broken after a few moments by a groan from the limp redhead on the floor.

Nagisa put out his hand, pulling the sadist back up to a sitting position.

"Need a little help?" Nagisa teased as Karma blushed a little bit.

"That was unnecessary." He huffed.

"Oh it was TOTALLY necessary! Now everyone knows your little secret~!" Nakamura sing-songed.

"Y-You told them!?" Karma stammered.

"Don't worry, I told them." Nagisa smiled warmly. Karma sighed.

"Fine." He submitted.

There was a silence.

"Well it's getting pretty late, we should probably go to bed." Hayami spoke.

"I've got room assignments!" Nakamura pulled a sheet of paper out from thin air.

"Since I only have so many rooms and beds, everyone has to have a partner, and don't worry, I've already partnered you up~." Nakamura smirked. Everyone wanted to protest... but Nakamura is Nakamura.

"So, Karma-kun and Nagisa, that's obvious, Sugino-kun and Kanzaki-chan, Chiba-kun and Hayami-chan, Isogai-kun and Maehara-kun, and finally Kayano you can be in my room with me." Nakamura listed. She then showed everyone to their rooms. Karma and Nagisa's was first, and the blonde devil pushed them in and threw Nagisa a key before whispering in his ear.

"Lock the door so people won't see your scales if you don't want to cover them." She advised. Nagisa gave her a thankful smile and she shut the door, which was quickly locked.

"Why'd you lock the door?" Karma asked as he got into his pajamas.

"Rio gave me the key so I didn't have to wear my makeup all night." Nagisa explained as he took out some makeup removing wipes and cleared the foundation from his skin.

"That's nice of her." Karma smirked as he advanced on Nagisa, who had just put down the wipes.

"Karma?" The confused blueberry asked.

"It's hard to reach your scales while they're hidden under all that makeup~." Karma purred as he traced his finger lightly over Nagisa's scales, making chills of pleasure run down the bluenette's spine.

"K-Karma don't..." Nagisa weakly muttered as his hands were gripped by the redhead's.

"Why not?" Karma's eyes glowed in lust.

"Karma..." Nagisa warned, struggling against the strong grip.

"You know what I want Nagisa." Karma whispered.

"That's it." Nagisa's eyes lit up with bloodlust.

"You're done, Karma. Let me go." Nagisa ordered harshly. The light in Karma's eyes dulled down as they returned to normal.

Karma's face turned from a seductive expression to a pout.

"And it was just getting good too." He pouted. Nagisa smiled as he hid his bloodlust once more.

Nagisa laughed a little as he changed clothes.

"Come on Strawberry, let's go to bed." Nagisa giggled as he got into the bed.

"Fine fine Blueberry." Karma submitted as he joined his boyfriend, wrapping his arms tightly around the smaller's waist.

In the Morning

Nagisa yawned as he woke up, his eyes adjusting to the light while flickering in and out of his "heat vision" mode. Nagisa blinked a few times and his eyesight went back to normal.

It was that this point that Nagisa found out the hard way that Karma didn't like mornings and needed a lot of sleep. He woke up to him holding his waist with an iron grip.

"Karma~ can you let me up?" Nagisa asked sweetly.

"Nuuuuuuu..." Karma muttered sleepily, only holding him tighter.

"Karma! I have to go to the restroom!" Nagisa complained. Karma let him go.

"Come back once you're done..." Karma slurred. Nagisa did his business and went next to Karma, brushing his bangs out of his face, just to get grabbed and pulled back into the half-asleep Karma's arms.

"Karma let me goooo!" Nagisa complained, pulling at Karma's arms. Karma flipped Nagisa over so he was facing him.

"Karma what are you-mgh!"

Nagisa was shut up by a pair of lips on his own as Karma roughly kissed him.

"Let me sleep..." Karma muttered as he cuddled Nagisa. Nagisa sighed, but gave in.

"Alright, we can have a cuddle day until the others come find us and take pictures or try to pry you off of me, which I assume will not work." Nagisa mumbled as he allowed himself to be cuddled.

Not all that long later, maybe an hour or so, there was a knock on the door.

"Nagisa? Karma-kun? You up?" Kayano called.

"We're awake... kinda." Nagisa summed up.

"Can you open the door?"

"I'd like to but I'm currently stuck."



"Oh... Well aren't you a snake? Any powers or something to help you out?"

"I don't think so... Hey, Karma, you up?" Nagisa turned his attention to the redhead.

Karma answered with a snore.

"Nope, he's sleeping. I have an idea, I'll come out later Kaede."

"Alright, call if you need anything."

Footsteps outside led Nagisa to the conclusion that the greenette had left.

"Karma~." Nagisa poked Karma, shaking the teen to wake him up.

"Ngh... go back to bed Bwueberry." Karma slurred.

"Karma, I-I'm breaking up with you." Nagisa lied. Karma shot up, instantly awake.

"W-Why?!" Karma began tearing up.

"So now you're awake."

"N-Nagi... why...?"

"I'm not breaking up with you."

"But you just said-"

"I just needed to wake you up, calm down."

Nagisa smiled sweetly towards Karma, giving him a soft kiss.

"Sorry I lied." Nagisa apologized as he got up and went into the bathroom to cover his scales.

"Let's go, the others are waiting." Nagisa smiled and unlocked the door, leading Karma out.

"You're mean." Karma grumbled.

"And you still love me~."

"Point taken."

"Come on, I should go home, Oka-san is probably worried."

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