10: Moving

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"Nagisa... you're going to stay with me for a while."  

All eyes shot up to look at the redhead.

"W-What?" Nagisa stuttered out.

"Either you come stay with me, or I call the cops and get your mom arrested for child abuse." Karma threatened.

"Y-You wouldn't!" Nagisa cried out. Karma's face didn't change.

"S-She needs me Karma!"

"Needs you for what, Nagisa?" Nakamura butted in.

"S-She needs me as her son!" Nagisa protested.

"Really? You just said she thinks you're a girl." Kayano added her voice.

It was 3 on 1 now. Nagisa knew he had been beat.

Hanging his head low, he nodded.

Karma opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the entrance of Korosensei.

"Ah! I didn't expect to see you three here!" He said to Karma, Kayano, and Nakamura. Nagisa was always early, so he had been left out if the statement.

"Sorry Korosensei, but it looks like we are taking the first class or two off." Karma said icily as he took Nagisa by the arm and all but dragged him out of the room into the hall where, had he not been so utterly enraged, he would have noticed Isogai and Maehara hastily prying themselves away from one another to stand next to each other, totally red-faced. Nagisa did, in fact, notice this, but he just gave them a small wink and let himself get dragged a bit more before one of the two decided to speak.

"Karma-kun! Nagisa-kun! Where are you two going?" Maehara asked.

Karma looked to Nagisa for permission to tell them. Nagisa shook his head  discreetly.

"I'm taking Nagisa skipping with me~." Karma lied, putting on a bored face.

"Oh come on Karma-kun, don't drag poor Nagisa-kun down with you." Isogai protested.

"I-It's alright Isogai-kun, I'll be fine." Nagisa flashed a fake smile, thankful for his long hair covering the scales.

"Alright... if you're sure. Come on Maehara." Isogai and Maehara left the two alone to leave the school building and go to Karma's home.

"Karma... are you sure about this? I mean I can deal with her fine!" Nagisa protested a last time.

"Nagisa I swear if you try and defend that monster again I will call the cops on her."

Nagisa meekly nodded, not wanting his mom to go to jail.

Karma, however, had a very different outlook on things. Karma wanted nothing more than to call the police and get that monster locked up, but he knew doing so would only drive Nagisa away, and Karma wasn't willing to lose him a second time. Especially not right after he had gotten him back.

Karma opened his front door and led Nagisa to an open room.

"This is where you can stay, if you like." Karma offered. Nagisa looked around the room and a faint smile appeared on his face.

"It's lovely, thank you Karma."

Karma nodded before speaking once again.

"So, we do need to get all your stuff here, and get word to your Momster that you won't be coming home."

"I could come during the night...?"

"Sure you could get out of the house without her noticing you?"

"I'm an assassin."

"Point taken. If she tries anything while you are attempting to get your things, or if she catches you, call me."

"I will. Thank you again Karma."

Karma pulled the small teen into a hug.

"No need to thank me, just stay safe, okay?"

Nagisa nodded as he hugged back, feeling a new kind of safety while wrapped in Karma's arms.

After a few minutes, they parted.

"We should get back to school, but first let me cover up my scales." Nagisa began, awkwardly.

"Why cover them, they're so pretty~." Karma teased as he lightly rubbed the back of his fingernails over them, sending shivers of pleasure down Nagisa's spine as he almost released a small moan.

"Oh~ do you like that?" Karma grabbed Nagisa gently and brushed his fingers over the scales a little more.

"K-Karma, s-stop that..." Nagisa stuttered as he tried to push Karma away, just to be given a kiss on his scales and let go.

"Well I know where you like to be touched~." Karma teased, making Nagisa to bright red and disappear into the other room to reapply the foundation.

About two minutes later, the bluenette came back, looking human again.

"Let's go." He smiled awkwardly, still a twinge red.

After school, Nagisa reluctantly went back to his house, for the final time.

All was well in the beginning, as his mother had brought some work home and was too busy to deal with her son for the first few hours. In all, Nagisa only had to endure an hour of dress-up before he was sent off to bed.

Once the lights were out, Nagisa got to packing his bag, deciding to take a shoulder bag and a backpack. He and Karma had decided he didn't need to bring anything that wasn't of sentimental value, such as blankets and pillows. Nagisa took his Sonic Ninja comics and a few nick-knacks before putting all his schoolwork into his shoulder bag and preparing himself to leave. Opening the door as quietly as he could, he did his best to avoid what he knew to be the squeaky floorboards.

He had about 10 meters to the stairs, when-


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