14: Revelations

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3rd POV

"Now where would you get that idea~?"  

"Rio, please don't." Nagisa pleaded the blonde.

"Why not Blueberry?" Karma asked.

"Karma no!" Nagisa chided.

"Karma yes."

Nagisa sighed.

"I'm not going to win this, am I?"

"NoPe!" Karma popped the 'p'.

"Fine..." Nagisa paused and gained an uncharacteristic smirk. "Strawberry."

Karma blushed a little and Nakamura whipped out her phone and snapped a picture instantly, laughing quietly to herself.

"Alright lovers, I won't go out and tell everyone... but I will invite you to a sleepover at my place and watch as you mess up and kiss or something." Nakamura smirked.

"Do we have a choice?" Nagisa asked. Nakamura shook her head.

"Nah, you're coming. My place this weekend!" She called as she left the two alone.

"We should get you and your little snake scales ready my little Nagisnake." Karma said as the two returned to the main area.

"No... just no..." Nagisa murmured.

"Aw, you've got to admit it was well planned~." Karma teased as he lightly brushed his fingers over Nagisa's scales, causing the bluenette to repress a moan.

"Not at school Karma..." Nagisa muttered as he quickened his pace, leaving the sadist behind to quietly chuckle to himself.

Once the weekend hit, Nagisa bid farewell to Irina and Karasuma before stopping by Karma's house and heading to Nakamura's.

"Are you ready?" Nagisa braced himself.

"If I'm with you Blueberry." Karma winked at Nagisa before knocking on the door. A few moments later, a happy looking Nakamura threw open the door and shoved the two remaining friends of hers.

"WE ARE ALL HERE!" She called out loudly.

"We can see that." Hayami pointed out. Nakamura pouted and pushed Nagisa and Karma down to complete the circle she had set out. Nagisa scanned the room, making a note of who was present. 

The list he had gathered was:
and lastly, himself

Nagisa immediately realized that Nakamura was playing dirty and planning some matchmaking and he internally sighed before submitting himself to the party.

"We should play the King's Game!" Nakamura bubbled.

"What's the King's Game?" Kanzaki, being the marshmallow she was, asked.

"Well..." Nakamura pulled out 10 numbered chopsticks and one with a star on it. "We cover up the numbers and the star and all draw one with our eyes closed! Whoever gets the star gets to pick one or two numbers and order them to do something!"

Nakamura left no room for protest as she covered up the numbers and forced everyone to draw.

Nagisa looked at his number.

'6. Alright let's hope this isn't bad...'

"O-Oh! I'm the King... er... Queen!" Kanzaki smiled. "I order numbers... 3 and 10 to cuddle!"

Chiba and Hayami made eye contact and blushed before sitting a little closer together. Chiba nervously put his arm around Hayami's shoulder and Hayami leaned into him.

All the chopsticks were put back and we all drew again.

'This time I'm 4...' Nagisa noticed that Nakamura was smirking. 'Oh no... she's the queen.'

"I'm the lovely queen and I order that numbers.... 4 and 7 play the pocky game!" Nakamura exclaimed, pulling out a box of pocky.

"I-I'm 4." Nagisa stuttered.

"S-Seven..." Kayano added. Both were flushed, but out of embarrassment since both of them knew Nagisa was taken. Nakamura gave them the pocky and they slowly started eating it. Their lips were getting closer... closer...

"NOPE! THAT'S ENOUGH OF THAT!" Karma exclaimed as he karate chopped through the rest of the pocky, blushing the instant he realized what he'd done. 

Nakamura smirked as she passed out the chopsticks. While everyone else closed their eyes, she kept hers open and made sure a certain redhead got the red star. She checked what Nagisa's number was. Eight. While she pretended to take a while grabbing hers, she tapped Karma's hand eight times, hoping he'd understand.

Everyone opened their eyes and as soon as Karma looked at his chopstick, he knew instantly what Nakamura was getting at.

He also was smart enough to know he wasn't getting out of it.

"I'm the King." Karma smirked as he held up his red starred chopstick. "And I order number eight to kiss me~."

Nagisa blushed violently.

"Y-You knew my number didn't you."

"I had a little help. Now come on and kiss the king~."

Nagisa slowly came up to Karma and brought their lips close before getting a good idea for revenge.

'Guess hanging around Karma so much as caused me to pick up a few habits of his.'

Bringing their lips together, Nagisa started racking up hits.

10 HIT
11 HIT
12 HIT
13 HIT
14 HIT
15 HIT

At 15 HITs, Nagisa felt Karma go limp and he detached himself from the sadist, watching at he limply flopped to the ground like a rag doll. Everyone stared at him in shock.

"What?" Nagisa asked innocently.

"Y-You just... without hesitation... 15 HITs in so little time..." Isogai mumbled.

"He is my boyfriend after all." Nagisa shrugged.


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