3: Fan Club

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"Sure I'll come over," Irina said over the phone. She was sitting on the couch, picking at her nails as she talked to Nagisa over the phone. "You want me to bring Tadaomi too?" she asked, and her eyes followed the same man's form as he walked through the room, shuffling paperwork in his arms.

After a moment, she smiled. "Alright, we'll be there in a little bit." She hung up on the conversation and looked up to the man she married.

"I will drag you out of this house if I have to. You're coming, whether you like it or not. No excuses."

Karasuma sighed and placed the files on the glass table. "Alright, alright. Let's get going."


Karasuma was sitting on the couch, his head in his hands when Misui entered the room. Misui had a new job interview to go to, so she had arrived around half an hour later than Yumi had.

"Oh! Karasuma-san! I didn't know you were invi-" Misui started, but she was abruptly cut off by a voice in another room.

"She's mine I say! All MINE!"

"Yours!? She isn't yours at all! The only person who'd be fitting to be with her is me!"

"Like hell that's true!"

Sounds of hissing and scratching ensued, and Misui sweat dropped before she turned to the male sitting on the couch. "I'm guessing that that's the reason you're not in there?" she asked, and Karasuma nodded.

After another moment of silence, she asked another question. "Should we double team it?"

Karasuma pulled his hands from his face and stood up slowly. "That sounds like the best solution," he said carefully, and the brunette nodded. She dropped her bag that she was sure she would forget later onto the coffee table and started to make her way into the other room. Karasuma followed behind her, and the two paused at the closed doorway.

Taking a deep breath, Misui opened the door.

Karma and Nagisa were sitting on the couch on the opposite side of the room, watching the fiasco in front of them; slight amusement was present on both of their faces. Meanwhile, Irina and Yumi seemed to be arguing over a small child that the redheaded female was carrying in her arms.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her!" Yumi yelled as she pulled Iyuka further into her chest. Iyuka was being carried similar to the way someone would carry a furry animal; Yumi was holding her in the air with her hands under her arms. Iyuka didn't seem to even notice the argument and was just staring, blank-faced, at Misui.

Irina was wildly waving her arms as several red tick marks appeared on her forehead. "Lay a finger on her!? You're carrying her like a dog for Satan's sake!"

"A dog!? You have no idea what you'e talking about!"

"You're going to hurt her! Do you know how uncomfortable that position is!?"

"Like you know! Have you ever been carried like that!?"


"Exactly!" Yumi yelled as she threw her hands upwards into the air. She blinked.


"I don't know!" Irina replied to Yumi's accusative exclamation.


"Shhhhh, there's children in the room!" Misui said, and the two arguing females looked over to the brunette, who was standing just in front of the blueberry and strawberry. She was carrying the dark indigo-haired child in her arms.

Iyuka blinked.

The two females were ready to pounce, but Karasuma grabbed onto both of their collars mid-jump and lifted them into the air. "Calm down," he said, and the two grumbled as animated blue lines crawled down the sides of their faces.

"But Tadaomi," Irina whined childishly as she dog paddled in the air, attempting to reach the child.

"Yeah, Karasuma... I wanna hold the smol child," Yumi said.

"You already did hold her, Yumi-san. For about half an hour."

"Yeah, well, we were arguing the entire time. That doesn't count. It ruins the effect."

"You are the worst when it comes to providing a good argument."

"At least I'm not you."


Karasuma interrupted the two before they could start another conversation. "If I let you go, will you promise to behave?"

Yumi grinned at the dark-haired male. "Behivvveeeee," she gurgled.

Irina snorted. "Let's try not to make any more references?"

Yumi raised an eyebrow. "You are asking for the impossible."

Karasuma sighed and let go of their collars. Irina, not prepared, tripped when her feet hit the ground and fell flat on her face. Yumi never made it to her feet and just fell on her backside.


Irina quickly stood back up and practically teleported to Misui's side. "Can I have her now? Pleeeaaaasssseee?" she begged, and Misui sweat dropped. The brunette looked down at Iyuka longingly, and the girl looked up with her pale green eyes.

"I-I mean... I don't know... She's kinda cute..." Misui said, and Yumi teleported to her other side.

Things just exploded after that.

Iyuka crawled her way onto the couch, and into Karma's lap.

"Your famiwy's weird," she whispered, and the two laughed as Karasuma was pulled to the ground by an angry Yumi.



"Wait... we're making this an actual thing...? Uhh... how about, don't threat me with that very sharp knife, and I'll do whatever paperwork you need me to do?"

"Sounds like a great idea!"

Nagisa turned to Karma. "I guess this is a success?"

"You would call this a success?"

"They like her, at least."

"Like is an understatement. They haven't even heard her talk and they've already started making plans for club meetings."

"I guess that's what family's all about."

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