36: Karma's Limit

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Warning: This chapter contains a few mentions to sexual activity briefly (there is no actual smut, just mentions to the practice (and all the characters think it's gross))

Nagisa was currently wondering why humanity was made up of such useless creatures that he even started to play with the idea of ending the species entirely (thinking about it further, he had the strangest feeling that there was some other world in which he and Karma did that... (*Starling shamelessly promotes her favorite book*)). Except for the select few who were decent or contributed something of worth, of course, but he couldn't help but internally smile at the thought of skinning several people alive. No wonder he was an assassin.

One of the many people he wanted dead was an annoying blond who had been set on pestering on the blue-haired boy.

Nagisa could count on one hand the amount of people who had seen him before he killed them, and all of them had asked for a mercy they didn't get. He was now seriously questioning why he learned to use this "mercy" again after Silver-sensei had taken it right out of him.

His face was blank on the outside, excluding the slight scrunch up of his nose of disgust, but he was full on hurling on the inside. The light haired male that stood in front of him was grinning, showing off his perfect set of white teeth, and some light freckles dotting his nose and cheeks. He was attractive, objectively, but all those features crumbled under the weight of his horrendous attitude. He guessed that's what some people used to think about Karma when they didn't know him as anything but the Kunugigaoka demon/delinquint.

"I know it's kinda sudden, but it'll just be a moment. You're pretty small, but I know how to be careful. It's not my first time after all~."

Nagisa, despite bluntly refusing upon many occasions, was given the offer often. Actually, given would be an understatement. It was more along of the lines of shoving the idea into his mind until he gave in.

But let us be very clear, he was not going to give in. It made him uncomfortable just to think of being put in that kind of situation, and although it wasn't as if he hadn't done it before, it was... different this time. He was in love the other times.

The taller boy leaned over in his direction, lowering his voice so he was murmuring into the bluenette's ear. "Oh come on. It's just for a night, and if you enjoy yourself, you can certainly come back. I'm always open. And I'm extremely gentle for the first time..." He trailed off, letting the appalling thoughts settle.

Karma, appearing beside Nagisa suddenly, gripped his lover's arm and gently lead him away from the blond. There were no words to be spoken, no hidden messages, no glance at one another.

Just being there was good enough, and they headed home in a comfortable silence.

--- (le time skip brought to you by a lazy Owl) ---

"I have a couple new toys at home, you know. I bought them just in case you wanted to stop by." Eyes looked the assassin up and down, taking in his appearance. A tongue licked dry lips wet. "I've heard you moan pretty loudly. I'm sure a night at my house and little bit of pain and I could make your throat sore."

Karma came to save the day.

Or rather, to give the blonde a black eye.

Nagisa smiled warmly as the boy fell harshly to the ground, Karma kicking his face so to knock him out.

Karma turned to smile back at Nagisa and link their arms before walking them home.

"Thanks for that love, he was quite annoying."

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