4: Waking Up

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3rd POV

Nagisa groaned as he sat up. He was no longer in the basement, tied to a chair. Now, he was up in his room, lying on his bed.

"What happened?" Nagisa pondered as he looked around the room for any clues.


Nagisa settled on getting up, pushing the small blankets off of him as he stood and went to his restroom to make sure his neck was alright. The needle had been injected into him a little bit harshly, and he didn't want any of the assassins that were his classmates to think anything was up.

Nagisa looked in the mirror and gasped at what he saw.

"What the hell!" Nagisa screamed aloud as he took in his face. His eyes were more vibrant than before, he could swear they were glowing. His pupils had become slits and around his cheek were some greenish-blue scales traveling down his neck, covering up where he had been injected.

Nagisa opened his mouth. His canines had sharpened and lengthened, looking more like fangs rather than human teeth.

"I see you're awake." 

Nagisa whipped around to see his father standing at the doorway.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO ME!" Nagisa screeched, his eyes flashing. A wave of fear passed over Sadako's eyes.

"The person who gave me the injection told me to test it, nothing more. I had no clue it would do this, but frankly, I don't care. I'm being paid to see what this does and if you don't cooperate, we're going to have some problems." Sadako threatened.

"No! I'm not going to be your guinea pig!" Nagisa protested.

"I don't give a damn whether you want to or not! It's too late to change it now!" Sadako yelled.

"NO!" Nagisa screamed as his vision was over taken by red and he lunged at his father. Nagisa sunk his newly gained fangs into the man's neck.

Nagisa snapped back and freaked out, pulling away.

Sadako began coughing into his hand. He pulled it away after a moment. It was covered in blood.

Nagisa gasped as he looked at the wound. The area surrounding the two pierces was a blue-ish color and his father began looking deadly pale before he passed out.

Nagisa screamed as he grabbed his phone, dialing the hospital to call for an ambulance. Once they were on their way, Nagisa got to covering his... inhuman additions. Using sunglasses to cover his eyes and some concealer he kept to cover bruises from his mother on the scales, one could be fooled into thinking the boy was normal.

A few minutes later, Nagisa hear the sirens outside. He rushed to meet the doctors, leading them to where his father was currently lying.

The men swiftly grabbed Sadako and rushed him to the hospital, leaving Nagisa alone in the large home.

Time Skip - About an Hour

Nagisa paced in the waiting room of the hospital, thinking about what he'd do in the case his father woke up, and what he'd do if he died. Nagisa didn't know much about what had happened to him, but he did know that whatever did happen put some kind of venom in his new fangs. He had noticed a grand total of three changes to his physical structure and two other changes. He now had slits for pupils, fangs for teeth, and scales for skin, along with venom in his mouth and a new found second sight that only showed temperatures. Nagisa found out that little quirk when he first got into the hospital and his vision suddenly changed for a few moments before changing back.

Nagisa was snapped from his pacing when a doctor came into the room.

"How is he?" Nagisa asked quickly. The doctor shook his head.

"I'm sorry, but he died shortly after we got him here. He had some kind of venom in his bloodstream, it killed him in less than 10 minutes, at least that's what we are assuming. The venom diluted too fast for us to get a sample of it, but we suspect it's something we haven't seen before. I'm sorry we couldn't save him." The doctor explained sadly. Nagisa nodded, his eyes wet with tears.

"T-Thank you. H-Has my mother been called?" Nagisa stuttered. The doctor nodded.

"She's on her way to get you now. I'm sorry for your loss." The doctor said before leaving.

Nagisa crumpled to the ground, one thought swirling in his mind.

"Oh god, I just killed my father..."

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