18: Quarantine

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 "That bad, huh?" 

Karma and Nagisa stayed silent. Irina sighed.

"If it's that sore of a subject I won't push. But whatever it was you two should work it out."

Irina left the two and happily got out of the bloodlust-filled room. Once she was gone, Karma addressed Nagisa.

"I don't blame you, you know." Karma reminded. Nagisa didn't speak.

"Nagisa it was the drug, not you. What you did was obviously not of you own choice." He consoled.

"I know." Nagisa mumbled.

"So why are you beating yourself up over it?"

"It's what caused all of this." Nagisa motioned to the fact that they were in the infirmary. "I'm literally in quarantine."

"At least you aren't alone." Karma ruffled Nagisa's bangs.

"At least I'm not alone." Nagisa smiled as he rested his head on Karma's shoulder.

The break the students had been given was now over, and they decided to get answers.

The class nominated Kayano and Nakamura to go speak with Nagisa.

Walking up to the door, the girls almost turned back but knew they had to press on.

"N-Nagisa?" Nakamura stuttered as she and Kayano walked in.

"Rio? Kaede? What are you two doing in here?" Nagisa asked, confused.

"W-Well we w-wanted to c-check up on you." Kayano stuttered. Nagisa sighed.

"You don't have to hide it, I know you're both scared."

"N-No we aren't!" Nakamura protested.

"Nagisa can read wavelengths, remember?" Karma pointed out.

The two girls admitted defeat.

"We don't c-care though!" Kayano exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Nakamura added. Nagisa raised a brow, but let it go.

"Well I'm doing okay, I guess. I've had Karma with me all day so that's good." Nagisa shrugged.

"Good! But... Nagisa what happened?" Kayano moved the subject along.

"Yeah, you've never lost control before." Nakamura added.

Karma and Nagisa exchanged glances, before Nagisa spoke again, Karma decided to allow the bluenette to tell the tale.

"It started in the park. Karma and I were sparring for practice as our training homework entailed, and I... fell under the control of the drug." Nagisa worded.

"Want me to tell them?" Karma offered. Nagisa nodded and Karma took that as his cue to continue. "The drug that gave him the scales also seems to have increased his bloodlust, but that hadn't activated until after he used his bloodlust to... cool me down." Karma blushed a little at the memory. "After that, he had control until we sparred. During the middle of the fight, he lost control and was consumed..." Karma trailed off.

"What did you do, Nagisa?" Nakamura asked the shy teen.

"...I tried to use my venom to kill him."

The room went silent.

"It wasn't your fault!"

All eyes turned to Kayano, who's eyes had begun to tear up.

"You're beating yourself up inside aren't you!? You think you could have done something, that you wanted to kill him! But we all know you didn't! So man up and accept that there are some things inside of you now that you aren't always going to be able to take on by yourself! You're a damn good actor Nagisa but you need to stop shutting us out!"

The silence took over the room again for a moment before tears sprung up in Nagisa's eyes as he cried, mumbling apologizes as his friends hugged him, their fear dying down as Nagisa's bloodlust retreated partially back inside of him.

After around five minutes of hugs, tears, and apologizes, Nagisa stood up and finally left the room.

Before he left he paused at the door.

"Should I go out?"

"I'm not that scared anymore, what about you?" Kayano looked to Nakamura, who shook her head.

"I mean it's not all the way gone, but, like, 90 percent." She flashed a smile. Nagisa gave an unsure one back and exited the dreadful white room.

Looking around, he noticed the halls were empty so he planned to go to the teachers room to find Irina and Karasuma.

"Thanks for not leaving me alone." Nagisa smiled.

"We'd never leave you in the dust." Karma smiled as he ruffled Nagisa's hair and kissed the part of his cheek where his scales were.

"Bye Nagisa." Kayano and Nakamura waved as they left, leaving Karma and Nagisa alone.

"Bye my Blueberry." Karma gave Nagisa a surprise kiss, accidentally cutting his lip on Nagisa's fang.

Breaking from the kiss, Karma smiled.

"Bye Strawb-"

Karma fell to the ground.

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