i think i still love you.

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everyone always underestimated how much i cared about you,

although everyone knew to some degree that i had feelings for you.

i loved you.

loving you was as easy as breathing,

i didn't have to think about it.

i loved you with every atom in my body.

and then you left, and i was still in love with you.

then i was in love with something that no longer existed in my life and i still did it as simply as breathing.

someone came into work today wearing the same cologne as you and i had to step off the floor and go to the back.

it brought back too many painful memories. 

i almost started crying right then and there.

isn't that silly?

i know if someone came around wearing my perfume you wouldn't bat an eye.

it's been a year so why do i still feel this way?

is it because i never got closure?

why do i still care?

i hate that i still feel this way.

why do you do this to me?

you still consume almost every one of my thoughts and i know you don't spare me a single one.

i'm not who i once was because i gave you every single aspect of myself and now i have to reinvent myself.

and do you know what the worst part of it all is?

i think i still love you.

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