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With Luffy, Iris and Vivi had taken off to explore the island, they were venturing through the forest. However, it hadn't been long before Luffy had came to a stop and had then started splashing in some water. "Is something wrong?" Iris had hovered above him after flying back as she had passed him.
"Hey look! Check this thing out!" Luffy was pointing to the water, there was something strange in it. "It looks like a squid with a shell." It really did, but Iris felt like she had seen a picture of it somewhere before. Luffy had picked it up as Vivi got off Carue to take a closer look. "A shell squid."
"It looks just like an ammonite." Vivi had started getting in closer. Iris landed on a rock that was sticking out of the water, to get a closer up.
"It's a shell squid!" Luffy was bent in calling it that but Vivi was right, it really did look like one to Iris. But that wasn't possibly since they were only around when.... The ground had began to shake with loud thumping sounds getting closer. Out of Curiosity Luffy took off running towards the sound that had stopped, of course this had forced the others to follow after him.
"Why is there a Sea King walking on land?" Luffy was asking as they looked up to were he was looking off in. That wasn't a Sea King, that was a...
"A DINOSAUR!!" Vivi had shouted seeing a Brachiosaurus. A Brachiosaurus that was a genus of sauropod dinosaur that lived about 154-153 million years ago. It was 10 or maybe 15 m tall and it was eating leaves.
"A DINOSAUR!!?" Luffy was excited over this.
"Then... this must be one of the Prehistoric Islands!" Vivi was Saying.
"What do you mean 'Prehistoric Islands'?" Iris had asked her, because she need all the information she can get to write her story so people understand that it's real.
"This Island is still back in the Age if the Dinosaurs! Because of the difficultly of navigating the island of the Grand Line, the different islands seldom mingle with each other." As Vivi was explaining all this Iris had grabbed a book from the satchel around her shoulder. She began to write everything that Vivi was explaining. "Each island has been left to develop in its own unique way. Therefore, there are islands that contain civil actions that have advanced beyond compare... and there are islands that ha e remained isolated for tens of thousands of years, retaining their original state!"
"Then the fact that the climate that Grand Line has made this possible?" Iris asked this to her
"Yes. This island really is still in the Age of the Dinosaurs." She had finished explaining but before she had Luffy had taken off stretching his arms to the Brachiosaurus.
"Luffy!" Both called out to him but he had already made it to the Brachiosaurus' neck. "DON'T CLIMB IT!" Vivi had began to resemble Nami a bit.
"Wait for me!" Iris shouted up at him as he began to climb it. After yelling up at Luffy to tell him to wait Iris flew up after him to join. The two of them were in the top of the Brachiosaurus looking around.
"Wow! It's so wonderful!" Iris had yelled seeing the jungle from above, although she could do it without standing on the Brachiosaurus' head she still did it anyway.
"What a great view!" Luffy was whoing, "This would be a great place to eat out lunch." He was telling Iris who had to agree with him.
"How can you two be so carefree?" Vivi was shouting loudly up at the two of them asking.
"So there really are volcanoes here." Luffy had said spotting not just one but three.
"And they're all active." Iris leaned over him to get a better look as the smoke was coming out from them.
"And there's a huge hokey mountain over there!" He pointed out to her,
"That doesn't look like a mountain." She had told him, she thought it looked like bones.
"It's dangerous up there!" Vivi was still shouting up at the two of them, "Come down here this instant!" They had both heard her and looked down. "Even though it's docile now, it's still a dinosaur!"
"It's okay, he doesn't mind!" Luffy was waving down at her. "More importantly, there's a big hollow mountain over there! Sure is some strange terrain!" He was shouting down to her.
"The terrain doesn't matter! Just get back down here!" But Luffy completely ignored her.
"Hey, sorry to bug you, but could ya take me over there?" Her was asking the Brachiosaurus looking into one of its eyes. However, it didn't seem to respond. "Hey, even if you can't understand what I'm saying, come one, please take me." He was begging it but it seemed more into eating then listening. "There! Over there!" He pointed over to the mountain, however, the Brachiosaurus started eating from a tree again making Luffy inpatient. "Not there..." his arms wrapped around it's neck. "Over there!" And he had forced it to turn its head.
"Lu, you're choking it!" Iris shouted at him, worried for the binocular.
"DON'T DO THAT!" Vivi was snapping form below. The sound of the Brachiosaurus' cry echoed through the tree tops. Once again the ground began to shake rapidly at the Brachiosaurus continued to cry.
"Hey, Sorry... I was just..." Luffy seemed to have calmed down after being lectured by Iris about treating animals poorly, but once again he started getting all wild up after seeing something appear above the two of them. It was a herd of Brachiosaurus and they were far taller then the one that Iris and Luffy were standing on, they were about 26 to 30 meters high. "AWESOME~!"
"Iris! Luffy! I told you both it was dangerous!" It was only dangerous because Luffy treated the little Brachiosaurus poorly so it began to cry. "Now come down here right now!"
"Hey now, these dinos are taller!" Luffy was completely ignoring her as he was looking up. "I bet I can see better from up there!"
"Then this must be a baby or something." Iris stated looking down at the Brachiosaurus they were on top of.
"That's not the point!" Vivi really was turning into Nami. Luffy's arm had stretched up at one of the taller Brachiosaurus and he was now standing on that one.
"Just like I thought. I can see those holes much better from here."
"LU!" Iris flew after him after seeing a Brachiosaurus about to take a bite of him, but of course there was no need to worry since it was Luffy. However, it seemed that the Brachiosaurus' didn't like him all that much as a bunch of other were trying to eat him as well. Iris, knowing Luffy, just hovered in one place flapping her wings watching him dodging all of the Brachiosaurus' mouths that came at him. He really did seem to be enjoying himself as he jumped from one Brachiosaurus to another
"Iris! Vivi! You gotta try this! It's fun!" Luffy had shouted sliding down the neck of one of them. After saying that he was once again air board but had noticed a Brachiosaurus with scars all over its body. With nothing else to grab onto, Luffy's had stretched his arm towards that one and as he was stretching back more Brachiosaurus tried to eat him but he landed safely on top of it. "The view is much better fro here!" Luffy had said taking in the view around him.
"Lu, that one you're standing is extremely upset!" Iris tried to tell him as she was flying above the smaller ones that tried to attack her as well. Just like Iris had said to him, the Brachiosaurus that Luffy landed on wasn't happy and had tipped its snout out throwing Luffy into the air once agin and then swollen him whole.
"He did not just get eaten!" Vivi had lost it when she saw Luffy get eaten.
"I wonder if he tastes good." Iris, however, didn't seem all that freaked out about it. But had then felt something coming at her. She flew up and when she looked back to theBrachiosaurus that had eaten Luffy it's head had come off and out come Luffy. Just as Iris was about to swop down to save him a giant hand had made court him instead after the giant Brachiosaurus was killed all the others ran off, but Iris and Luffy were more distracted by the giant man that was laughing very strangely.
"I was watching you! You were playing with the long necks in the jungle. What lively little humans!" The giant man had a well-built body with a long dark brown beard. He was dressed in a viking attire with a helmet that goes over his eyes. "It's been a long time since I've had guests."
"Damn, you're HUGE!" Was all Luffy said.
"Lu, that's an understatement." Iris had told him handing beside him on the Giant's hand. "You're not human, are you?" She had turned asking the giant,
"You're asking if I'm human?" Which he began to laugh, "I, AND I ALONE, AM ELBAF'S MIGHTIEST WARRIOR, DORRY!" The giant, Dorry had told them both.
"I'm Luffy." Luffy had introduced himself without hesitation or fear, "This is Iris. We're pirates!" He told the giant.
"A pirate? That's great!" The old giant seemed to be amused.
"Carue, wake up!" Vivi was shouting as she was shaking Carue that had fainted. "Let's run away before it's too late!" But it was already too late.
"Ah, see those guys over there? That's Vivi and Carue." Because Luffy had pointed them out to the giant. "Say 'hi' guys!"
"Luffy, what did you say that?" Was all Vivi was asking as she glared at him.
"Hey you guys, let me show you my place." Dorry had told them but why Luffy was totally for it,
"Thank you for the offer, but I need to check something out first." Iris declined, "see you guys later." With that she left. After leaving Luffy and Vivi, Iris landed on the jungle floor and began walking through it. The reason she was wondering through the jungle was because she had saw humans. They were unfamiliar to her, which only gave her two options, the first was that there were people living on this island besides the giants or the second which meant they were enemies. Iris needed to find out for sure and if they were enemies she would just have to stop them. There were slight traces of human still lingering around, she could tell one belonged to a man in his mid 30's, he was about 179 cm tall. He wasn't along as the second foot pints belonged to a woman or more like a girl in her late teens, most likely 16 or 19 but she was pretty short around 145 cm. However, that was not the only thing.
"They are most likely enemies." Saying this Iris pulled out her sword from the strapped and started heading southeast where the foot prints were going. Following the trail and she had to jumped over or slide under branches, roots, bushes and even tails, however, after some time they had disappeared. "Now what? Should I head back and warn the others?" Iris was rubbing the back of her head confused on what to do, "Or should I continue looking?" This was something that she needed to do now because after running and following the foot prints two more joined them. This was bad, she knew Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and herself can handle themselves but Nami, Usopp, Vivi and Carue were a different matter. She was sure Vivi was fine being with Luffy and the giant but the fact that Nami and Usopp are alone on the Merry worries her a bit. Then again, they have Zoro and Sanji. "Let's continue then." That was her mind made up as she continued heading southeast again only because that was where the foot prints had been heading off in before disappearing. Of course Iris soon found out why that was, it was because there was a giant white hut in the middle of the jungle. "Wha?" Looking for an sign of human life as Iris looked in through the window, she saw it was completely empty. "What is this stuff?" She asked herself as she touched the hut, it was hard and it smelt of wax. "It this wax? No way. Could one of the other possessed a Devil's Fruit ability?" That was the only conclusion she could come to.
"IRIS~!!" Hearing a voice that Iris knew, she turned around seeing Sanji with his perverted smile across his face as he walked over to me.
"Sanji, what are you doing here?" She had asked meeting him half way.
"I'm trying to find a giant animal to win against moss head." He had explained to her, which meant they had another fight after the group left.
"Any luck?" Was all she could ask him.
"No, I thought I found one but it was nothing but muscle." Was his response, "Why are you here, weren't you with Luffy and Vivi?"
"Well, truth be told I saw people in the forest when I was in the sky. I ended up losing sight of them and began following foot prints, lost them too but I found this." Iris pointed at the hut made of the wax that she ended up at.
"Why would something like this be out here?" Sanji had ask as if she knew the question.
"I don't know, but I think there's clues inside." With that being said she opened up the door and entered, everything inside was made up of wax except a tea set and food but beyond that Iris couldn't find anything. "I thought there might be something here." She looked over to Sanji that was pouring tea.
"For afternoon tea, Earl Grey is indeed the best." He had said drinking it.
"Is this really the time for this?" She asked him and it seemed to knock him out if a trance.
"OI, hold on! We shouldn't be sitting here drinking tea all stylish-like!" But that was mostly him. "Nami and the others might be awaiting our rescue!"
"But you know, it still bugs me why this is here." Iris began to head out with Sanji following after her. She though this was the work of Barque Works but it was a little off pointing to say the least. Just as they were about to leave something began to ring.
"What the...?" Looking around Iris saw the basket that was in this hut shaking with the sound coming from it. Opening up the basket she saw what was ringing and it was Transponder Snail.
"Why is this here?" Iris picked it up and placed it on the table.
"Hey, thanks for calling." Sanji had answered it before she could stop him. "This is the Shitty Restaurant." Was he really saying that. "You wanna make an order?" There was no answer though when Sanji asked.
"Cut the bullshit." A deep voice had said in the other end of the Transponder Snail. "Asshole." he was pretty rude in my opinion. "Your reports late."
"Huh? Report?" Sanji was asking, Iris could tell it was to get more information out of this person. This was good, they didn't find anything but this guy doesn't seem to realise that his talking to someone else. "And might I inquire as to who is calling?"
"It's me. MR. 0." Wait, Mr. 0? As in Crocodile!? This was better then Iris had thought. This was perfect. she grabbed a piece of paper and began writing on it and lifted it up to show Sanji.
Mr. 0 is the Boss of our enemy. She had written and then started writing again. This guy is one of the Seven War Lords of the Sea!
"It's been days since I gave you your orders. What the hell's going on? Mr.3..." How should they respond? Iris looked over to Sanji but he seemed to have a very disturbed look on his face after looking around. "What's with the silence? I asked you a question. Have you eliminated Princess Vivi and those Straw Hat Pirates?" This was our chance.
Say that you did, play alone. Iris wrote to for him.
"Yeah, mission accomplished. I got rid of the bastards that discovered your secret. So, there's no need to pursue them anymore." This was great, if he thinks they were dead then they won't have to worry about more agents coming after them.
"I see. Good work. The Unluckies are headed towards your location. They will confirm your mission's success and make a delivery." That bird and otter, huh? And what what was this delivery?
"Unluckies? A delivery?" Sanji repeat.
"An Eternal Pose to the Alabasta Kingdom." This was getting better and better. The two know what his voice sounds like, he thinks that they dead and now they have an Eternal Pose. It's as if god is on their side. Not that Iris believed in god. "You and Miss Goldenweek are to return to Alabasta. The time has come. We will now commence the most critical part of our plan." This wasn't good at all, and with what Iris read in the newspaper it's going to be worst. "Await detailed instructions upon reaching Alabasta." That's when the woman saw someone or things watching them.
"Who are these two?" Sanji muttered.
"It's them! The Unluckies!" Iris whispered before the bird had pointed guns Sanji as for the otter it's shell that It's was carrying slit and had knives coming out of it like they were claws.
"Oi. What's going on?" Crocodile has asked Sanji as he was sweating over a response.
"Oh... nothing at all..." That's when the bird started firing at Sanji and Iris. "What the hell?" They were both hiding behind the table made of wax. Iris poked her head out from behind after the bird stopped shooting and saw the otter coming at her. It swung its weapon at me but she had jumped up dodging it.
"Know it off!" Iris had snapped as she lifted up her leg that then came down and struck the otter into the ground with half of her strength. She had knocked it out with that single struck.
"You should just..." Sanji was saying at he was glaring at the bird that began to shot again. "...cut it out already!" His feet had grabbed the head. "Freakin' giant chicken!" And had twisted it around.
"What happened?" Crocodile must have heard all the noise, how could he not. "What was that noise?" Sanji had quickly over towards the Transponder Snail.
"Oh... uh..." Iris wrote down in a piece of paper with an excuse.
One of the Straw Hats were still alive. She had thought fast.
"It was nothing... sir. One of the Straw Hat bastards was still alive. But it's under control, I finished him off. Rest assured." Sanji had told him, Iris sighed. She mean that excuse was perfect there should be no way of him knowing that it was a lie.
"Alive? You told me you completed your assignment. Isn't that what you said?" They didn't know why but he sounded very pissed off.
"Well, Yes... I thought I did complete it, yeah. But this bastard was a lot stronger than I expected."
"In other words, you gave me a false report." What was wrong with this guy? Sure they're lying to him but just because one of them were still alive he gets so upset over it. Seriously, how can someone work for this guy?
"Well, yeah... if you wanna put it that way. But this time, I quite sure I've finished him off. No need for you to send anyone else over here, OK?
"Whatever. In any case, you're to head straight for Alabasta. I'm ending the transmission here. It'd be annoying if the Marines got wind of this. I will restablish communication the same way you have been receiving orders until now. That is all. Godspeed, Mr. 3." And with that he hanged up.
"Thank god." Iris was sighing in relief.
"The line's been cut. Oh well." Sanji was up and walked over to the animals unconscious on the floor. "Just who the hell are these guys?"
"Their the Unluckies." She had answered him as he approached she that was crouching down looking at them.
"And what's this?" Sanji had picked something up and Iris was back up looking at what he was looking at.

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