Lost Island!

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Setting out the crew only knew that they were trying to find an island that sunk into the ocean over a million years ago. Not much to go on, since the only one that can find it was an old Millennial Dragon that had forgotten where it was. But that was made it an interesting adventure. A school of flying fishes were jumping out and into the ocean passing the ship. "Lost Island, huh? Judging from the maps... there doesn't seem to be any other islands within the vicinity of Warship Island. Nami had said as her, Iris, Zoro and Usopp were at the back looking at Ryu.
"Oi, Grampa Ryu! Where are we supposed to go?" Usopp called out to him, thinking that Ryu would understand him. Luffy who was on the cart with Ryu looked over to see if he could understand.
"Looks like he's dozed off again." He had turned to inform the others, which didn't seem to please anyone.
"Sorry to keep you waiting guys!" Everyone turned hearing Apis yelling, "Lunch is ready!" And hearing that made them worryied.
"More of her cooking?" Zoro was the first one to mutter.
"I wasn't 'waiting' for this..." Usopp. Nami and Iris didn't say a word only smiled nervously. That when Sanji came walked behind Apis as she ran. "Oo-hoo-hoo! Sanji! Ah, great! You made the food today!" Apis looked upset that he had said that and had purposely stepped on his foot as she passed.
"You deserved that." Iris looked down at Usopp crouching down holding the foot Apis step on, in pain.
"Grandpa Ryu! Eat up!" Apis shouted holding the pot.
"Ah, food!" Luffy's arms stretched to grab the pot, which wasn't the best, "HOT!" Since metal conducts heat.
"ARGH! YOU DUMBASS!!" Sanji was losing it as the pot was spilling and landed in Ryu's head.
"Grandpa Ryu!" Apis was over the rails and sliding the rope down to Ryu. She was wiping off the burn food off along with the pot. "Grandpa Ryu. Are you alright?" She had asked him but his mind was somewhere else.
"Good grief, you wasted the food I made specially for him." Sanji really wasn't happy.
"You can just make more, right?" Usopp asked but that only seemed to piss him off more.
"What have I told you about wasting food?"
"Sanji's right. As we are on the sea, we shouldn't waste food since we don't know how long it'll take to reach another island." Iris had told him.
"Only you understand me!" It that she was being told that a lot lately. Iris looked from Sanji back down to Apis, she was looking off in the distance. Then she had said something to Luffy and he was getting excited then Apis was as well.
"We've got it!" Luffy had yelled up to the others, "Lost Island is east of Warship Island!"
"Grandpa Ryu just said so!" Apis had then informed them.
"Usopp, come help me!" Nami was running off the Aft deck.
"Sure!" With Usopp right behind her.
"Yosh, set course for Lost Island. FELL SAIL!!" Merry was turning towards the east as Luffy and Apis told them.
"Moron, you better eat all of this." Sanji was still mad about the food.
"Sure! Don't worry!" Luffy was glad to eat it.
"Please don't eat it off the floor." Iris tired to tell him, because it was unhealthy but he did any way. Heading east, without a care in the world. The wind blowing throw Iris' hair, it was no different then any other day, except for Apis and Ryu. However, she really love all this peace even if some body didn't.
"Somewhere in this wide ocean, Lost Island is waiting for us." And that some body was Luffy. "Wonder what kind of place it is." He was sitting on the Merry's head like he always did. "Hey! Usopp, can you see anything?" He called up to Usopp who was in the Crow Nest along side Nami.
"Nope, not a thing!" He had replied.
"Okay." Not long after that Iris spotted a shadow or silhouette of something, but she couldn't tell what it was.
"Hey, Lu." She called to him,
"What?" He had asked and she pointed ahead of them,
"Can you see that or is it just me?" Is what she asked as they looked ahead where Iris was pointing.
"Whats that?" Luffy asked her.
"I don't know, but it's strange." She stated looking back to it.
"Is that smoke?"
"Maybe, it's hard to tell." He had then stared looking around for the source as did is, but Iris couldn't see anything but that.
"Oh well. We'll find out when we get closer."
"I guess you're right." and with this pace it should only take a few minutes. Just like through those few minutes it was right in front of them before they knew it.
"Boat... maybe?" Luffy question looking at it.
"It's strange though..." looking at it closer, it was in the same shape as the Merry and it was all black. Luffy had stuck out his foot to answer the question of what it was, the moment he touched it, it was like a drop of water falling into a puddle. When it cleared up it was a mirror reflection. Iris was staring back at herself.
"Whoa!" What was stranger about is was the Merry was going right into... Whatever it was. "This is cool, Nami! Come look at this!" Iris didn't need to look back, because knowing those two they were either frozen in fear or about to freak out.
"I'm... already looking." Nami sounded extremely stunned.
"Where am I?" Luffy pulled his in and then out but it wasn't long before none of them could see him any more. As it was coming closer to Iris, she started backing away from it as Usopp and Nami was screaming like girls. However, once she reached the rails, Iris couldn't really go anywhere and ended up getting pulled in. Her eyes closed before she entered the strange thing, but she felt no pain or anything bad. Slowly, her eyes opened but up to see nothing but fog. "What, fog?" She turned to see the rest of the ship had come through.
"I thought it was important, the way Nami screamed like that." Sanji was saying as he had come out from the kitchen ready to fight.
"What's going on?" The others were just as confused as Nami.
"What the hell was that back there?"
"The Merry, she was right in front of us but we had been pulled into something." Iris had said looking around for any sign of any kind.
"I can't see anything at all!" Luffy was yelling looked around.
"It was almost like... a mirage." Usopp stated, and it really was like one.
"A mirage?" Nami had echoed him. "Of course! I read it in a book once. When cold see water and warm sea water mix, mirages can appear in the sea!" That did make a lot of sense, however, out of nowhere it had started pouring with rain.
"And... is this just a mirage too?" Was Usopp asking, but of course it wasn't, since they could feel the ran hitting them.
"What is WRONG with this ocean!?" Nami was screaming, but this wasn't the time, since the Merry was rocking like crazy.
"Iris, get you tits out of my face!" Because of the rocking suddenly, Iris had came down to the ground deck and was sent flying to Zoro's face.
"I'm so sorry." She told him.
"How dare you, you pervy Moss Head!" Sanji was beside them with Apis.
"What did you say, Erobrow!?"
"Sanji! Zoro! I'll take in the sail! Unfasten the ropes!" Nami was shouting to the two of them.
"Yes, Nami!"
"Apis, come! You need to get below deck!" Iris had grabbed Apis and started pulling her to a safe place, however...
"No way! I have to be with Grandpa Ryu!" She had started running back towards Ryu.
"Wait! It won't change anything!" Iris tried to tell her.
"Grandpa Ryu is just sitting there helpless! I have to get to him-" the ship tipped to one side and Apis smacked the wall after sliding down the ship.
"This is why I told you to get inside!" Iris shouted to her again, but she was one stubborn girl.
"Grandpa Ryu!" She followed after her to the Aft deck, "Grandpa Ryu! Don't worry, this storm won't stop us-!" Water had splashed into deck, Iris just barely dodged it.
"Apis!" She shouted seeing her being whacked by the rope that had come undone. Both of the ropes were starting to nine pulled by the sea, meaning Ryu's cart was going to be in danger.
"No!" Apis had tried to stop it on her own but the rope just burns here. Iris ran over to the other rope, knowing this was the only thing she need to focus on right now. Iris had stopped the rope on her side stopping but Apis's was still going. "Zoro!" Until Zoro had grabbed onto it with her. Using all their strength, they tried to make it stop but the waves and wind were getting stronger and the ropes were still pulling, "Grandpa Ryu! No, don't say that! We'll beat this yet! You can't give up now!" Apis was yelling and yelling at the dragon, "didn't we promise to find the Dragon's Nest together!?"
"Gum Gum..." Luffy was shouting as he ran to the aft deck where he wrapped himself around the pole, "...Lasso!" He had grabbed onto the cart.
"I'm fine! Leave it to me! I promised to take you to the Dragon's Nest, didn't I?!" Luffy had shouted asking.
"Right!" Reaching the eye of the storm, everything calmed down a lot.
"So that storm surrounds the whole island, huh?" Nami had said as they were approaching the island that had been dead set in the middle. "Almost like it's to prevent people from entering." She was saying all this as they all stood at the front looking out to the island. "Until now, no one has even been able to find this place. Must have been because of that storm." That was about right, and with the mirage people would have been freaked out to approach this place as well.
"Ya know what? Instead of an island, it looks like a castle sitting on the sea." Iris would have to agree with Luffy in that. She thought it was kind of beautiful as they were approaching it, and when they landed on the island it was still amazing even if it was in ruins.
"Hey, look at that!" Usopp was shouting as he pointed up at to the statues in that water. "Doesn't that look like the shape for a dragon? This must really be the island of the Millennial Dragon." He was right, they were similar.
"Those dragons were pretty slick!" Luffy had thought the dragons had made that.
"The buildings were made by humans." Iris had told him.
"Well, whoever built it..." Zoro had started to say.
"We're here! Lost Island!" Luffy was excited.
"In any case, I wonder how long it's been since anyone lived here." Sanji was saying as we stood into the island looking around.
"It's been taken over by the wild." Iris stated bending down to some plants that were growing.
"Oh year, where do you suppose the Dragon's Nest is?" Nami had asked us all.
"Hey!" Apis's yelling caused me to stand up looking over to her on Ryu's cart. "Grandpa Ryu! Come on Grandpa Ryu! Really! We're at the island where the Dragon's Nest is! C'mon, get up!" She was yelling at the old thing.
"What's he say?" Luffy had asked her.
"He doesn't know." Meaning there was a possibility that this wasn't the island we were looking for. "Maybe this is Lost Island." Apis had said.
"What?" Zoro was shocked.
You gotta be kidding!" As was Sanji as they had both heard that.
"We had to go through that huge storm to get here!" Usopp was whining.
"Apis! Take a look at the summit!" Luffy was pointing to it, "if we climb up there, we'll be able to see the whole island!"
"He's right. We won't gain anything by sitting here thinking." Nami had agreed with him.
"Then let's go take a lot." As did Iris, since he could make miracles happen.
"Yeah!" Apis shouted to the both of females.
"Yosh! Set off!" It was nice walking through the forest, with the sun shinning through the holes in the trees down on to them. The girls were walking with the guys who were pulling and pushing the cart behind them.
"That conniving Nami, making the men do all the work." Usopp muttering as he was pushing from behind. "Why doesn't she and Iris help push a little?!" Iris really wanted to, but Nami had stopped her from doing it, telling her that this was what men were born for.
"You over there, stop chatting and push!" Nami had joyful shouted back to him.
"Quit enjoying this so much, Dammit!" Usopp was the only one the seemed to be complaining.
"I shall stop chatting and push~!" Sanji was a lost course to begin with, that Iris understand as the days go by. "Ah, the lively Nami is so wonderful!" Yes, a lost course.
"Would you shut up!?" We had walked through the forest and started climbing the summit only to come to a stop.
"A town?" There were buildings everywhere that were the sizes of normal houses for humans. The crew had then started walking through the town to continue,
"Wow. Everything's ran down." This only proves that it was a long, long time since people lived on this island. "Looks like people really did live here."
"But you can only tell 'cause of the houses." Zoro was right about that,
"But why is there no one here now?" It could have to do with the storm.
"Who knows, maybe they found someplace easier to live." Most likely.
"Hey, Apis? You're gonna get left behind." Nami and Iris had stopped realising that Apis was not beside them but off the path looking up to some birds circling her.
"Y'know what?" Apis had ran back to us with one of the birds on her shoulder, "The bird just told me: there is a building with a dragon mark on it at the top of the mountain!"
"You serious?" Usopp sounded completely shocked.
"Then lets go! To what might be the Dragon's Nest!" Grabbing onto Apis's hand we started running after the boys and the cart.
"Nami! Hurry up!" Luffy had called down to her, since she still was standing still.
"Wait up!" The crew made it all the way up the mountain only to be stopped by a large stone building.
"Heave ho!" The guys had finally pushed the cart up the final step. Usopp had collapsed to his butt
"We finally made it, I can't go anymore." and was relief it was over.
"Thanks for showing us the way!" Apis called out to the bird that left her shoulder.
"Wow, you can see everything from up him." Iris was looking out to see the ocean and the town they had just went through. She could even see the Going Merry.
"We sure came up a long way." Sanji stood beside her also looking out.
"Thanks for your help guys." Apis had told the boys.
"Yeah, good work!" Nami was shouting to them
"You did wonderfully." Iris stated smiling happily as she jumped over onto the cart along with Sanji to the other side.
"This picture is... a Millennial Dragon, huh?" Nami was looking at the stone building seeing the paintings.
"Yeah, looks like it." Was all Luffy said to her.
"Is this building the Dragon's Nest?" Sanji was asking not really convinced.
"This place?" Usopp was asking looking over Ryu from the other side of the cart.
"Hey holds on, where's the door? How are we supposed to get inside?"Zoro was asking looking stun at the building.
"The door's right here!" Luffy shouted.
"Yeah, however, we don't have a key." Iris had stated to him. "With that being said, how is it that open it?" Apis was looking at the door and grabbed onto the claw Ryu had given her, walking to the door.
"Oi!" Usopp shouted running over to join the rest.
"Apis... That pendant... could it be?" Nami had realised what Apis was getting at.
"Is it the key to open the Dragon's Nest?" As did the rest of the crew. Apis glance back to the crew and looked from one side to the other of the group, nodding. Slowly, Apis began to place the claw in the missing place in the wall it was so tense, until she turned around with tears in her eyes.
"I can't reach!" She was embarrassed and Luffy couldn't help but laugh walking over to her,
"You sure are small, Apis." He had told her.
"What was that!?" She was extremely offended.
"Yosh, Leave it to me!" Luffy yelled taking the claw and just when he was about to place it in, he too was suddenly to short which was confusing to him. Although, it was only because the floor caved in, causing everyone to fall down a giant hole in the ground.
"Hey guys! Are you alright!?" All but one, the only person in the crew with a pair of wings, Iris. She started flapping her wings going down to hole after the others. Due to the smoke, she couldn't see anything that was going on. "Guys!?" She called out to them, hovering above the smoke when it began to clear. Everyone was shaken, but alright.
"We're... alive, right?" Usopp wasn't so sure.
"Yeah, seems so." Zoro had reassured him.
"By the way, whose idea was it to use a key up there?" Sanji was asking, knowing already who it was.
"Here you go." Luffy held Apis' pendent in front of the girl, which she took it.
"We're in, so it doesn't matter how it was done." Iris was saying as she landed on the ground joining the others. Her wings were placed away after landing.
"Easy for you to say, you had a pair of wings!" Usopp was in tears shouting at the woman who only smiled at him.
"Result, alright!"Apis was smiling as she held up her thumb.
"But... What is this place?" Zoro was looking around asking to see if the others knew.
"And... What do you think that is?" Luffy was looking up at the ceiling where Iris and Zoro joined him, along with the others. On the ceiling was a giant mural that had eroded over time and has piece of it fallen. "Wow, what a huge house!" Luffy was shouting looking around. "Whats that a picture of?" That was what everyone else was wondering looking up at it.
"Doesn't it looks like a map?" Iris was spinning around slowly seeing the mural's of side.
"Yeah, but you can't tell what it says since it crumbling." Sanji was right about that, most of where it looked like the map was going to had fallen. "What is this place anyways? Isn't this supposed to be the Dragon's Nest?" Sanji was asking.
"Dunno." Was all Luffy seemed to say to him then turned to Apis asking what she thought.
"I don't know." She had turned to him from Ryu saying that he didn't know what this place was either.
"Geez, the same useless geezer as always." Usopp annoyed insulted Ryu.
"What was that!?" Apis was pissed off yelling.
"Well... it's true!"
"And how are YOU being useful!?" She had shouted asking Usopp.
"M-Me?" As this was going on, Iris had spotted a piece of the ceiling that had fallen.
"Hey guys, there's a piece of ceiling here." She had called out to them all, causing them to look were she was standing.
"Geh!?" Usopp was terrified.
"It's huge!" Apis shouted and the two of them headed to Iris.
"This place looks ready to cave in!" Usopp was whining telling the crew that they should hurry and get out of this place because they'll get into danger.
"But this could be the Dragon's Nest!!" Apis was shouting at the coward.
"Oh really, there's not a dragon in sight!" He had yelled back at her.
"Wait a minute..." Nami had said, making them both be quiet and everyone looked at her.
"What's wrong Nami?" Iris had asked her, as she was looking at the mural.
"This... might not be Lost Island." She had stated to the others.
"See?" Usopp was making fun of Apis.
"How do you know that, Nami?" Luffy was asking her.
"Look at the ceiling." She had told him, which he did.
"The drawings on the ceiling?"
"Look closely. It's a map that shows the direction of the Lost Island. That island that has a dome shaped building on it..." Nami was pointing to the painting she was talking about, "That is this island. And this building is that dome."
"It certainly does look that way." Sanji was agreeing with her as he also looked at the picture.
"Therefore, the people surrounding the island...must be those who lived here long ago." The people painted in the mural looked like they was paying and they wore the similar hats that Apis and her people wear.
"Couldn't they be Apis' ancestors then?" Iris was asking Nami who nodded to her.
"Our ancestors?" Apis echoed looking at the mural.
"Do you remember what Grandpa Bokuden said?" Nami was asking Luffy and his answer was no since he was sleeping. "Come on. He said that the people of Warship Island came from a different island, remember?"
"Did he?" Luffy's Head was tilted.
"Oh yeah, come to think of it, he was saying something like that." Usopp remember saying to her. "Then was the Royal court he was talking about located on this island?" He had asked her.
"Probably. We saw statues and drawings of the dragons here and there when we arrived. I think that the people on this island worshipped the Millennial Dragons as Gods." That would explain why there were so many paintings and statues on the way up. "Long ago, the Millennial Dragons probably flew around here."
"Really?" Usopp was asking looking at Luffy. "Then the chances of the Dragon's Nest being here are low." Who was looking back at him.
"But then, where's the real one?" Apis looked at Nami asking.
"Maybe that island with a dragon drawn on it." Zoro stated looking at the mural map.
"Exactly. There's an island drawn ahead of the people who are worshiping, right? That's probably the real Lost Island. The Dragon's Nest is probably there too... but..." Iris had looked up from her writing and looking up at the mural and saw what island Zoro and Nami were talking about, but that island was...
"Wait a second! That island's shaped like..." Apis had notice it too.
"Yes. If you think about the way it's pictured on the map... the Dragon's Nest would have to be located on Warship Island." Nami had told Apis and the crew.
"Wait, you said there was no Dragon's Nest on Warship Island!" Usopp was yelling at her.
"But that's what it says on the map! Do you think these ancestors drew things for no reason?" Nami was asking him.
"She's right you idiots! There's no way Nami could be wrong!" Sanji had shouted to the guys and Apis.
"I would have to agree with Nami and Sanji, the nest is on Warship Island." Iris had agreed with them looking at the drawings. "When we get there, we'll know for sure." She stood up looking at the crew,
"But... I have a feeling that it might have sunk into the sea." Nami had her arms crossed under her chest. "It's entirely possible that's what happened. That would explain why no one has been able to find it before." Hearing all this, Apis ran over to Ryu.
"Grandpa Ryu! Please remember, Grandpa Ryu! Where's the Dragon's Nest?" She was shouting at him as she asked. "We thought we had found it, but there's nothing here! Only those drawings! Grandpa Ryu!" The crew only watched the small child talking to the dragon, not saying a word. "Look at the pictures! Can you remember anything? We have nothing left to go on unless you remember! Please! Remember where it is, Grandpa Ryu!" Like Apis had aske dhim to do, Ryu started lifting his head up slightly to look at the mural. Some birds had token off and were flying across the mural. He remembered just by looking at that, he remembered the island.
"Grandpa Ryu!"
"Okay, I guess the Dragon's Nest is on Warship Island after all." Luffy said.
"How did you know that Luffy?" Apis had turned asking him.
"Just somehow." Was Luffy's answer.
"You're right. Grandpa Ryu says he remembers now. To the east of the summit, in a place that looks like a battleship. That's where the Dragon's Nest is." Apis had told everyone listening to Ryu.
"Geez, we came all the way over here and look what happens." Usopp was sighing loudly.
"Sorry." Apis looked extremely sad as she apologised looking to the ground. "I knew it might have sunk into the sea long ago... and I dragged you all here searching for it. I guess it was just a waste of time."
"Come on, there's still a chance." By saying that, he had caused her to look at him. "Who knows, the Dragon's Nest might be in some unexpected place! But we won't know unless we go looking off it, right?" He was saying grinning at her.
"That's right." Apis' turned around to Nami who was also grinning at her. "It's not like you get depressed over something like this, Apis."
"I agree." Apis looked the opposite way to Iris that was sitting down smiling at her. "I don't really see you giving up so easily."
"If you're too afraid of making mistakes, you won't be able to do anything." Apis turned to Sanji that had said that.
"The 'roundabout way of life' isn't bad." Zoro had then said in front of him,
"Guys..." Apis was feeling touched.
"Let's go!" Luffy shouted delighted. "Grandpa Ryu won't get his Heath back if we sit around here, will he?" Apis agreed with him.
"Thank you!" She was back to her smiling self making the others happy, knowing little of who was approaching. At least at two crew members noticed it. Zoro slipped his sword up ready to draw it, as Iris stood up with her sword blade out.
"Is something wrong, Iris, Zoro?" Nami had noticed their behaviours.
"Somebody's here." Both of them had told her.
"What?" Causing the others looking around.
"He's up there." Zoro was whispering and the others ran back to the cart.
"Many thanks for the explanation." At the top of the hole the crew had fallen from a slender man with a square-like face, long sharp fingernails and purple hair that curled upwards in the shape like a hook was standing. He had on a grey blazer and pants with red-colored sides, and a purple striped shirt underneath. On his chest, he wore something that looks like a golden brooch shaped like a bird-wing. He also wore a pair of earrings with pearls hanging underneath them With a pair of his glasses that were thin. "For now I know where the Dragon's Nest is."
"Oh you again!?" Luffy was shouting looking at the guy.
"But it would be a waste if it's under the sea. So I will have to take that Millennial Dragon with me." He was really rude and demanding.
"No way! We don't even know if the Dragon's Nest is under the ocean yet!" Apis was shouting up at the man.
"He said something about have the ability of the Sickle Sickle Fruit." Sanji was saying as he looked at the man as well. "Man, why do we have to deal with a weirdo like him?"
"The Sickle Sickle Fruit? He has a Devil Fruit ability?" That makes him the fourth one on the island.
"Luffy." Zoro had started walking up beside the rubber captain.
"Take Grandpa Ryu and get on the ship." Zoro was saying looking up and then smirked down at Luffy, "I'll come later."
"Gotcha." Luffy smiled at him and had started heading to the wall.
"O-Oi... to the ship? I don't see an exit." Usopp was saying to Luffy.
"Then we'll... MAKE ONE!" Luffy began charging to the other side at full speed.
"No way..." the others realised what he was planning not that they liked it. He had ran head first into the wall, bouncing off it.
"Huh?" Nothing had happened though. "I was sure I could break it." Luffy sat up saying.
"Oi, Oi, Oi, Oi, Oi, Oi..." the others were all looking at him with sweat running down. The doom began to shake a bit and out of no where the wall crumble. Not the one Luffy had ran into but the on a long side it.
"Hey, it opened!" Luffy was pleased with himself. "Result, alright. Result, alright... we're going, Apis!" He was walking back to the cart.
"That Guy is stronger than a caveman." Sanji was stating in shock.
"You won't get away!" The Sickle Sickle Guy leaped down the hole to try and stop them from leaving but Zoro was holding him back. For some reason, Luffy was looking at the fallen ceiling confused and then up to the ceiling again.
"Oh, sorry." Luffy had grabbed the rope yelling at the others to get on the cart. Everyone but Iris jumped onto it, and Luffy was off pulling the cart with him.
"What are you waiting for, Iris?" Zoro was swinging at the Sickle Sickle Guy as she was looking at Zoro.
"You sure you'll be fine?" She had asked him.
"Yes. I can't get stronger if you interfere. " With those words, her wings sprouted and she fly off after the other that where sliding on a root like it was a slide.

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