Three Days!?

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The goats had lead the crew to a house that was clearly built by the man and they laid him on the bed as Chopper was making some medicine. But after some time had passed the man began to regain consciousness. "I thought I was dead. Can't let your guard down around pirates." Had been the first thing that came out from the old man's mouth.
"Shut up! You fainted on your own!" Which ended up pissing Usopp off.
"Old Goat Guy, did your heart stop 'cause you were scared?" Luffy came to ask him.
"You get surprised every day on the Grand Line. How'd you survive so long with that tiny heart of yours?" That was a question which makes a lot of sense.
"Yeah, really!" While it caused Luffy to laugh.
"However, it's a relief that you're alright." Iris came to say smiling with the relief showing on her face, however, hearing this had caused the old man to sit up.
"What's a relief!? After that incident, which was all your fault." He had a counter in hand that he was moving. "I won't be able to chop wood or draw water. This is a huge setback for me!" This was a face that the guys had all seen before, plenty of times. It was why they began to back away from the man. "You had to compensate me at least 50,000,000!"
"Aren't you overestimating?" Nami on the other hand had calculated it differently. "It can't be more than this."
"That's too harsh." It was no wonder the guys were backing away, the old man was a male version of Nami. "Even if I'm feeling generous, it has to come to this the very least."
"After deducting Chopper's medical fees, it comes out to this." And neither one of them were backing down.
"These young'ns are surrounding this poor old man like vultures... they're bullies." This had caused the man to break down whining while looking at Nami as pitifully as he could. "Like they plan on killing me!" And being quite dramatic.
"We're not trying to bully you..." that was trying to be said but it didn't seem to matter.
"I don't want to live a long life!" As he was crying even more.
"Please don't cry..." Nami seemed to being feeling really uncomfortable about this.
"Okay, Old Goat Guy." It seemed that Luffy couldn't take it. "We'll chop your wood and draw your water for you." He had come to agree.
"Straw Hat boy, you understand! That settles it then!" And it had the Old Goat Guy grinning, as if he hadn't been crying just before. It wasn't long after all that when they guys began doing the chores of the Old Goat Guy.
"That old crackpot sure seems to hate pirates." Sanji came to say thing as he was chopping wood in half, while Luffy had a load of buckets walking a passed him. "Maybe he's bitter about something."
"The goats say he's the only human on the island. He washed ashore from somewhere and he's been with them for 20 years." Chopper had come to explain the story that he heard from the goats, as he, Iris and Robin were feeding the cute little things.
"20 year!? We meet someone else like that before..." Luffy was sending behind Nami who was handing out wet sheets. Iris knew who it was that the Captain was talking about, thinking back the island with all those strange half like animals and the man stuck in a chest. However, her thoughts were cut shout when she noticed Zoro.
"Zoro, where are you going?" She had come to ask as he was walking towards the Forest.
"I'm gonna find some food." The swordsman came to a stop to answer her. "I doubt that crotchety old bastard will share any with us." He had a point about that.
"Alright, be safe." She didn't really have any doubts that he would.
"Okay! Make sure to bring back lots of meat! Meat!" Luffy had then shouted.
"Don't make me hurt you!" And had left once again into the Forest.
"Put a little more back into it!" Out of no where, the old man had shouted while pointing at Sanji. "Young'ns these days don't appreciate the art of chopping wood!" Then he turned around as trailed his fingers on the seat built around the tree of his hut. "And then, they're even lousy at cleaning!" He had a pile of dust on his index finger. "Do this again!" Chopper appeared and began sipping it down. "Then give the island goats their grass and start repairing my hut!" Usopp ran around with hummer, planks and nails, while Luffy had a large amount of grass. "Ah, I'm tired." The old man sat down exhausted. "Don't just stand there slacking off! Give me a massage!" The reindeer began rubbing his shoulders. "I have to tell you young'ns everything. You cause me so much trouble. And now..." He was complaining none stop and ordering the group around.

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