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That was how the group ended up in the situation they were in. There was no way to find the others now that the sand and wind blow away their footprints. "What did you say!?" Luffy was in complete shocked upon listening to what had happened. "YOU WERE CROCODILE!?" But like away, he had completely missed the point.
"Were you listening to a word I said!?" Which had Zoro slam his his down onto him all pissed off.
"Huh? Are we lost?" It seemed that he kind of understood, while Zoro was beginning to lose it. "Why didn't you follow them earlier?!" He really hadn't been listening a single bit.
"I ALREADY TOLD YOU IT'S YOUR FAULT!!" And and some self another punch to the head.
"Now, now." Iris stepped in between them both, trying to calm the swordsman down smiling.
"Chopper, you've got a good nose, right?" Luffy was completely ignoring the man asking the reindeer.
"I'm trying, but I can't smell anything." But there didn't seem to been any use.
"Then Iris could fly above to get a better look." He soon turned his attention to the Angel of Death as she spoke about her.
"I tried that earlier, but I couldn't see them." She informed the idiot Captain while looking at him.
"Damn, no clue at all?" He seemed completely disappointed.
"That might not be completely true." Iris then told him, which did pull the guys to look at her. "Since Chopper can't smell Nami or the others, it might have to do with them being down wind." She gone onto explaining this to them.
"Down wind?" Although it was unlikely Luffy would completely understand her.
"I see." However, it appeared that Zoro understood what she was getting at. "Which way is the wind blowing from now?" It had been asked
"I don't know which direction it is... but it's blowing from my left side." Chopper been the one to inform them about this.
"Left side, Eh?" Zoro turned to the left which Chopper spoke of. "At least we know they're not in that direction."
"Brilliant deduction." Luffy was being sarcastic about the entire thing.
"Shut up! If you don't wanna come, stay here!" That being said, the swordsman took off stomping as this information was a lot more useful then the Captain thought. "Let's go, Iris, Chopper." They set off in a random direction.
"Aw, wait for me! Don't leave me here!" Once Luffy realizes what happened he starts shouting while running after Zoro, Iris and Chopper. However, time was moving on and before long... "Damn it's hot..." The Captain was beginning to slow down as he complained.
"Is he okay?" Chopper was looking back as they continued to walk without slowing down.
"He's not the type to give in to a situation like this." Zoro had come to inform the doctor. "Besides, Iris is right beside him so it's fine." He didn't even need to look back to know that she was right beside Luffy, that was how she was.
"Are Pirates always like this?" Although, Zoro didn't quite understand what he meant by that. "Climbing up snowy mountain, going across deserts..." But it had been explained a bit more
"Yeah, well... Well, I guess we're a bit different from other pirates." It's not exactly something that was normal, and Zoro couldn't deny that. "Since we have a Captain like him." The main reason they were doing things that pirates normally didn't do what do to the personality of their Captain, Luffy.
"I wonder if I boarded the wrong ship..." Chopper had been wondering this for a while now.
"What a coincidence. I was wondering the same thing a little while ago too." And it seem that Zoro had the same thing on his mind.
"Hey." Which seemed to make Chopper curious about something else. "You're the oldest member of the crew, right?"
"It's not like there's much difference between the older members and the newer ones." That had been stated because as soon as Zoro joined the others soon followed.
"Why did you join him?" This had then been asked to the swordsman.
"Why do you ask?" Which only had Chopper as him that.
"I've only just joined the crew, and everyone looks kinda wild and independent to me. Especially you, Zoro" He explained why he had asked that question before.
"That's true. In my case, things just happened to turn out like this. Or something like that anyway. The rest of the crew are like me, too." It was beginning explained to him. "Our objectives are different from his. We are all trying to accomplish our own goals. Jeez. Someone once said... That from the outside, we don't appear to have any teamwork. Since everyone is independent from the captain. That's a problem." Thinking about it kind of made Zoro chuckle.
"I think so, too." Chopper agreed with what was being said, as he looked back to Luffy that had Iris talking to him as a means to help him forget the heat.
"But... What does 'teamwork' really mean anyway?" But Zoro's question pulled him back to the front. "Is it just about rescuing and protecting each other? There are people who believe that. But to me, that just sounds like kids playing around. Everyone should do what they can with their lives on the line, and then say to the next guy: 'I did what I could. Now it's your turn. If you don't finish it, I'll come kick your ass!' Isn't that how teamwork first comes about?" Zoro had spoke about it. "When I look at it that way, I think it's okay to have comrades that are wild and independent. That's just how I think."
"Now I understand what Usopp said about me doing the best I can." Thinking about it in that way, Chopper could understand.
"But when he says it, it sounds more like a lie." It only caused the swordsman to laugh glancing up to the doctor. "Why do we keep on being his comrade...?" Both them looked back to Luffy was looked like he was about to collapse. Iris beside him, holding the boy up. "Since we've been together so long, another purpose has started to emerge." They came to as stop as the other two began catching up.
"Another purpose?" Chopper was looking at Zoro asking, wanting to know what it is.
"Sorry, I can't really tell what it is." That was being said as they took off walking again.
"What's that ahead?" Iris had then spoken upon looking further ahead of Zoro and Chopper, which had caused Luffy to look up all exhausted until her came to spot what it was she was talking about.
"THERE'S SOME SHADE!" He spots some shade and it was causing the others to look from him to the large rock causing the shade, back to him slightly panicked since they knew Luffy. "Gum Gum..." he had sent both his arms stretching towards it and before they could do anything... "...Rocket!" Luffy taken off with all three of them screaming until they came crashing into the cave. Needless to say that the only one that came out unscathed by that was the one that caused it and laughing his head off. "So refreshing!" Zoro came falling to the ground after slamming his back into a piece of the cave coming out from the ceiling. Iris on the other hand was hunched over a bolder just inside of the cave as she seemed to be trying to recovered.
"I'M GONNA CUT YOU UP!" Zoro seemed to have recovered as he pulled out two of his swords in rage.
"Ah, sorry sorry." Had been all that was said.
"Hmm?" It appeared that Iris was okay as she pushed herself up and noticed something was missing as she looked around. "You guys, where is Chopper?" She came to ask them.
"Ah, there he is." Luffy came to spot the doctor off a bit of a distance out from the shade. He doesn't appear to be moving. "Why's he all the way over there? Is he trying to be funny?" When that was asked before the idiot know it, a sword was pulled up to his neck. "Yes, it's my fault. I'm sorry." Luffy's entire face turned blue since Zoro was so pissed off that he might do something horrifying.
"You should go get him." Iris had stepped in as she was speaking to Luffy.
"Jeez." And it had caused Zoro to move and sit on a rock. "Why'd that serious conversation from before turn out like-" Before he could finish his sentence a sudden sink hole appeared and he fell right through it.
"Zoro!" Iris moved towards the sink hole where he fell.
"Oi, I don't think I said anything funny." Had come out Luffy's mouth.
"THAT'S NOT WHY I FELL!" But it was clear that Zoro was alright as he was snapping up at Luffy.
"Oh, you alright?" Luffy seemed to be a bit surprised at this.
"Dammit... That hurt..." Zoro was laying on his back upon falling. He wasn't seriously injured, but did fall pretty far. "What the hell is this place?"
"Don't worry. I'm coming down." Looking up upon hearing Iris' voice, he saw the woman leaping into the hole where he wings soon come out so she was gracefully landing onto the ground beside him. "It's pretty dark in here." She came to say before lifting up her hand that began to have a ball of light appearing before it was sent above them to light up the place. Upon it all being lite up but Iris, one was able to see that this was a cavern.
"What's that?" Zoro's question had pulled her to where he was looking to see a large blue cuboid that appeared to have something carved into it.
"That's..." Iris instantly moved towards it, with Zoro following before her, where her hand trailed on the surface of it. "Why is this..."
"...doing underground?" Luffy's voice had cut in which seemed to his voice startled both her and Zoro.
"Why the hell are you down here?!" That had been shouted at the Captain.
"I climbed down with my hands!" But it seemed he completely misunderstood the question.
"I'm asking you the reason!" Which had caused Zoro to lose his patients.
"For the hell of it!"
"IDIOT!" It was no wonder that he been shouted back at him.
"But what about Chopper? We could get separated from him." Iris had pointed this out to him. "His noses is the only chance we have in finding Vivi and the others."
"Ah, no worries." Luffy didn't seem the slightest bit panicked.
"Chopper's falling down too." And as soon as that had been said, Chopper's screaming had been head behind them, where a pillar of sand was coming from above. "See?" Luffy pointed to it while speaking.
Where am I?" Chopper had come to wonder as he lifted himself up in slight pain.
"You alright, Chopper?" But the sound of Iris' voice caused him to look around.
"Iris, Zoro, Luffy! Where are we...?" He asked the three that were walking towards him.
"Not a clue. All we know is that we're definitely underground." Zoro had been the one that answered him.
"Underground?" This had Chopper looking around at the lite up cavern. Before long he and Iris were both standing before the large cuboid.
"Now that I look around, we seem to be inside a huge dome." Zoro came to speak while looking around properly to see that they were inside dome
"Which was constructed by humans." Which was the only thing possible at this point. "I think this is probably an ancient ruin."
"How do you know that?" Zoro didn't understand why Chopper was saying this.
"Look at this." He had said, which caused the swordsman to walk over to join Iris and Chopper that were examining the cuboid. "This wall has picture like symbols written all over it. I saw something like this in a book. It's an ancient writing system."
"I'm pretty such it's called a Poneglyph." Iris spoke, which caused them to look to her surprise.
"Pon-what?" But they had no idea what she said.
"A Poneglyphs." She had corrected while looking back at them. "My mother didn't tell me much, just that it's inscribed with ancient script that's illegal to translate."
"Illegal?" Chopper didn't seem to know what that meant.
"It's means that it's forbidden by law and is punishable by death." She gone onto explaining to him.
"By death!?" It seemed the doctor was shocked up this.
"It's that serious?" Zoro had to wonder about that.
"Apparently. All those that are able to translate the script are all killed."
"That's seems terrible."
"Yeah..." Iris thought back to her mother that seemed terrified that she had an interest in the Blank Century. It was written that the only way to find it out was through the Poneglyphs, however, why would her mother write her that if she refused to say anything in the past?
"Who cares about that?" Luffy didn't seem to care one way or another. "More importantly, this place is really refreshing!" He was saying while laying across on the ground. "It feels sooo good!"
"Supposing you're right, why is it underground?" Zoro completely ignored him as he asked this question to Iris.
"Hmm..." She wasn't entirely sure about it, but from what she got from her mother's books they were dangerous to the World Government. "I mean, it's possible that this was originally constructed above ground but it fell like us... or it was originally intended to be hidden."
"Either way, it looks like someone was trying to hide this building." Chopper hadn't been wrong about that.
"Whoever did that put in a lot of work. I don't know anything about it, nor do I care. What we have to do now is get out of here. Right, Captain?" That was true, which caused Iris to wonder even more.
"Why are they so important?"

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