New Members!

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The sun was starting to vanish in the Horizon, as the now four membered Straw Hat Pirates, contain, Monkey D. Luffy, the Captain of the crew, a young man that was 18 years old. He was a man who is renowned for his trademark a straw hat that was placed over his short, messy black hair. He wore a pair of shorts that were blue trousers with cuffs, a pair of brown of sandals, and a sleeveless red vest. Luffy also had a scar with two stitches underneath his left eye. The first member to join Luffy's crew was the form 'Pirate Hunter' Roronoa Zoro, He had joined after Luffy had saved a village along with Zoro from the Marine's base Captain 'Axe Hand' Morgan.. Zoro was a muscular young man of average height with lightly tanned skin and cropped green hair. He always carries around three swords, bundled up with a green haramaki over his right hip. Like his swords he has three identical gold earrings on his left earlobe. Zoro kept a black bandanna tied around his left bicep. Zoro often wore a pair of black trousers that would be tucked inside black boots and under his haramaki was a plain white shirt with three undone buttons at the collar. Nami was the next one to join, after Luffy and Zoro's incanting Buddy 'the Clown' and his crew. Nami was, or still is a thief that still only from pirates. She is slim young woman of average height, Nami had short orange hair and big brown eyes. other who thought of her to be very attractive or even beautiful. She was a scary cat, and would get scared extremely easily. And finally, Usopp, a slim tan-skinned teenager with medium-length black woolly hair, prominent lips and a long nose, which is apparently an allusion to Pinocchio, which also suits him a lot. Usopp had join the crew after his home town, Syrup Village, was saved by Luffy and the crew. The village was attacked by Kuro 'of a Hundred Plans' captain of the Black Cat Pirates, who tried killing Usopp's rich friend, Kaya. They had just left Usopp's home on the Going Merry, their new ship. They were sail casually, that was until suddenly they could hear loud splashing at the side of the ship and someone yelled loudly. "Someone...! Help...! Me...!" it was a young woman, and she can't swim, so you can kind of see why She was asking for help.
"Zoro!" Nami shouted over to the now awake swordsman, that was now jumping up, and running to the side of the ship, where he jumped off. Grabbing the woman, that now had lost consciousness, he swam back to the ship after.
"Here!" Usopp throw over the rope ladder for Zoro to climb. Carrying the woman over his shoulder, Zoro climbed the ladder. Slowly and gently, Zoro placed the Now unconscious woman down on deck. The crew looked down at the woman, who was luckily to be breathing. Besides her looks the crew noticed two swords on either side of her waists. The fingers belong to the woman had started to flinch, and the next thing anyone had known it she had shot up screaming her head off, which, of course, scared other that were watching.

 The fingers belong to the woman had started to flinch, and the next thing anyone had known it she had shot up screaming her head off, which, of course, scared other that were watching

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"I'm alive!" She screamed in relief. "That's nice."
"What is wrong with you!?" Nami was shouting down to her.
"Oh hello." The woman turned around to look up to her, smiling. "Nice to met cha, I'm Michell D. Iris!" She had introduced herself cheerfully.
"I'm Monkey D. Luffy!" Luffy cheerfully yelled back to her.
"Shut up Luffy!" Nami snapped at the straw hat man. "And you, I wasn't asking you for your name!" She had turned back to Iris.
"Anyway, like I said! I'm Iris, and who might you all be?" She had completely ignored Nami, it didn't make her happy at all, and turned to the other two guys.
"Roronoa Zoro." Zoro had answered her.
"I'm captain Usopp!" Usopp clearly lied, She could tell.
"You're a liar, ain't you." Iris smiled to the long nose.
"Hah! She got you, Usopp!" Luffy started laughing at him next.
"You're the captain, right?" The blonde hair woman turned pointing towards Luffy. "You're a swordsman..." She had then pointed to Zoro. "...the Navigator is you..." She had then turned to Nami. "...and then you're a lie!" And finally, looked back to Usopp with a giant grin of her face.
"How did you know?" Nami asked her, suspicious of Iris now.
"It's not you, it's Iris!" She shouted back to Nami.
"Fine, Iris. Are you going to answer my question?" Nami asked.
"No!" She turned her head away from Nami, pouting. "You haven't answered my question." Iris said back childishly.
"I'm Nami, and your answer?" Nami finally introduced herself even if she didn't like it. .
"Well, that's simple..." Iris said, but She didn't say anything.
"Well, what is it?" Zoro finally asked after ten minutes had passed.
"It was just a guess!" She answered cheerfully.
"THAT'S ALL!?" The three of them shouted to her, and she was just chuckling.
"No." Iris smiled up to them laughing, as they fell and hit the deck. "I could tell by looking at you all." She answered them honestly.
"What you mean?" Usopp asked, Confused.
"Just by looking at someone you can tell so much about them." She stated. "For example, I knew Zoro was a swordsman because of the swords." Iris had started explaining to them, pointing at Zoro's side. "But it wasn't just that, by the way he stands also gave him away. Most swordsman lean their arm over his sword, or swords. His posture is also straight."
"I see, I'm taking it you've meant many types of people then." Zoro had said to her.
"I guess you could say that." Was all she had told him, Iris guess that's when he started thinking she as someone not to be trusted.
"That is so cool!" Luffy on the other hand didn't find it strange. "Your eyes are cool too!"
"Thanks, but I got them from my grandfather." Iris had explained to him, a bit to much about herself.
"Your grandfather?"
"Yeah! But he dead!" She said, which seemed to have caused...
"Luffy, you idiot!"" Usopp shouted towards Luffy.
"I see, I'm sorry." Luffy had become depressed
"Don't worry about it, never meet the guy in all my 25 years of life." She seem all that upset as she laughed about it.
"25 years of life!?" The crew looked at Iris.
"That means...!" Nami said completely shocked.
"...She older...!" As was Usopp.
"...Then all..." Zoro was just as shocked
"...Of us." But Luffy was just laughing.
"Yep, I'm 25 years old!" They were thinking despite her personality and appearance she was older than them, which did shock Nami and Usopp a lot, and their faces only made her laugh harder. "You guys are funny!" Iris told them, as she laughed hard, slamming her fist into the desk.
"So you're a Devil Fruit user, I take it?" Zoro had asked looking at her.
"Nope!" What her response back right away.
"But you were drowning in the sea." Nami pointed out, which was true.
"Yeah I was." She stated, turning to the girl smiling.
"Wouldn't that mean you ate a devil Fruit?" Usopp had asked.
"Nope, I mean I know people that have, but I'm not one of them." Iris explained to the crew.
"Then why were you drowning?!" Luffy shouted asking her, even more confused.
"I just never learned to swim!" Sh had stated laughing her head off amused.
"You're pretty funny!" He also joined in with the laughing. Luffy looked down to Iris. "So join my crew!"
"Wha!?" The three other crew mates yelled completely in shock at their captain that had asked her, a person they just met, to join them. But it was just like Luffy, they know that, but still, there are limits. Or thats what they hoped.
"Like I said, I want Iris to join us!" Luffy had turned to his friends then back around to Iris, "Well!?"
"Okay!" What shocked the three of them more, was the fact that she agreed without a second thought. It not like a had a reason to refuse his offer. So she had joined the crew.
"Cool!" But Luffy liked it.
"THIS IS TOO FAST!" The other three shouted to the pair.
"What do you mean?" Luffy and Iris both turned them, with their heads titled to the side in confused.
"You two are too much alike!" They yelled at the two of them, which only made the two of them laugh.
"I guess that's that." Zoro gave up, rubbing his head with a sigh.
"His right, once Luffy makes up his mind, there's not stoping him." Usopp to gave up, also sighing.
"Fine, since the sun is starting to set, I'll show you to the bathroom. You can have a bath there." Nami started walking way, motioning Ivy to follow her, which she did. After that bath, she was shown to the girls' cabin, or more like Nami's, and the two of them went to bed together, because there was on,y one bed.
"How long?" At that time, Iris didn't know Nami had heard her mutter to herself, and wondered what Iris was talking about. But in the end Nami fell asleep, along with her.

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