This is Yuba!?

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Night was about to fall and the wind had picked up enormously as the group had pulled up their pieces of cloth to cover their noses and mouths for protection as stood looking at the storm. "Ah, over there. I see something shinning." Vivi was pointing to the storm where every few offered something would shine through the sand.
"Are we at Yuba?" Luffy was asking as they look off in the direction she was pointing in. "There's so much sand blowing around I can't tell." But it wasn't long before the silhouette of builds began to become clearer.
"What is that sound...?" Vivi was asking as she heard something in the distance. "Somethings not right here!" She had then shouted and she tried to see what was wrong only to see a sandstorm ripping through the town. "A sandstorm! Yuba is besieged a sandstorm!" They could only stand there watching as they could not control the weather, however, once it had settled down, they had all headed right for the town. That was covered in sand all over the place. "Oh no..." Vivi couldn't believe what she was seeing.
"This is pretty bad... this place isn't any better off than Erumalu." Zoro had spoken up as they looked at most of the two covered over with sand.
"Where's the water?" Luffy was asking as his tongue was sticking out looking around the area.
"Isn't this supposed to be an oasis, Vivi?" Sanji had asked her, clearly not seeing it that way.
"The sand has raised the ground level... the oasis has been swallowed..." Vivi couldn't believe what she was seeing and she looked like she was about to cry but had snapped out of it when she heard the sound of shoveling that was coming from inside the dried up river in front of them.
"You're passing travelers, right?" A man was in there digging with a shovel. "You must be tired from your trip across the desert. I'm sorry, it seems this town's a little dried up at the moment." The man had turned around showing a shriveled up old man with a thick fuzzy grey mustache was standing there. He wore a white wrap around his head, and another grey wrap around his forehead. He had on a black robe, that was torn in some places with a brown green robe under earth it being tired by a white clothe with purple polkadots and final a black and white striped shirty under neath that. "But I hope you can at least get some rest before you go." Vivi had covered her face so that she wouldn't be recognised. "If you're looking for inns, there's plenty to choose from. After all, that's what we're known for here." He had come to inform them.
"Excuse me. We heard the Rebel Army has been using this town as a base..." Vivi was saying, but the man was now glaring daggers at her,
"What business do you have with the Rebel Army?!" He had then began throwing things at them. "Don't you dare tell me you're actually thinking of joining them!!"
"Oi! Oi! W-What are y-! Cut it out! You could hurt-! Stop it! Sto-" Luffy had been struck by one of the object that had been thrown and the old man had calmed down and continued to dig.
"Those fools have left already." He had stated calling the Rebel Army fools
"WHAT'D YOU SAY!?" Everyone was in completely shocked after hearing that. They had traveled for days to get to Yuba only to find out that they didn't need to because they weren't here.
"That can't be!" Of course, Vivi was the most shocked out of all of them.
"You saw the sandstorm that just blew through, right? It's not the first. This year-long drought has caused the sands to dry up. And sandstorms have been continually. Swallowed but by bit, the greatest oasis of this last is now in the state you see here." The old man had explained to them. It would make sense for the Rebel Army to move because of that. "Without the commerce of the city to support it, the Rebel Army's protracted war could not continue. They relocated themselves to Katorea."
"Katorea!?" Vivi had echoed the town name in shocked.
"Where's that, Vivi?" Luffy had asked her, asking her if it was nearby.
"It's the oasis right next to Nanohana." She had explained to him, which meant that if they had known about the Rebel Army moving there, it would only take a hour or two by foot.
"Katorea!? That's the town where I got lost and met Eyelashes!!" Chopper had shouted, remembering. That was when Eyelashes began to say something, causing him to translate. "'When you saved me...' Eyelashes says he was delivering supplies to the rebels in Katorea!" He was in completely shocked at hearing that. At that moment, Iris had jumped down from him seeing the intense vibe everyone was giving off. Next thing was Luffy, Usopp and Sanji were kicking the daylights out of him
"Why didn't you tell us, you damned ero-camel!" Usopp was shouting punching him now.
"'Piss of.'" Eyelashes had told them but that set them off again.
"Don't give us that 'bwwaaa' shit You bastard camel!" Usopp shouted at him.
"So we came all the way out here for nothing?" Zoro was basically asking in slight annoyance. That was when they noticed the old man walking up towards them.
"Vivi... you just called her Vivi..." He had called out to Vivi. Luffy had called her by her name not that long ago and he had heard that.
"OI, OLD MAN! VIVI'S NOT A PRINCESS OR ANYTHING-!" Zoro had punched Luffy across the head as he had practically just revealed her identity.
"DON'T TELL HIM, DIMMIT!" But Zoro basically admitted it himself.
"Are you Vivi? Is it you?" The old man was asking her, grabbing into her shoulders. "You're still alive. I'm so glad! It's me. Don't you recognise me?" Vivi was looking at him confused. "I can understand... I've lost some weight..." but when he had said that, she knew exactly whose he was.
"Uncle Toto..." her hand had coved her mouth from shock,
"Yes. That's right." Tears had weld up in his eyes when she realised who he was.
"No..." but she couldn't believe it as she looked at him, since the last time she saw him was when she was a child and back then he was very large. But now, he was old and so skinny that one could see his bones. He was covered in dirt from head to toe with his clothes falling apart.
"Uncle... Toto?" Luffy was still confused not knowing who that was,
"Listen to me, Vivi. I believe in the King. He is by no means the kind of person who could betray this country. Right?" Toto was crying as he was asking her before he collapsed to the ground in tears. "This rebellion is ridiculous...! Those fools... so it hasn't rained for three years. So what? I believe in the King. The greater part of the country does as well. So many times... so many times I tried to stop them. But no matter what I said, it was in vain. This rebellion will not cease. Their strength has already reached its limit. They plan to end it all with their next attack. They're... become embattled. They plan on dying!" It had became clear that this was they plan, however, Vivi had wanted to deny it till now. "I beg of you... Vivi! Please stop those fools!" Toto was crying his eyes out after saying all of that. His head was facing down to the ground until a handkerchief was held out in front of him.
"Uncle Toto. Don't worry." Vivi was smiling down to him as she spoke.
"I will stop the rebellion." She was saying with confidence but no one was stopping her.
"Thank you!" With night fallen, Toto had showed the group to one of the inns in Yuba where they would be staying the night before leaving in the morning.
"Okay, gentlemen! We've had a rough day! Let's take a little rest to replenish our strength for tomorrow." Usopp, who had been carried by Zoro till now was filled with complete excitement as he spoke and dove into the bed behind him. "Good night." He was fake being asleep until he was pushed into the wall
"You've been sleeping the whole time!" Zoro had throw a pillow at him hard enough to him send off the side.
"Asshole... don't compare me to the rest of you monsters!" Usopp had then throw his pillow at him.
"That is IT." The man was about to snap as Usopp had throw a pillow at Chopper. Both Vivi and Iris had looked in between them and surprised as the pillow had sent him to the floor.
"And besides, today's prize for slacking should go to you, Blue-nose!" He had shouted at the reindeer.
"But I can't stand the heat!" Chopper had gotten in his face about it, tears coming out of his eyes.
"Sanji, that's my..." Vivi's voice had turned everyone to her, Iris and Sanji, who was on her bed at the two woman looked down at him.
"Yes, I though you'd be lonely sleeping by yourself tonight-" Before he could even finish that sentence, a pillow was throw right at his face.
"And what the hell do you think you're doing over there?" Usopp had been the one to throw it, and he was acting all tuff after doing so. Then there was Chopper on his shoulder chuckling.
"Oh, someone's got guts. Which one of you threw that at me?" But Sanji didn't know who throw it so he had asked. That was within seconds a giant pillow fight broke out between them.
"Don't you guys know the meaning of 'sleep'-?" Because of that, one of the pillows had ended up being thrown in Nami's direction as she spoke and slapped her across the face. This, of course, made her reach her limit, and she throw it back.
"You're dead!" Sanji had ran in at the moment a pillow struck Vivi. Iris on the other hand was just moving side to side dodging them without problem but after a few seconds the pillows stoped flying and the guys were wrestling each other on the floor.
"Get over here!" Usopp was shouting at Chopper.
"Why are you attacking ME!?"Zoro had asked Sanji. As that was happening, Vivi smiled as she watched them. Meanwhile, Luffy was outside watching the old man, Toto continuing digging.
"Hey, old man... no water's coming out." Luffy was whining that his throat was all dried up and saying that Toto was tough to be able to live out here since it was hard.
"The water will come. The Yuba Oasis is still alive. Yuba will never be defeated by mere sand." Toto was telling him while showering more sand. "I'll dig it up no matter how many times I have to. This is the precious land the king entrusted to me."
"Huh?" Luffy was silent after hearing that. "Okay then! I'll dig too!" He had decided then as he was using his bare hands to dig, but all the sand that he dug up ended up entering Toto's hole.
"Hey, hold on! Don't fling the sand into the hole I'm digging out!" He had told him, covering his face from the sand. Luffy on the other hand was confused to why he had to stop digging, "Are you trying to fill in the hole!?"
"No, I'm digging the hole." He was saying as if Toto couldn't see that.
"I didn't mean that! You're flinging all the sand you're digging up into my hole. That defeats the purpose of me digging the hole in the first place, you see?" The old man was throwing his arms all over the place as he explained.
"Ah. Oh! So it's a Mystery Hole!" In other words, Luffy didn't understand at all and then had starting digging again.
"No it's not!" Time had passed but the night was still young. Toto was still digging though but after some time he had noticed something. "Come to think of it, there hasn't been any sand flying for a while now." He had spoken, wiping off the sweat from his forehead. He had gotten out of his hole and headed to look down a deep hole that Luffy had dug. "How did he dig that far so quickly?" He was completely shocked but then realised he hadn't had sand flinging at him, it was because Luffy was fast asleep at the bottom shoring away peacefully. "He must be tired out from his long journey." Luffy was covered in dirty from head to toe. Having grabbed Luffy, Toto had headed right for the Inn the rest of the crew was sleeping in. Chopper was on his sides shouting away while Usopp was talking in his sleep with excitement as he was lying on his back. Sanji had a giant grin on his face as he was talking about woman. As Nami was on the bunk above Vivi as they were both sleeping peacefully. Then there was Zoro snoring away with Iris sleeping on the bunk above. Toto had quietly moved and placed Luffy on the floor that was in the middle of the room, the old man had grabbed a blanket had placed over the young man. "Have a good rest tonight." He said before leaving.
"Sleep well."

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