Little Chef!

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Even though it was morning the Going Merry found herself covered i a thick layer of fog. One was unable to see anything that was happening around them due to the thickness. "Damn, this fog is as think as milk. I can't see a thing!" Usopp was shouting as he was on watch in the crow nest. "Luffy, see anything?" This had been shouted down to Luffy who was sitting onto of the Merry's head, like he always did. "Oi, I think I can make something out!" Usopp had then came to inform the others that were waiting. "Look Out! There's a huge ship dead-ahead!"
"Sanji, the helm!" Nami had turned around to the kitchen where Sanji was in cooking. "Turn us hard to starboard!"
"Right away, Nami~!" He came to pock his head out the kitchen, with hearts in his eyes. "Sanji's Special Love-" He then noticed the ship they were about to hit.
"Those don't seem to be normal ships, but a fleet of Marines." Iris came to notice this upon looking closely at the ship in front of them and came to notice that there was at least a dozen of them.
"AWESOME!" Luffy was completely impressed.
"Even the Marines won't be able to see anything in mist this think." Nami stated to everyone
"We should try to blend in and make our escape." Robin came up with this suggestion to avoid capture.
"Right. Keep moving forward! And everyone keep quiet. Especially you, Luffy." Nami ordered quietly as the Going Merry began to sail passed the first few ships.
"Got it!" Luffy replied. But as they were sailing pass the ships, Iris came to notice something moving on one of the ships.
"Hey, isn't that..." She came to see a small child was standing outside on the deck of the ship belonging to the Marines, which had caused the others to look where she was.
"A kid? What's he doing?" Nami asked, and the crew watched carefully up at the kid, who had then came to look down at the ship, and saw the flag which had hi freaking out. He had a pot next to he that began to fall and as he tried to save it, he too started falling.
"Watch out!" Sanji had gotten ready to jump off the ship to save him.
"I got him!" Iris took off flying for the boy, which she caught, but he had completely passed out from the shock. With very little choice, Iris brought him back to the Merry where he was placed down where Chopper was looking at him. Everyone else had gathered around the table inside the kitchen after they had safely anchored on the other side of the marine fleet.
"He'll be alright. It looks like the restorative worked." Chopper had spoken as he, Luffy, Nami, Usopp, Iris and Robin had all surrounded him.
"Where am I?" He had asked upon sitting up and looking at the crew.
"You're aboard the ship of the Straw Hat Pirates." Usopp explained to him, like it was no big deal.
"P-Pirates!?" He stumbled upon saying the word.
"Yeah." Luffy said not seeing his fear.
"Don't you remember? You fell off your warship." Nami asked and reminded him
"Stay back!" He yelled after remembering the flag. "You're planning on attack the Marine warships, aren't you!?" He yelled accusing the crew.
"What's up with this kid? After we just saved his ass." Usopp said in disbelief and annoyance.
"There's no need to get upset." Iris had told the long nose boy.
"Well, He is a little Marine." Robin pointed out. Sanji then came over with a tray with a blow on it and placed it on the boy's lap.
"First you need to eat." He had come to tell the boy.
"Take it away. I don't need pirates to take care of me." However, he refused to eat it.
"So you won't eat a soup made by the cook of a pirate ship." But Sanji didn't seem offended as he only smiled. "It's not like I'm gonna poison it. Just put a little of that in you stomach and you'll feel better." The boy was glaring at him but then looked down to the soup stunned to see it. The kid took it in his hands and started eating, taking one spoon of it and he smiled, he couldn't stop taking it. The crew only watched smiling at the boy.
"Thank you." He said after cleaning the blow.
"Sure, you're very welcome." Sanji said.
"I'm Tajiyo, a Marine trainee cook." He introduced himself.
"I'm Sanji." As did their cook.
"Oh, so you're a cook?" Luffy asked impressed.
"Mr Sanji, you're wasting your time cooking aboard this poor little pirate ship!" However, the boy Tajiyo completely ignored him. "Your skills are exquisite!" He praised Sanji but also had insulted the crew
"What'd you say!?" Luffy didn't like the comment about his ship. "This ain't no poor little ship!"
"That's right! This ship is from my very own Syrup Village-" Usopp was also offended by it.
"Can you eat it then?" Chopper asked innocently.
"No, not that kind of syrup! A girl named Kaya gave it to us- and then you call it just some poor pirate ship!?" Usopp was going on a rampage.
"Usopp, calm down. Okay?" Iris came to tell him smiling. It was then when they all had moved to the aft deck where they were looking back to the warships of the Marines.
"The truth is... I...spilled the curry for today's lunch." Tanjiro began to explain his story to the crew about how the head chef had told him to remake it before lunch if he was sorry.
"That chef's right, no doubt about that." Sanji had come to say and Luffy nodding in agreement.
"I've tried so many times... but I've never been able to get it right." The boy was all depressed.
"Tajiyo, how long have you been a cook?" Nami asked him.
"I've been a trainee cook for only half a year." It had then been explained.
"Half a year is more than enough." Sanji came to tell him.
"No it's not!" But it seemed that Tajiyo didn't agree with that. "Every day, all I get to do is wash dishes and peel vegetables! I've never actually cooked anything before!" That had been shouted at Sanji. "And the thing is... once a week, all the fleet Captain gather to eat curry. This time, the ship I'm on is in charge of making the curry! My curry would never be good enough for the Marine brass." The kid was one depressing person.
"Marine Curry is quite a famous dish. Every chef uses their own skill and culture to create a curry for their ship." Robin seemed to know a lot about such a thing.
"Hey, sounds tasty!" Luffy was clearly thinking he wanted to try some.
"You've been a trainee cook for half a year, but haven't built any confidence in yourself. Just go back and apologise to your chef again." Sanji seemed to have lost interest and started walking away.
"No!" Tajiyo turned around. "If I do that, I'll have to leave the ship!" He shouted.
"Does it have to be that ship?" Luffy had asked him.
"What makes you want to stay?" Iris then came to ask.
"Well...all... have you heard of the All Blue?" At those words, Sanji stopped. "East Blue, West Blue, South Blue, North Blue... it's a sea where the fish from all the other oceans swim together! For cooks, it's a sea of treasure they would risk their lives to see just once! The senior cooks call it a dream and always laugh at me. But I believe! All Blue does exist!" Tajiyo had a giant grin on his face. "Staying aboard a Marine ships gives me a better chance of finding it, right? That's why... that's why I don't want to leave the ship." Tajiyo explains.
"Wasn't All Blue..." Those that came from the East Blue soon came to be looking at Sanji's back. After looking at him and thinking about it, Nami and Iris were both smiling
"We really should get away from here as fast as we can, but..." Nami began to say.
"Yeah, if they find us, they're gonna start firing." Usopp pointed out.
"But isn't it sad?" Iris came to say, it was directed at Sanji. "Shouldn't we at least get him back to the ship, Sanji?" She was asking him, since there was something else she was saying in between her words.
"I'm only going to take him back to the ship." The cook didn't hesitate as he said that, looking over his shoulder, and turned to Luffy. "Oi Luffy, lend me a hand."
"Gum Gum..." Luffy had pulled his arms back, "...Ship-to-Ship Line!" And then had swung then forwards causing them to stretch to the other ship. "Oi, Sanji! I got it." Luffy turned back to them.
"The mist will burn off by noon. It'll get pretty risky after that, so we can't wait any longer." Nami explained to the only two with a brain.
"That's enough." Was all Sanji had told him.
"How much do you plan on helping him?" Nami asked with Iris beside her and as Luffy was getting ready.
"I'm just curious about Marine culinary style." Of course they knew that was what he would say.
"Sanji!" Luffy called out to them.
"Yeah!" Sanji shouted back walking to him.
"Yosh! Hold on tight!" Luffy told them as he back up, for more force in the rubber arms. Then he let go, sending them flying and screaming. At least Sanji and Tajiyo were.

The time passed by as the others waited for Luffy and Sanji to return, of course they were all doing their own things. Zoro was sleeping away like he normally did while Nami was doing her maps. Chopper was away making medicine with Iris' help and Robin was reading. However, that had all changed when the sound of someone smashing into the ship had caused them all to stop. "You got some kind of grudge against me?" Sanji was asking Luffy as he was stuck in the wall of the kitchen.
"I'm sorry." He bowed his head to him as he was stilling on the deck.
"That face doesn't look like it's sorry." Was his response as he looked at Luffy's grinning face.
"I'm saying I'm sorry." He had repeated losing his head.
"I'll kick you off the ship, jackass..."
"What's wrong, Luffy?" Nami had come up around the side to ask but that was when Usopp screamed at seeing Sanji.
"You damaged the Going Merry again!" It wasn't because Sanji might of been hurt but the fact the ship was damaged.
"Oh, Usopp, Nami, Sorry." Luffy had looked to them smiling. "I got spotted by the Marines,so we had to rush back." He was laughing as if what had happened wasn't a big deal but
"WHAT!? W-Wait, What do you mean by that!?" Nami had began to freak Hearing that.
"This ship was a gift from Kaya! How many times do I have to tell you that!?" Usopp was shouting loudly. The others could hear him from inside the kitchen that was on the other side of the way,so they could see the dent Sanji had made.
"We have to get going! Usopp, Sanji! Let's set sail!" Nami was yelling at them.
"Right away, Nami~!" He had responded to her but... "My body won't move..."

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