Peaceful Days Returned!

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The time had moved forward along with the Going Merry that was sailing during early dawn, where all of the Straw Hat Pirates were asleep. "Everyone, wake up! Wake up!" But Nami, who was shouting above deck. At this time, Iris seemed to be fast asleep even as the girl called out it them. Until...
"BASTARD!" Her eyes were forced up upon hearing the shouting of Sanji, coming from the fire exit that lead to where the boys' were sleeping. "DON'T STICK THAT UGLY MUG OF YOURS IN MY FACE!"
"THAT'S WHAT I WAS GONNA SAY!" Zoro seemed to be shouting back at him for some reason. However, it wasn't anything out of the ordinary.
"An island! We're approaching an island!" This time Iris was able to hear the navigator shouting above deck.
"An island?" Which had caused her to begin and pull herself out from underneath the covers.
"ISLAND!" While hearing Luffy already heading out in the next room. By the time the sun was high in the sky, the Going Merry had anchored on the shoreline. No matter how Iris looked at the island, it reminded her of a pineapple on its side. The crew, excluding Robin, had left the ship and standing on the beach. "I wonder if there'll be monsters! I wanna see some big strong ones!" The Captain seemed to be hoping for such an outcome.
"Please don't stomp on me... Please don't stomp on me... Please don't stomp out my poor little life." While Usopp was saying over again while trying to fix his nose that had been bent from landing on it.
"I don't see anything from above!" Iris was calling up from the sky, as she had wings it was her job to be on look out for anything that might be dangerous.
"There's no signs of anything strange. It's just a small island." Which had been concluded by Nami upon hearing that.
"Look at this, Nami!" Sanji's voice had pulled the group to look from Iris to him, as he was in a tree with a pineapple in hand. "This fruit would be perfect for storing up! And it looks like the whole island's loaded with 'em!" The fruit had been thrown down to Nami.
"Then we should gather some and stockpile them on the ship." Who had caught it while speaking to him.
"I'll bet there's a lot more plants around here I can use." Sanji slide down part way the tree before jumping to the ground. "This Island is like a cook's paradise!"
"Alright. Then, Sanji, you go look for food supplies." This was being ordered before the navigator's sight turned to the other guys as Iris had came landing on the ground beside her. "You guys do this." It was then her hand had been held out and it had four sticks in it.
"Huh?" The four guys looked at the sticks confused.
"Do you want them to draw lots?" Iris could only guess that it was what Nami wanted.
"Yep! The three who draw short straws will spend the day gathering fruits. The one who draws the long straw will stay here and guard the ship." It was being explained with a large smile
"And just why are you giving out the orders?" Zoro shouldn't have asked that question.
"That's a good point. Normally the captain gives the orders, but..." because there was no way their Captain was capable of such a thing.
"Oh, they're all short!" Which was proof enough when he had taken all the sticks from Nami's hand.
"Why the hell did you draw three!?" Usopp was asking him, confused at what happened.
"The one who takes more is smarter, right?" Luffy hadn't been listening to a single thing.
"That's not how it works, Lu." Iris simply told him, as Nami became incredibly annoyed with him.
"Do you honestly think there's a captain on this ship capable of giving orders?" This had been asked, as the Navigator's eye were twitching as she had asked this question looking at the captain who was born an idiot.
"Not at all." The others had all agreed with her while waving on hand in front waving it. It was making sense that she was the one in charge of the crew.
"Am I really that smart?" Luffy laughed like the idiot he was.
"No, you're not!" And ended up getting punched and kicked by the guys. The guys had then redone the lots and this time...
"I drew the long straw." Chopper had been the one that pulled out the long stick. "Do I stay with the ship?" He asked.
"Yep! So Chopper, you get to stay here." Nami smiled happily.
"Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up, let's go!" Luffy got ready to run off with a basket. "Let's hurry and get the fruit! You both are coming too, aren't you, Nami, Iris?" He asked both the females, as they didn't draw lots.
"Nope! I'm going to take some time out and survey the island. I want to draw a map of it! And Iris is coming with me! I can hardly wait!" Nami said excitedly to him. It wasn't long after that when Chopper was waving back on the ship to the others.
"Later! Be careful! Come back safely!" He was cheerfully tell them as they stood in the entrance of the forest.
"Take care of the ship!" Nami was tell him as she waved back.
"If anything happens, come look for us!" Iris was telling the little guy, a little worried about him being alone.
"The one who gathers the most fruit wins!" Luffy had run into the forest while yelling that to both Zoro and Usopp.
"Eh... don't feel like it." Usopp sounded bored while saying That.
"Why do I have to take orders from that woman!?" Zoro on the other hand didn't pay attention to what Luffy had said as he was still stack on having to following Nami's ordered. So he was still upset.
"Alright, let's get going! Survey! Survey!" This was probably the only time Nami was ever excited about going into the forest without complaint.
"You really love maps, don't you." Iris seemed to be giggling as she followed after.
"Ah! Nami is so energetic carrying that surveying equipment on her back!" Sanji was wiggling after both woman while saying were was magnificent and saying Mellorine over and over again.
"Stop talking like a nut and get your ass over here!" That was until Zoro had shouted at him. The group split off into different directions, Luffy and Usopp going one way, while Zoro had taken off on his own. One had to wonder if that was a good idea being that he has no sense of direction at all. Nami, Iris and Sanji gone off together, with the navigator at front. It wasn't long before she found the perfect place to set up her equipment to survey the part of island.
"The directional traverse is about here..." Nami was speaking looking through a navigating tool binocular. "The right ridge line is 42 degrees." Iris seemed to be writing down was said.
"My fever of love is 42 degrees too. Please survey the heat of my love!" However, it seemed that someone was getting in the way of it and angered Nami.
"You're in the way!" She ended up snapping at him. "Move it!" Before knocking him out.
"Love, huh?" Hearing that being said had pulled the navigator over to Iris, who was looking down at the book in hand, however, it was clear she was spacing out.
"You know, you never told me what happened." This had pulled to angel's attention to her. "About Zoro, I mean. You too seem to be less... close these days."
"Is that so..." It had then been when Nami finally gotten the full story about Zoro from Iris, while Sanji was still out.
"So Zoro confessed to you, huh?" The navigator wasn't all that surprised.
"Yeah, but I don't exactly know what to do about it." Iris came to inform her of this.
"Umm..." She was thinking hard about it. "I guess it depends upon how you feel." But it was the only thing she could come up with. "I mean, from what I've seen Zoro is definitely different compared to the others. However, it's you that has the right to choose." Although, that was being said, the woman still didn't know what to do about it.

The day came to an end and the crew once again regrouped, however, instead of being on the Going Merry they were all sitting around a fire that had been used to cook dinner. A tent had been set up and it was where Robin was sitting reading a book by herself. "And? Why weren't you two able to get anything?" Nami was asking this to Luffy and Usopp who had come back with empty baskets.
"I'm not really sure actually." Luffy said but it was pretty clear what happened. Well, out of two options that was.
"Back then, I thought to myself...just as the Giant King Condor attack me..." Usopp suddenly fell off one of the lumbers the crew were using as seats as he spoke. "'Sorry, Guys. I risked my life to get the fruit... but I didn't make it!' I'm dead." He had popped something that caused red liquid to appear. It wasn't blood but sauce.
"On the other hand, Zoro did a really good job!" The man in question was eating away at some meat. Despite complaining at the very beginning, Zoro actually did the best job. Or more like the only one that did it.
"Yep." He didn't care as he ate.
"You are going to have to continue on through the night now." But that had been said and food spat all over the place from his mouth.
"Ah, Nami is so wonderful when she gives snappy orders!" Sanji was a love sick puppy, completely normal.
"Shut the hell up! You lech of a cook!" Zoro turned yelling at him then.
"You lookin' for a fight, Moss-head!?" But that only seemed to have created another fight between them.
"I was kidding!" Nami told us, grabbing Zoro and Sanji's heads. Everyone around the fire but Zoro and Sanji were laughing.
"You know, it's been a while since things had been so peaceful." Iris came to say, since they had no where to be and were just following the pose to their next destination with no time limit.
"What about you? What did you do on the ship all day?" This question had been asked by Luffy as it was directed at Chopper who watched the ship the entire day.
"Me? Nothing in particular..." It was then when he glanced over at Robin. Then a large grin appeared across his face once he was looking back to the other. "But it's been a great day!"

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