Fly High!

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Leaving the others behind Nami was riding away on the Waver around with Iris flying above her. Both of them were having the times of their lives. Iris was flying straight forward, soon one wing turns over the other and rotates all the way round to return to the starting orientation. This means that Iris was momentarily be upside down before flipping all the way over. She stretched her arms back and into the ocean below, pulling the cloud. Not even realising as she was enjoying herself flying freely without anyone to carry. Luffy would often beg Iris to carry him around while flying. He hadn't been the only since both Usopp and Chopper saw their captain having so much fun, they also wanted to do it. After a while, Nami also wanted to try once and got addicted to it as well. So this was a rare chance for Iris to fly around without any extra weight. She didn't mind but the only time she felt free back then was when she flew, so other then writing, souring through the sky was something that made her happy.

It was then when Iris flipped back over but soon she shot up into the sky higher, she left Nami behind her. She began twirling around in the sky, breaking through some of the clouds above. It was almost like she were dancing. But then her wings had wrapped themselves around her body, causing Iris to begin falling head first. In the last moment, her wings spread open catching the wind and caused her to fly once again above the ocean of clouds. It really was like Iris truely belonged to the sky. Perhaps it was due to her Devil Fruit. However, Iris need up coming to a stopped upon noticing something in the distance. It was a long silhouette, causing her to squint her eyes which soon came to widen.

The waver was going full blast with Nami riding in the direction Iris had flew in. "Hey Nami!" But the navigator was forced to look up toward were she hear Iris' voice. She didn't know when but the woman was flying above her, with her left hand pointing ahead. "There's another island ahead!" A little time pasted and the two were right before the island and they couldn't help but notice the trees. "They're huge..." the Navigator stated this fact, since neither one of them had seen trees like this before. However, Iris couldn't help but fell like she had, for some reason. "What is this?"
"It looks like a normal island." Iris stated, as it didn't look like it was made from clouds like Skypiea.
"So there's earth on Sky Island too..." Nami seemed quite surprised upon this. "They're all so... I can't even see the tops!" She stats as they had moved in closer and was looking at the trees.
"I'm sure of it." But out of nowhere, Iris suddenly heard someone speaking. "A treasure is definitely... so where around here!" The voice appeared to be getting carried by the wind. It caused the angel to look to in the distance where she was hearing it. Only a few meters away she spotted a dent in the island. "It's within our grasp!"
"Nami, there's someone over there." She ended up whispering to the girl so the person the voice belonged to wouldn't hear them.
"We're almost there! Hurry!" Soon the two of them began following the voice around the corner where they were both surprise to find a small ship that looked like it come out of a battle.
"Looks like... no one's on board." Nami stated this as no one seemed to be reacting to either of them, which was why the two of them went in closer. Iris had landed on the deck as Nami climbed on from the Waver. There were a few things laying around a bag and water bottle. "Claw marks..." the navigator notices a trio of slashes on the side of the ship. "Were they attacked by something?" She was asking as both her and Iris were looking around on the ship.
"I'm sure of it! A treasure is definitely... somewhere around here!" The same voice Iris had heard once again spoke, but they had repeated the same thing from before. She glanced over and noticed a green bird preaching on a shell where the voice was coming from. It had then flew off and the woman walked over and grabbed it."An extraordinary treasure is here! It's within our grasp! I can feel it!"
"T-The shell talked!" Nami had become stunned as she was looking at the shell in Iris' hand.
"We're almost there! Hurry!" The voice was saying more then before.
"It's a shell, right?" The navigator came over to the angel and began poking at the shell. "It's not like there's someone inside it..." Iris began turning it around looking for something, but then her finger pushed down at the top and the voice started up again.
"Listen, it we keep this journal, it may be valuable later!" It was clear this was the start.
"I think... this shell records voices or something." This statement came from Iris as this would be the only thing that explains the voice.
"N-No! I'm going back!" It was clear when another voice began to speak. "I-I'm scared. I can feel it... God's wrath!" After that had been shouted, a strange sound followed.
"What's that sound?" That question was followed by panicking gasping. "It's... God!" Then a explosion erupted along with the cried of the voices.
"They were killed... By God..." the two women sat in silence due to shock. "We should go back. This is creepy." Nami broke the silence as she was glancing around, worried. "The farther away from here, the better."
"Yeah, we need to leave as soon as possible." Iris was in agreement with her, since she couldn't help but feel like something was off about this place. But just as they said that, the two of them heard thumping from the island. The birds began flying from the trees in a response to danger. Iris stood in front of Nami, her sword pulled out as she heard someone approaching. Soon they see a redhead man running while being chased by someone else.
"What is that?" The navigator came to ask, as her sight was following the noises. "We need to find out." And before Iris could stop her, Nami jumped back onto the Waver taking off.
"Nami, wait!" Which in response caused the angel to take flight after her. The man running was being chased by a man riding on a large dog. As he is about to be eaten by the dog belonging to the man, another man flying on a bird kicks the dog and goes after the man. A third man joins the pursuit and the man now has three men chasing after him.
"What's..." Nami and Iris were on the outline of the shores, watching the chase. Clearly something was happening on the island. "What's going on..." as Nami was wondering that,
"It looks like somethings going on in the forest."

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