Millennial Dragons!

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Iris was flying after Luffy and the others that were riding down the strong sturdy vines that were like a slide at the moment. "Whoo! This is fast!!" Luffy was having so much fun sitting at the front of the cart.
"You know, I found it pretty amazing that we mange to alway came out of this stuff alive." Iris was flying above Nami, Sanji and Usopp after catching up with them as that landed on the stone path again.
"We aren't 'alive' yet!" Nami shouted up to her holding onto Ryu.
"Man, this is easy!" Luffy was still having to much fun. The cart was going almost 100 miles an hour and Iris had safely landed on it without any problems.
"I'm the fastest thing alive right now!" Usopp was shouting loudly over the sound of the cart moving.
"How is that supposed to impress anyone?" Sanji was asking him.
"Yeah, its not that impressive." Iris stated standing up as her wings were pulled back in and disappeared.
"Luffy! Do something! We'll be in pieces before we can reach the ship!" Nami was yelling loudly at Luffy telling him.
"S'okay! S'okay!" He was telling her back.
"HOW'S THAT!?" Nami had completely lost it.
"Hey, is Zoro really going to be okay?" Apis was trying to shout loudly, but Iris could just hear her over all this nose.
"Huh? Of course." Luffy had complete confidence in Zoro.
"But that guy has a Devil Fruit ability! He can't win no matter how strong he is!" Apis was still saying. Irir had began to climb onto Ryu's back and sat beside her as she was clinging tightly to Ryu.
"There's no need to worry." She had told her with a peaceful smile. "Since Zoro was able to fight me." Not that his better her though. She turned to the front and saw the cart heading right towards a tunnel. "Lu! ahead!" Iris shouted down at him.
"Oh, that's not good..."
"DON'T JUST TALK ABOUT IT!" Apis had began to pick up on Nami's scariness. "DO SOMETHING!!" It was too late though, they entered and exited before they knew it, but once again the cart was in the air and somehow managed to land without breaking.
"Luffy... there's another dead end ahead..." Apis had cried after they had gone through down the mountain.
"We'll destroy it." Luffy hadn't thought hard just longer.
"We can't!" Nami screamed, "This is the same cliff that we came through before! If we do, we'll fall off the edge and we'll be done for!"
"Can't Iris just make us fly over it?" Luffy asked stupidly.
"SHE CAN'T!!" Nami answered for the woman, since Iris couldn't pick this whole cart up and fly while still carrying it. Out of no where the cart caught onto something turning it. The front of the cart smashed into the wall causing them to loss one of the wheels and it started moving backwards down the slop of the cliff. They hit the back this time and they were moving front way first again, and when they made it to the bottom they were riding backwards again.
"I think we arrived safely..." Nami was crying,
"Really?" Usopp didn't sound so sure as we were heading for the ocean. "I wouldn't say that considering the lunch we've had today..." and like on cue the cart came to a complete stop and the three at the back were sent into the water. As Luffy, Iris and Apis had a hold of Ryu.
"We're here! Get prepared, we're going!" Luffy didn't seem to care yelling.
"I can't take it anymore." Nami was saying.
"Shithead." Sanji was just pissed off at Luffy.
"I am so going to kill him!" Usopp had his head in the water.
"Luffy!" Apis had shouted at Luffy was getting the rope ready for the ship. "Zoro! They said that Zoro's in trouble! What are we going to do? We have to go and help him!" She was beginning to freak out,
"What should we do, Lu?" Iris turned to him asking. She wasn't really worried since it was Zoro but she thought she might as well ask him.
"ZOROOOOOO!" Luffy was so loud that it wouldn't be a surprise if it traveled all the way across the island just like his arm had once they got on the Merry. Sanji and Nami were drying themselves off, Apis was using a pair of binoculars to see Zoro and Usopp, he was praying for him, knowing he wasn't going to like this. "Bingo!"
"AWESOME!" This was something that happen quit a bit to Zoro, so Iris could only feel sorry from him as Luffy had began to pull his arm back.
"Let's go!"
"I'D BETTER NOT HIT THE SHIIIIIPP!!" Zoro didn't get what he wanted as he hit the ship.
"Ah, Sorry."
"One of these days, I am definitely going to kill you..." it seemed that most of the crew felt that way. They had set off into the storm the way they came coming out of the mirage.
"Ooh! We're out, we're out!" Luffy was yelling as we exited it.
"That is such a weird feeling..." Sanji had stated as they were heading to Warship island.
"Woohoo! They're trying to come after us!" Usopp was looking to behind us where the Marines were, "But they'll never catch up!"
"Compared to that large-framed Navy battleship, the Going Merry can manoeuver more quickly, but..." Nami was explaining, beside Iris, to him. "Hey, What are we going to do once we reach Warship Island?" She had asked Luffy sitting on Merry's head again.
"It's okay."
"As long as we find the Dragon's Nest first and get Grandpa Ryu healthy again, that's enough, right?" Luffy was smirking back at her.
"You make it sound so easy. The island might have sunk under the ocean, right?" Sanji was reminding him of what. Ami had told us in the ruins.
"Then we'll just go search underwater!" Luffy said, completely forgetting that he can't swim. Not that Apis and Iris could either, the three of them had eat Devil's Fruits.
"You're like a hammer in the water, remember?" Zoro still seemed a bit pissed off with a giant bump on the back of his head.
"Don't forget I am too." Iris called out to remind them.
"Regardless, we have to get out of here as soon as possible! We can't waste our time dealing with the Marines." Nami was tell all of the group, but when Iris looked ahead, she saw something that would make things hard.
"I don't think that's possible, Nami." They were heading towards a giant warship and it belongs to the Marines.
"AWESOME! SO COOL!" Of course Luffy would say that, "It looks like a floating gargoyle!"
"Oi!" Zoro snapped to him. It was clear that it was the main ship of the fleet but there was more, smaller battleships came out from behind the warship.
"How can they even have that many!?" Sanji was completely stomped.
"These damn Marines, how many ships do they have?"
"More like when do they find the time to build them?" Iris had walked up the stairs to join Luffy, Zoro and Sanji at the front of the Merry. The Marines had circled around us and we were trapped.
"What are we going to do? We'll be captured!" Apis was yelling.
"We'll board their ships, kick them off and out the chains. It's the only way." Usopp was making it sound he was going to do it, and Apis was thinking that he was but we all know Usopp, "Go! Luffy! Zoro! Iris! Sanji!"
"Doesn't sound like a bad idea, though." Zoro was all for it,
"Yeah, I think it'll work." Iris couldn't agree with him more, plus it would be easy.
"Are you serious?" Apis was asking them both, "No matter how many lives you had..."
"It'll be okay, Apis. It'll workout somehow." Nami had told the girl, and it always did. "But get the job done quickly, okay?"
"Leave it to us, Nami." Sanji was pleased to tell her that.
"Alright! Let's go!" Luffy was just plain excited. The Marines had began to fire the cannons at us but with Nami moving the ship of course they weren't going to hit it. The four were heading straight towards Warship Island. Apis was scream as she fell to the floor.
"Apis!its dangerous out here get down below deck!" Usopp was shouting at her, but she is a stubborn as Luffy is.
"I can't leave Grandpa Ryu out here alone!" She ran toward the Aft deck.
"A-Ah! Wait! Stop!" And Usopp ran after her. Merry had shot forward and Iris would have lost my balance if not for Zoro who had came out of nowhere and caught me. "AHH! We've been hit from behind!" Usopp was freaking out below us,
"Thank you, Zoro." She had told him standing back up straight as he nodded to her.
"Oi, Sanji! We've been hit! Sanji! Oh, we're goners! We're goin' down." Usopp was going on.
"Knock it off! They missed us." Sanji had told him, stoping him from whining.
"Huh? Really?"
"Ah, we're saved. Who the hell made up a stupid lie like that!?" Usopp was shouting asking as if it wasn't him.
"You did!" Zoro had told him.
"Lookin' good! Lookin' good! Forwards!" Luffy seemed to be having a lot of fun kneeing in the Merry. "Hey! A cannonball's coming this way!" Luffy was warning Nami as the helm.
"This is all I can do right now!!" She was shouting from the kitchen telling him to deal with it.
"Alright, let's try this!" Luffy was running on the rails to the lower deck. "Gum Gum..." He had in flatted as the cannonball was heading at him. "...Ballon!" Catching the cannonball in his stomach, Luffy sent it flying back the way it came, which broke the mast of that ship. Looking to the front the warship was acting strange and show a giant cannon coming out of it pointing at them.
"What is that!?" Nami had came out of the kitchen hearing the sound of the sirens. "If we take a hit from that, we'll be blown to smithereens!"
"We're cool. I'll just launch it back again." Luffy seemed very confident.
"Don't be an idiot! We have to change the direction! Start moving the stern! Hurry!" She was ordering all scary making both Luffy and Zoro run to follow her orders. Along with Sanji and Iris to the aft.
"An eye for an eye! Now I'll show you what we can do!" Usopp was shouting moving the cannon.
"Here we go!" Luffy was shouting as we turned the stern.
"Eat this!" Usopp was shouting and the cannon was fired from our ship. The cannonball landed in the giant cannon and exploded. "Yeah, how'd you like that? That's what you get when Captain Usopp gets serious!"
"It was probably just a fluke." Sanji wanted to rain on his parade.
"Yeah, probably." As did Zoro.
"What? I can do that any time! Just watched me!" Usopp was really pissed off at the two them,
"Usopp, That was cool!" Apis was shouting to him and he had calmed down a bit.
"We're fine. Don't worry. Remember, you've gotta protect Apis!" Luffy was speaking to Ryu.
"Who ya talkin' to?" Usopp asked him.
"To Grandpa Ryu." When Luffy said that, he didn't understand.
"Now's our chance." Nami had joined us at the back. "We'll attack quickly while they're distracted, cut the chains and make ourselves an escape route."
"Aye, Nami."
"Shall we go?" Iris asked spreading open my wings and held her hand out to Zoro.
"Yeah." He grabbed onto it and then turned to Luffy, "Luffy."
"Leave it to me!" He was shouting and his arms stretched behind him. "Gum Gum..." His arm had then shot forwards to the marines ship "...Crossing Bridge!" Sanji started running on the arm that had grabbed onto the Marines's ship in their way. As for Zoro and Iris, with him holding onto her hands she took off to the same ship and placed him down on the deck. Of course that didn't last long with Luffy around. "Sorry, Zoro." Luffy had said after he crashed into Zoro coursing both of them to smash into the wall.
"You...!" Zoro was pissed but he could deal with Luffy later, at least that's what Iris told him. Which he did listen to her. All four of they moved to the chains to one side of the hip were and Zoro was standing on the edge beside them.
"Steel chains." Zoro had said looking at the chains.
"Can you cut 'em?" Luffy had asked him.
"There's nothing I cant cut." Zoro was full of confidence and it was mostly true that he could do it.
"Gotcha. Then have at 'em." That's when Iris felt the presence of many people approaching them and before they knew it the Marines had surrounded the,.
"Looks like they're all here." Sanji sounded very annoyed at that fact.
"I like taking the right quarter." Luffy was saying excited.
"Whatever." Sanji told him.
"Then Sanji can take the left and I, the middle." suggest to them.
"Sure thing, Iris, Angel~!" For some reason Sanji was more into it now.
"I'll leave the chores to you guys." Zoro had said from behind.
"Got it!" They all said back to him without turning around.
"For upsetting Admiral Nelson, we will not allow you to break through here!" With that opening statement they all began to charge the three. Spreading her wings out Iris toke to the sky above the Marines that we're looking up at her stunned from surprise.
"I don't like man that try to harm my friends like Ryu." Iris had told them and balls of light the size of bullets started appearing around me. "Penínta Ierá..." She aising her hand above her head up to the sky, where the balls of light began to gather. "...Sfaíres!" (Fifty Holy Bullets, Greek) And her hand moved down to the Marines. She had no intention of killing them only wounding them so that could fight against them. With that will the light balls that moved like bullets hitting their arms or legs to stop them. Zoro was slicing one of the chains off. However, that only caused the Marines from the two ships beside us to started boarding it.
"Gum Gum..." both arms belong to Luffy were pulled back. "...Gatling Gun!" His fists forward repeatedly in a blurry, rapid barrage of strong punches that creates the illusion of him having multiple arms. It was then when something wrapped around Iris' leg, she looked down to see a rope around her left leg and a bunch of Marines started pulling her down. She leant from that time in Loguetown a new move for something like this.
"Ágio..." Iris wings pulled back. "...Aeráki!" (Holy Breeze, Greek) only to create a large strong gust of wind that sent them off the ship. Just as Zoro was about to cut the last chain something had coursed the Merry - that was heading towards them- to be push back but the blast of the water. Looking closely Iris saw a row boat heading for the cart where Ryu was, it was that sickle guy from the ruins. That means that blast from before was his doing.
"What's up?" Luffy was coming up to the three of us that were watching from the nose of the ship.
"Him again." Sanji was telling Luffy,
"Huh? What's he doing?"Luffy was asking us.
"Looks like he's holding Apis hostage to steal the dragon." Zoro was explaining to him.
"That's bad!" Was all Luffy was to say he was about to punch him when.
"If you try to punch him he'll use his attack to kill Apis and the others!" Zoro had grabbed onto Luffy tell him.
"I see, I get it." Iris thought he had understood but, "Then, I'll kick him!" Zoro had punched him across the head.
"WILL YOU PAY ATTENTION!?" He was asking, but while he was doing that, that sickle guy took off. It turns out that Eric was just using the Marines as he was telling the captain of the fleet that he refused to give Ryu to him. The cannons began to fire at Eric, this was bad, Apis and Ryu was going to get hurt. Apis was yelling shouting at Eric and he had picked her up.
"APIS!" Iris screamed seeing Eric throwing her onto the boat with all his strength. Seeing the Marines retreating was understandably since Ryu did look intimidating and the next thing they saw what Eric flying off. Ryu's.... His wings had opened wide with a loud cry that send sonic waves. "What in heavens..." Iris covered her ears that were breaking at the sound of his cry.
"Grandpa Ryu roared out." He had finally stopped, Ryu, he was flapping his wings. "That's it! Keep trying, Grandpa Ryu!" Luffy was shouting happy, "You can fly!" And he really was flying, Ryu was off the cart in the air flying. However, the Marines began to fire at him, knowing Apis she was telling him to run for it. "KNOCK IT OFF!!" Luffy had finally had enough and so did the rest of them. They went to the ships and started destroying the cannons they were firing at Ryu. However, the main fleet began to fire now which then Ryu began to fly towards it. This was horrible! How could that do this? Ryu, he was getting shit but the cannonballs so many times. That's when Ryu fell into the water and Luffy was off.
"GRANDPA RYU!!!" Apis screaming.
"This is bad..." Zoro was saying as Ryu began to sink.
"Yeah, he can't swim..." Sanji was saying.
"Why are they so cruel?" Iris was asking. She had understood what it felt like losing those one love in front of them before but to once again fell it was to much. The main ship the had shot a harpoon at Ryu, they really are evil. However, they had another thing coming with Luffy pissed off.
"BASTARD!!" Luffy had exploded and him sent the harpoon back to that fat as bastard. "Grandpa Ryu isn't an object! He's our friend! We've sailed together! He's an important friend to us!" That was Luffy . But out of nowhere the ships began to shake.
"Can't you stand on your two feet?" Zoro was asking, he sounded annoyed as Iris lost balance and he had caught her.
"Well, I do fly lot more nowadays, so maybe I'm starting to loss my balance now." She was joking as she looked up to him.
"Yeah, along with your brains." He had joked as Iris was back to standing up.
"At least I had some unlike you." She had told him back laughing. The shaking was getting more intense and they felt something was in the distances up high in the sky. That's when Ryu had began to roar once again but this time was different. Iris looked off into the distance as she felt something coming and that's when she saw them. it wasn't just one of two but a fleet of them. This... it couldn't be...
"Iris, are you Okay?" Sanji asked seeing her stunned expression.
"They're coming..." Iris said looking to the sky were they getting bigger and bigger because they were getting closer and closer to them.
"Who is coming?" Sanji was asking her confused.
"All the Millennial Dragon in the world." She had told him, "There! They're here!" Iris pointed to the sky now seeing them with her own eyes millions of Millennial Dragons flying over them.
"Incredible." Was all Zoro could say at the site of them all.
"Where did they all come from?" Sanji was just as amazed as Zoro. They truely were beautiful creatures. As Iris could do nothing but watch Zoro and Sanji were protecting her from the attacks of the Marines which she started to snap out of it once seeing Luffy stretch up his arm all the way to the Millennial Dragons, he had shot up to the sky and before anything else was said or down Luffy's leg had smashed the giant battleship to bits something, Luffy really was a terrifying man.
"WHAT HAPPENED!? HE KILLED THE ADMIRAL!!" The solders began running the moment they say Luffy.
"These Marines sure give up quick when their boss gets beaten." Sanji did sound disappointed.
"Not to mention they're not even going to check if he really is dead." Iris had stated in disbelief.
"Let's pull out, too." Zoro had told us walking way.
"Okay!" Iris followed right behind him towards one of the row boats. "Sanji, come on!" She notice Sanji was looking up at the Millennial Dragons not moving.
"Yeah!" He turned and started running to them. The three had made it back to the Merry before the Marines had started crashing into one another like a bunch of idiots. "Nami! I'm baaaack~!" Sanji was yelling.
"Shut up and get on!" But Zoro was passed that he wasn't moving up the rope leader.
"Please stop it." Iris looked up to them both.
"Gum Gum..." Hearing Luffy's attack we all turned to the front of the ship, "...Rocket!" They knew what was going to happen when he had used the Millennial Dragon to get high again and he was coming right down towards the Merry now. "Yo!" Luffy had said to us after landing on the ship making them fly up and then hit the deck.
"No 'Yo's!!" Nami was losing her patience with him.
"Please be a bit more gentle next time you land." Iris was saying to him.
"Don't be nice to him, Iris!" Nami had snapped at the woman, "You're gonna break the ship!!" She was back to yelling at Luffy.
"Grandpa Ryu!" But when Apis' crying could be head they couldn't say or do anything to stop her but once again everything began to shake.
"An earthquake?" Sanji was asking as he was sitting on his head.
"Again?" Nami was getting scared.

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