Over at Last!

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As all that was happening with Vivi, the Straw Hats had snuck away. They had left the Square far behind them, heading in the direction where Crocoidle had come flying from. "Oi... get up and walk already!" Sanji was saying this right at
"Well... listen to this... I've come down with I-will-die-if-I-walk-any-further Disease." Usopp that was laying on the ground
"Then stay there." Zoro ended tell him as the group continued.
"Eh? Hey w-wait! Whoa! Wait!" But it wasn't long before the sniper was being dragged by the foot. "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! Why my leg!?" But he was obviously complaining about it.
"There he is." The crew had finally managed to find Luffy, who was on the back of a middle age man of average height. He had a wrinkled face, a tied-off beard, and long, curly, black hair. He was wearing a green robe with yellow edging, an orange and beige sash around his waist, and a purple coat, all of this with sandals and a necklace.
"Who are you?" The man had asked as the crew was heading for him.
"Ah, that guy on your back... Thanks for carrying him out of there." Sanji was rubbing the back of his head while pointing to Luffy, as right behind the two was a large pile of rubble. "He's with us. We'll take him from here."
"So you are the Pirates who brought Vivi back to this country." The man seemed to be aware of who they were.
"Who are you, old man?" This was being asked since no one should know about this.
"Papa!" However, the question was soon answered when the group came to hear the voice of Vivi shouting. "Everyone!" They all turned to find her running towards them.
"Ah, it's Vivi!" Chopper spoke upon sighting her.
"Papa?" Sanji repeated what had been said a moment ago. "VIVI'S FATHER!?" It had taken a bit for him to progress what had been said but when he did he was shocked looking at the man.
"That would make you the king." Iris seemed to have realised this, as it was the only exclamation how he knew about the crew. This man was the 12th king of the Arabasta Kingdom, Cobra Nefertari
"I was prepared for death." The king began to speak after placing Luffy down against the wall. "But he saved me after he fought with Crocoidle, he carried both of us back to the surface." It had been explained. "It is difficult to conceive if one possessing so much power." He had explained what had happened during the battle, including the poisoning.
"'Both of us'?" However, Iris had to wonder what he meant by that, not to mention the only one that noticed the 'us' at all.
"And we don't have to worry about that poison?" Usopp came to ask this looking down at Luffy.
"No, he's already taken the antidote." He had been answered. "But he must be treated for his wounds, as well as all of you." Cobra stated looking at the group with injuries that all had. However
"So Vivi, hurry up and go already." Zoro had gone to sit down against a wall with his swords in hand.
"Eh?" She was confused at what he meant by saying that.
"Get back to the Square."
"That's right. The country's rebellion is finally over. But without the words of the King and Princess guidance, it won't be a real ending." Usopp had agreed with him as he said all that.
"Then, we should all-" Just as Vivi was about to say they all should go
"Vivi. You understand, right?" Sanji had stepped in to cut her off, lighting up a cigarette. "We're marked men. We ain't gonna concern ourselves with the countries and such!" He was smiling at her saying.
"I'm hungry." Chopper came to say, his tongue out.
"A nice warm bath sounds nice as well." Iris was saying as they were all really filthy from the journey here and the battles they all went through.
"We'll get to the Palace when we're ready." Nami then said to her that the group was exhausted right now. The entire group was smiling at Vivi, who then left a few seconds later with her father, heading back to the Square where the people from the war would be waiting. The moment that the two of them were completely out of sight, entire group had collapsed and they were just laying asleep on the ground. They were all exhausted from this ordeal.

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