The Salvage King!

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It wasn't long before the crew was standing before Luffy, Zoro and Sanji each were wearing body suits, made of barrels. Although, Luffy was the only one that had his body covered with two of them. "Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey. You make us do some crazy things!" The captain was shouting in excitement.
"NAMI, MY LOVE! I'm absolutely going to find you a clue about getting to Sky Island." Sanji yelled like his normal lost self.
"I'm counting on you!" Nami smiled widely.
"Don't worry about a thing. my design is flawless!" Usopp stated proudly, but along a few seconds later a large fish had emerged from the water, devouring some birds that were flying overhead.
"Well, good luck. We'll be praying." Nami had come to say as some other the others were in shock upon seeing this. However, the three guys soon were in the water with a rope each lowering them deeper into the sea
"This is Chopper. Try answering, guys." Chopper was holding the lever as he spoke into three tubes connected to the guys to breath and communicate.
"This is Luffy!" The first to speak was Luffy who was obviously excited by all this. "There sure are a lot of monsters! Over!" But he mentioned something alarming.
"This place is a giant sea snake nest!" Zoro had then spoken, and despite what he was saying he wasn't the slightest bit concern.
"This is Sanji! Whoa, they're looking at us!" Sanji appeared to be the only one slightly panicked.
"OK." Nami nodded after hearing them all.
"Are you sure it is?" Iris had asked her a bit concerned.
"They can handle it! They'll be fine!" She had responded to her. "Chopper, Hold the brake tight." And continued her orders.
"Man, I'm glad I didn't go." Usopp could only say, wiping his forehead.
"Salvage~! Sal~va~ge! Salvage~! Sal~va~ge!" Chanting had suddenly reached the ears of all those on deck and when they turned their heads towards it, they all came to notice a silhouette approaching in the distance.
"What's that?" Usopp came to ask, pulling down one of his Binoculars and adjusted it so he would be able to see what the silhouette was.
"Salvage~! Sal~va~ge! Salvage~! Sal~va~ge! Salvage~! Sal~va~ge!" But it wasn't long before the silhouette had become clear as it was right before the Merry. Or behind her to be more precise.
"All hands, full stop!" What they were looking at was a giant ship, at least 10 times the size of the Going Merry, or even more.
"AYE, AYE, SIR!" The ship had figurehead that was a monkey striking two cymbals. It also appeared to have rows of palm trees going along the sides of the ship and two banana-shaped poles serving as pulleys for the monkey statue. Even the Jolly Roger had a monkey's head with two bananas on it.
"Is this where the ship sank?!" Someone was shouting loudly.
"AYE, AYE, BOSS." Clearly he was the captain of the crew.
"Boss...! That would be referring to ME!" A human with ape-like features, who wore an orange-yellow jumpsuit, headphones and goggles was shouting loudly. What makes him interesting is he apparently had a tail along with huge arms and some kind of piercing around his wrists. "Prepare to raise the ship!" He was throwing around orders. "That sunken ship is now the property of the Boss of the Masira Pirates... The Salvage King, Masira!" Monkey sound had come out form his mouth for some unknown reason. Then behind him, his men appeared to be cackling like monkeys as well.
"And just when we need it least, some weirdos show up." Nami had come to say, looking at the group oddly.
"Oi, you guys!" It appeared that Masira had spotted the crew on the Merry. "What're you doing there? This is my territory!"
"Territory?" Nami  looked at him questioning.
"Yeah! Any ship that sink in this territory are mine!" He had proudly stated to them. "You better not be trying anything over there!" Although, he probably get angry if he knew that they were already doing something he wouldn't like.
"So he' s going to salvage the ship." Robin came to say.
"It appears to be the case." Iris was right beside her agreeing.
"So what? This is our chance?" This was asked by Nami.
"Quit yammerin' over there! Answer my frinckin' question!" It appeared that Masira was Losing patience as the crew were whispering among themselves.
'Exudes me! May i ask you a question?" Nami was shouting over to ask.
"You're gonna ask me one!?" And it seemed to gave surprised him. "Fine! Ask whatever you like!" But he had agreed to it.
"Are you men going to salvage that ship?" This had been asked just to clarify things.
"Huh? Saru?" (Saru(be-ji) na-saru - A monkeyed monkey) Masira began to look smug upon hearing that for some reason. "Oi, you really think I look monkeyed over?" Though it was clear he misheard what was said.
"Monkeyed over?" It was something they hadn't heard before.
"That means I'm a handsome man! You really think so?" It was definitely a mishearing.
"Sure..." But Nami was just going along with it.
"No, you're too kind!" Masira seemed completely flattered by this.
"You gotta be kidding." While it appeared that Usopp was going to be sick. "So, you're gonna salvage it?" But he put on an act to ask this.
"You bet I am! There's no question about what I'll do! If there's a ship sunk, I;m the man ton salvage it! And if it's still closing, I'll sink it and then pull it up!" This was shouted as the answer. "There ain't no ship my crew can't salvage!
"Then... Do you mind if we watch?" Nami had come to ask this next.
"Oh, so you guys ain't seen a salvage before?" Which had been the truth, as none of them have, however, it was more of an excuse to wait around, waiting for the guys and the ship. "Fine! Go ahead and watch all you like!"
"Yosh, lets just watch what they do, guys." This was being whispered to the others by their navigator. Though, those thoughts might be premature.
"Boss! We got a problem!" There was yelling upon the monkey ship.
"What is it?!" Masira had turned around to speak with his men.
"Just as the cradle reached the ocean floor, the crew..." This was being explained.
"Did a Sea King get them?" This had been the assumption that had been made by the boss.
"No, it looks like someone punched them!" However, that had explained on close Exam on the body of their crew.
"Someone's down there?!" It was already clear to Nami and that who that was.
"Oh my, those three sure get into a lot of trouble, don't they?" This was being said by Iris as she was looking at Robin, chuckling.
"That is very true." Who was also chuckling in agreement.
"Then..." Masira's sight had once again turned back to the Going Merry, glaring. "Oi, you guys!" He had shouted over to them,
"Ah! We..." which had frightened Nami and Usopp.
"There's someone down there! Be careful!"
"O-Okay!" However, after hearing that they both calmed down a bit, while blissing that his was an idiot.
"MEN, GET THAT CRADLE SET UP AGAIN! WE GONNA START THE SALVAGE!" Masira shouted loudly up to the sky.

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