Beautiful Night!

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Time had passed and it seemed that the weather or luck wasn't on the Straw Hats as it was pouring outside and there wasn't an island in sight. With the exception of Zoro, the rest of the crew had found themselves sitting in the kitchen, waiting for the storm to pass. "I'm sick of this..." However, someone was growing in inpatient after losing match after match of cards with Iris. "WHEN'S IT GONNA STOP RAINING!?" He, Luffy, had coming flipped out after slamming his fist onto the table and then up in the air. That was before his head fell back down as if he lost his Will to live. "Hey, Usopp. You have anything fun to do?" This was being asked to the long nose that was sitting cross legged as he was crafting away at some wood.
"Yeah, I've got a firework I made." Usopp pulled out a small ball that was wrapped in paper. "Wanna set it off?"
"HELL YEAH!" Of course that was answered instantly and with excitement .
"Don't even think about it." Nami, who was away reading today's paper, had told him. "What if there's an enemy ship nearby?" She flipped to the page.
"Guess you're right." Usopp had agreed with her before placing the firework away. This on the other hand had caused Luffy to once again whined as he hit the table. Iris kind of chuckled as she sat across from watching. But then turned to the left, where Robin was sitting reading a book.
"What've you been reading all this time?" Luffy seemed to have done the same thing, as he had come to ask her while looking over Robin's shoulder. Hearing this question had stopped everyone as the turned towards Luffy in shock."Did I say something wrong?" Luffy came to as after noticing the others looking at him in shock.
"Nothing! Nothing at all!" They answered in unison slightly stiff before returning to what they were doing.
"The Rainbow Mist." The book Robin had been reading was pushed in front of Luffy. "In other words, the books about a mist coloured like the rainbow. The author details his adventures on a strange ocean in this book." It had been explained to him
"Adventures? Sounds cool!" Luffy seemed excited as he took the book in hand, which had the others in disbelieve, since this was Luffy. It was then when the door to the kitchen had opened up.
"Oi, I see an inland." Zoro had come to say as he entered.
"REALLY!?" Which had Luffy slamming down on the table in excitement before running out of the kitchen cheering.
"What's up with you guys?" Zoro came to ask as he saw Nami and Usopp just suddenly relaxed.
"Nothing." He had been answered by everyone by Robin.

By the time the ship reached the island, the rain had come to a stop. The crew had taken a circle around the island to see where it would be safe to drop anchor where they found themselves dropping it by a cliff of the island. Iris was flying down from the cliff after taking both Usopp and Sanji up. Both Nami and Chopper were waiting for her as she landed on the deck before grabbing ahold of their arms to fly up above once again. "Take good care of the ship!" The navigator had shouted down to Zoro
"Yeah, Gotcha." Who was sitting on the railing as he was on ship duty.
"Oi! There's a town!" Luffy had already taken off up.
"Lu, you shouldn't run off on your own!" Iris had taken off flying after him, so he wouldn't get lost. Usopp and Chopper were walking up the hill following.
"A town!" The reindeer was amazed upon seeing it below, and Usopp wowing once he got up top.
"It's so beautiful." Iris had said as she was still flying after Luffy. However, once they reached town her wings had been put away as the group were walking around the town that was covered in festival decorations.
"It's kinda small, but this town sure is lively." This had been noticed by Usopp.
"Yeah." Chopper seemed to be in agreement. It made sense as the towns people were laughing and chatting all around them with excitement.
"It's a good thing we found an island." Iris was walking along side the doctor as she was keeping an eye on Luffy ahead. "We were running low on supplies, so we should restock while we can."
"Are you gonna do any shopping, Iris?" Chopper had come to ask her as he was looking up at the woman.
"I think... I am running low on ink and writing books." She had come to answer after pausing for a moment. "What about you, Usopp?" Iris had redirected the question to the long nose.
"Maybe!" Which had been his answered.
"Oi, guys! Come quick!" But then Luffy's shouting had them looking ahead to see the Captain looking at a wall.
"What is it?" Usopp asked a little panicked as the group ran quickly towards him, worried about what they were about to find.
"A wanted poster...?" Nami thought, as that seemed to be a reasonable thing. "Or not..." However, as they found themselves looked at a firework festival poster it was clearly not the case.
"Oh! A firework festival!And it's tonight!" Usopp seemed all excited upon seeing it.
"How wonderful! Right Iris!?" Nami turned to her all excited.
"Yeah! I don't remember the last time I saw fireworks!" And she seemed just as excited.
"They're pretty!" Both of them had said in unison.
"If that's the case, I shall escort you two-" Sanji placed his hands on both Nami's and Iris' shoulders.
"No, that's not necessary. So mind your own business."" Nami was smiling up at the cook as she spoke in a sweet voice. "Fireworks! I'm so excited!" Will Nami was happily saying and ignoring the looks the guys were giving her both as Sanji was all depressed.
"There, there." Iris was trying to comfort the small man.
"I've never seen you guys before." Someone new had joined the conversation and the group looked over to see a slightly larger and slightly bald man caring groceries. "Did you come for the fireworks?" He was asking.
"No, not exactly-" Nami started saying before Luffy cutting her off.
"Why? Are the fireworks really popular or something?" He had come to ask this.
"Yeah, the island is famous for this festival." He explained to the group.
"It's been held annually for the last 400 years." It was there when the fish seller joined in.
"400 years? That's a long time!" Usopp were amazed.
"Take a look!" The fish seller pointed up passed them. "See the tower on that mountain over there?" Which had the group follow his finger. "For 400 years, that house has been creating fireworks, generation after generation. Right now, only an old man and a little girl live there though."
"So the old mans makes all the fireworks by himself?" Usopp came to ask him.
"No, no. The little girl helps make them too." But he had been corrected.
"They work hard all year round just for tonight. It's really something. Usopp sounded impressed.
"Why does it take a whole year just to make fireworks?" Luffy didn't seem to understand why it would take so long.
"You're such an idiot! It's because of... a lot of thing!" But Nami had to think of what she would say. "Even if I told you, you wouldn't understand." He just took that.
"Iris!?" The rubber head turned to the Angel wanting to know.
"It's because of the mysterious colours and gun powered that are wrapped up in paper so it'll mysteriously blow up." She had come to say, but it didn't make the slightest bit of sense.
"I see!" But for some reason Luffy seemed satisfied with the answer.
"That reminds me!" Usopp suddenly came to shout, which had the others look at him. "I'm running pretty low on gunpowder! If I go up there, maybe they'll let me have some. I'll be back later!" He had come to say before taking off.
"But... I hope nothing like last year happens again..." the larger man had began to speak to the store owner
"Yeah, me too." And this seemed to have taken Nami's attention.
"What happened last year?" She had come to ask them about last year.
"Oh, last year, during the festival-" but just as it was about to be explained
"Hey! They came all this way to enjoy it. No need to tell them about that." The store owner had stopped him.
"You're right! Sorry, it's nothing. Forget I said anything." The man had turned to them.
"Seems like a perfect date." Nami came to nudge Iris with a large smirk across her face.
"You think." Which was something that she began to smile with slightly red face.
"Yeah! I'll go tell Robin!" Sanji came to shout after hearing them after waking up from his depression.
"No..." However, Luffy should came to a stop. "I think we should eat first." He came to say which had the others looking at him oddly.
"WHY'S THAT!?" Or like Sanji snap at him.

Night had come to fall and the festival was in full force. Stalls were set up on the streets where people were enjoying before the fireworks began. The crew seemed to have separated one their own without much thought. Nami and Robin had gone off in their direction with Sanji following right behind them. Then there was Luffy and Chopper who had ran off to play the games at the stalls. Usopp had been seen or heard from in hours but they weren't all that worried as it was Usopp. Then that left Iris and Zoro alone as they were walking around the crowded streets, merely enjoying each other's company while holding hands. However, once the hour of the fireworks were approaching, the group had meet up once again. They were looking up at the sky as the fireworks were going off one after another. "They're beautiful!" Nami yelled. Luffy was stuffing his face with meat, Zoro's face changed into disappointment at Luffy. However, he turned to look down at Iris, who had sparkles in her eyes as she watched the fireworks. She was truly enjoying them, as this was the first time she had. The sky was beautiful as it was filled with the fireworks that soon eventually came to an end. At least, that was everyone had thought until they came to hear another firework gone off. However, it was extremely smaller and less impressive. "What was that tiny fireworks from?" Nami asked as everyone was now looking to the mountain from where it same from. That's when another explosion sound was heard as something was sent high into the sky, and one last firework had gone off. However, it wasn't like anything anyone had ever seen in their lives. The firework was like that of millions shouting stars covering the entire sky of the island above. Everything was completely silent as the firework came to an end as they were comprehending what they saw but once they did everyone began cheering even louder then before.
"I want to see it again!"

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