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Both Zoro and Iris were not that far away from Arlong Park when a loud crash sound coming from their left side. "Yo! Zoro! Iris!" They both heard Luffy and next saw the tip of a ship heading right for the two of them, and well, the next thing was the ship dragging both and crash. "We've arrived. We've arrived." luffy speaking from under the destroyed ship.
"You bastard... what the heck are you doing???", Zoro had shot up screaming, while Iris was pushing off the wood on her.
"What do you mean? We've come to take Nami back." Luffy was patting himself down.
"Are you alright, my angel?" Sanji was sitting down beside Luffy standing, but had gotten up when he saw her.
"Thanks." She said taking his hand.
"Still haven't found her?" Luffy had asked both Iris and Zoro. "Oh yeah. Where are Usopp and Johnny?" When Luffy asked us about Usopp, we both had remembered why we were in a rush.
"Usopp? That's right! This isn't the time to be idling around." Zoro had stood up and Iris released the hand that was still holding her, they both ran off again.
"What happened?"
"Arlong captured Usopp! We need to save him or his dead!" She had answered Luffy.
"He's dead." Johnny's voice had came out of nowhere, and they had all turned to see him. "It's too late." He fell onto his knees. "Big Bro Usopp is dead. He was killed! By Big Sis Nami!" After Johnny had shouted that, there was no wonder the group had gone silent.
"Is that the truth?!" Yosaku was the first one to speak up, asking Johnny.
"Yeah, it's horrible..." Johnny stated as he fell to the ground cross legged, "That woman's a witch! In order to obtain hidden treasure in Cocoyashi Village for herself, she was kissing up to Arlong!" Iris only looked at him, wondering is that how he really saw it. "And for that purpose, she killed without even thinking about it. She's a rotten-hearted low-life! We've been fooled all this time!"
"Bastard!" Luffy couldn't take the harsh words that Johnny was speaking about Nami, grabbing him by the neck of his shirt, Luffy was yelling with such anger in his voice. "Say that one more time and I'll kill you!" Iris saw that his hat fallen to the floor and had picked it.
"Stop it Luffy, this has nothing to do with Johnny." Zoro was trying to calm him down, but he was still shaking in anger.
"You don't have to believe me, but I saw it with my own eyes!" Johnny was crying. "I saw what she did to Big Bro Usopp!"
"You're making up crap! There's no way Nami would kill Usopp!" Iris had never seen Luffy like this before, he was always smiling and laughing, so when she saw the terrifying expression on his face, she no longer thought of Luffy as just an idiot. He was still an idiot, just no longer thought of him just as one. "We're friends!"
"But I..." Johnny was trying to say something, however, everyone beside Luffy and Johnny had noticed the extra presence of someone.
"Who's friends, Luffy?" Nami was standing there with her arms crossed under her chest looking at the group.
"Nami." Luffy had finally released Johnny and turned around to her.
"Why did you come here?" She had asked Luffy.
"What are you talking about? You're my companion. I came to get you!" He had explained taking his hat from Iris to place on his head.
"How annoying." Nami said back at the explanation.
"Nami?" Luffy had called out of her confused.
"Friends? Don't make me laugh. You're more like a pathetic group of cooperators, don't you think?" She asked them.
"Why you... I saw it with my own eyes." Johnny was pointing at her crying, "How... How dare you kill Big Bro Usopp!"
"And your point is? You wanna try killing me to avenge him?" Nami had asked him.
"I'll tell you one thing. Right now Arlong wants to kill 'Roronoa Zoro and his posse.' All because Zoro and Iris went and did something stupid." Nami had explained.
"I take offence to that!" Iris shouted throwing up one of her hands, "Zoro was the only one doing the chopping!" She had putted to him.
"You were doing it too!" Zoro snapped at her with sharp teeth.
"It doesn't matter. You guys may have these monster-like powers, but you're no match for real monsters. Hang around this island long enough, and you guys will be killed for sure." Despite her harsh words, Iris could tell that. Nami only wanted them to live, but everyone else was just dumb, "Well... it doesn't concern me though." She saw that Nami was lying. Growing up the way she did, Iris had to learn to read others and control her expression so she couldn't be read. Zoro looked at Nami with anger as Sanji's face was pink.
"Her cool look is still charming! Hi Nami! It's me, it's me, remember me? Let's go on a cruise together!" Sanji was waving his arms around like a love sick puppy with a giant heart for his eye.
"You stay out of this! You'll just complicate things!" Zoro yelled at him.
"What did you say!? My love is always a hurricane!" Sanji turned to him all pissed.
"Nami, where is Usopp?" Iris had asked her, ignoring the two idiots behind her.
"Hey! Listen to me when I'm talking!" Sanji had snapped when Zoro turned to look at Nami after Iris had questioned her.
"Answer Iris' question, where is Usopp?" Zoro repeated after Iris.
"At the bottom of the sea." Nami smirked as she answered.
"Why you! Cut out your bullshit!" He yelled charging at her, ready to pull out his only sword he had left. However, before he had gotten towards her, he had jumped back because of Sanji.
"Do swordsman attack woman too? Roronoa Zoro?" Sanji who had tried kick Zoro's head in had asked.
"What did you say!? You don't even know what's going on so don't interfere!" Zoro had shouted to Sanji, which made him chuckle.
"After an emotional loss, of course you're irritable." Sanji insulted.
"Oi!" Which angered Zoro even further. "You'd better watch what you say."
"Mind your own business, Bastard."
"Guys, calm down!" Iris tried to move towards them but was beaten by Yosaku.
"Big Bros! Don't be bickering at an important time like this!"
"That's right. If you're going to fight, do it off the island. You outsiders quit sticking your nose into this island's business. You still don't get it? The only reason I got close to you guys is for the money, nothing else. Now that you guys have nothing you're no use to me. I'll return the ship. So why don't you go find a navigator and head to the Grand Line. Go find the One Piece or whatever... just get the hell out of here! You're a bother!" Nami finished yelling pointing her staff at the group and finally said. "Goodbye."
"Nami?" The whole place went quite at the group looked at Nami who was looking back at them, but everyone's attention soon turned to Luffy after he had completely collapsed out of nowhere.
"Big Bro Luffy." Johnny had called out to him.
"I'm going to sleep." Luffy stated placing his hands under behind his head.
"Sleep?!" Johnny was confused.
"Right now? In the middle of the road?" As was Yosaku.
"I don't feel like leaving this island... I don't care what's happening here... I'm a bit sleepy... so I'm sleeping..." Luffy yawned saying all of that. And the two bounty hunters were just confused even more.
"Then... DO WHATEVER YOU WANT! GO AHEAD AND DIE!" Nami screamed before running away.
"Nami!" Iris was about to run after her, when she was stopped by Zoro who shook his head at her. She knew Nami was lying, but she didn't know how to explain to the guys since they were all moron that wouldn't understand what She would say.
"Hey, Big Bro Zoro, What the hell are you thinking!?" Johnny was asking Zoro who had sat down on the ground near Luffy.
"You're the target of Arlong and his gang, you know! Why don't you run away!?" Yosaku did make a good point.
"Now that we know Nami is that kind of low-life, there's no reason for you to stay on this island!" Johnny said.
"Reason to stay on this island? There is a reason." Iris had looked down to Luffy, as Zoro had said that. "He's still staying here."
"Are you saying that even you're thinking of getting Nami back as a partner?" Yosaku had asked him.
"I don't care what happens. He decides who becomes our navigator." Iris had spotted a piece of cloth in the wreckage of the ship and ran over to pull it out. When she brought it back and placed over Luffy and didn't realise what she was doing looking down at him smiling.
"What's wrong with me?" She muttered to herself, thinking that this wasn't like her
"What did you say?" She turned to the side at Zoro and smirked at him.
"Nothing really, just talking to myself." Iris swung her hands in front of her face smiling happily.
"Big Bro... Okay, I understand. Although it's only been a short while, our job to bring you guys here is done." Johnny had stated knowing Zoro wasn't going to change his mind.
"I'm with him. I don't want to die in vain." Yosaku agreed with him.
"Okay, take care." Zoro had told them.
"Well then, until we meet again..." Johnny said, waving to us as he and Yosaku walked away.
"Big Bro, you guys take care too."
"You guys too." Zoro told them back.
"Later!" Iris shouted waving her hands like crazy. Then it was silent as the wind blow through her hair as they watch them disappear into the distance.
"Hey." Sanji had called out, causing both the remaining two to look over to him. "Why was Nami crying back then?" He had asked them.
"That woman... crying?" Zoro didn't understand what Santi was on about because physically she wasn't crying but...
"The tears in her heart." Iris explained looking off to where Nami had gone off to.
"Keh! What? Crying tears of guilt for killing Usopp?" Zoro had stated annoyed.
"You're serious? You seriously think Nami killed long-nose?" Sanji didn't sound convince but neither was Iris. It was silent once again after he had asked.
"Nami didn't kill him... is that what you want to say?" Zoro had this time broken the silence.
"Isn't that right?" Sanji asked him back.
"I dunno. I made that little servant lose it once already. She may have just killed him in a fit of rage." As soon as Zoro said 'little servant' Sanji was strongly offended
"WHAT'S LITTLE ABOUT NAMI'S CHEST?!" (Zoro called Nami a 'komono' = little servant, Sanji thinks he means Nami had child-like features, i.e. flat chested) Sanji had totally misinterpreted what Zoro had said. As Sanji had pulled up his leg to attack Zoro who had grabbed his sword that was still in its cover, Iris spotted someone approaching us.
"Is that all you think about!?"
"Usopp!" Iris had called out realising who it was but it was too late, Sanji and Zoro had strike Usopp instead of each other.
"He's still alive...?" Sanji had realised Usopp.
"Nope. I think he's dead now." Zoro had stated.
"You two are monsters." Iris told them both with her arms crossed over her chest. Not long after the incident
"USOPP!!!" Luffy had woken up to find Usopp on the ground, all because of Zoro and Sanji. "DID NAMI DO THIS TO YOU!?" He asked him completely panicking as he shook Usopp.
"No, it was them." Iris told Luffy, as she had pointed at Zoro and Sanji.
"Yeah, uh, Sorry. That was him an me." Sanji pointed to Zoro.
"IT WAS YOU." Zoro placed all the blame on Sanji. That when they saw Usopp waking back up.
"Luffy, you're here."
"Yeah, a little while back." Luffy was smiling like an idiot.
"I'm here too, nice to meet you!" Sanji stated, give Usopp had small wave.
"I'll kill you someday!" He had gotten in his face yelling.
"Hey, you're still fine even after that?" Sanji patted him in the shoulder.
"Shut the hell up!" Usopp swung his arms in protest.
"Anyway, aren't you suppose to be dead?" Iris changed the topic and asked.
"Oh yeah, you were killed by Nami right?" Zoro stated asking, Usopp had turned to the two of them stunned and confused.
"Damn him, Johnny was lying after all." Luffy was all pissed off at that.
"Actually, there is some truth to it." Usopp had said with a serious face, causing all the others to look at him. "It's more the opposite. Nami saved my life." The others couldn't say anything when he said that. With the silence, he explains to the other four about what had happened and what Nami had did. "So Nami bluffed the 'killing me off' part so I could escape. I think there's a reason for her being with the fishmen pirates."
"Of course." Sanji had said, Iris turned to Sanji and nodded agreeing with him.
"So what do we do now?" Zoro asked the group, more then Luffy.
"Attack Arlong Park?" Iris asked.
"Hold on!" Usopp waved his hands in front of the three of them. "Before that we should ask Nami for a better explanation!"
"Either way, it's useless." A woman had called out from behind the three of them. "No matter what you guys do, Arlong's reign won't end." an average-sized young woman with light blue hair and tanned skin stood there. She had a blue heavily tattooed on herright arm and chest are. The woman, she also had a bracelet on her right wrist. She has on a beige sleeveless shirt with a pair of blue trousers and purple sandals.
"Nojiko!" Usopp had called out her name, inducaring he knew her.
"Who's that?" Luffy pointed rudely at the woman, Nojiko.
"Nami's older sis." He explained.
"Nami's older sister?" Hearing that, hearts started sprouting from Sanji"s head. "She"s so pretty!!"
"What do you mean, 'it's useless'?" Both Iris and Zoro completely ignored Sanji and asked her.
"Do us a favour. Don't meddle with this village's business anymore. Leave Nami alone. I'll tell you the reason who." She said to the group.
"The reason?" Sanji repeated it.
"You mean why she stays with the fishmen?" Usopp asked.
"Yes. Once you hear the reason, you must leave this place." She had answered.
"All right, then tell us the reason or whatever."
"I'll pass." Luffy stated walking towards Nojiko "I don't care about her past." He said walking passed her.
"Oi, Luffy, where're you going?" Iris called out to him asking.
"A walk." He had answered.
"What do you mean, a walk?" Usopp had asked him about his response. "You're not going to listen to the story?"
"Yeah, I'll pass." Luffy repeated again.
"What's with him?" Nojiko asked the group left behind.
"Don't mind him, that's just what he's like." Zoro, knowing Luffy the most out of everyone, stated. "We'll listen to the story." He had sat down at a tree, "although it probably won't change anything."
"I'll listen too. I want to understand what's going on here." Usopp told Nojiko.
"Me too, I want to know everything about Nami!" Sanji was grinning widely.
"I'll listen as well. I know Nami was lying so I was to know the truth." Iris had said too. "Also, He is asleep." She had pointed toward Zoro, who was sleeping against the tree.
"Don't sleep if you said you'd listen!" Usopp had lost it.
"I see. No wonder Nami is torn." Nojiko said watching Luffy's back. She had turned around back to the group left listening and then started telling them about Nami's past and why it was she was working for Arlong's crew.
"We have to go back eight years to start the story. Back when we were still young. She lived in this village. Nami and I will never forget her. Her name was Bellemere." Listening to the story, Iris could understand Nami a lot better then anyone here. For 8 long years, she worked for the people who killed the woman that raised her right in front of her. Bellemere was a mother to her and Nojiko, to save and free her village from these monsters by gathering 100 million Beli. "For a 10 year old girl to decide to fight alone and struggle to survive... do you understand how hard it must've been?" Iris understood what Nojiko was saying and she understood Nami better then most here, even her sister. What she didn't understand was to sacrificing freedom to protect someone else. Since...
"For a deal that would free the village. That girl..." Usopp pushes on his nose. That's when out of nowhere, Sanji jumped up shouting.
"Whoever makes Nami suffer, I'm gonna...!" Iris had to duck once she saw Nojiko's fist heading their way and Sanji was sent into the air in tears. "Why... Nojiko...?"
"Because, I'm telling you not to interfere." She snapped at him. "If you guys keep claiming that you're her friends, the pirates are gonna doubt her loyalty. And all her hard work these eight years will be all for nothing!" She yelling telling them to not make it harder for Nami then it was already. "She is fighting on her own. Knowing there are people who call her a 'friend' is the most painful thing for her.
"I will do anything to fulfil my desire." I shook my face snapping out of it. Nojiko had then left the group.
"Okay!" After who knows how long of being silent, Usopp had shouted. "Let's meet up with Luffy as soon as we can!" He had stood up. However, to see Sanji was just sitting down on the smoking with a peaceful look on his face. "Hey, Sanji. What are you doing?"
"I'm cherishing this happiness." Sanji had told him.
"What are you talking about?" Usopp asked him.
"Nami has suffered a lot. Much more than anybody. Am I'm going to take away all that suffering. Is there anything better than that?" Sanji said blowing out smoke.
"That's funny. Do you really believe she's the only one in this world that suffers a lot." Iris had stated standing behind him.
"Iris?" The three of the guys looked at the only woman there and when she released she had said something she slapped her hands over her mouth.
"Anyway, your motives are obvious. Love Cook." Although the other two had moved on, Zoro was still looking at Iris closely.
"What's wrong with fighting for somebody beautiful?" Sanji had taken a fence to Usopp's statement.
"It's not like that. We're doing this for everyone else in the village too." Usopp told him.
"I don't see the problem with him having another motive, because at the end there is only going to be one enemy." Iris stated, removing her hands.
"You understand me, Iris~!" Sanji had leaped at trying to hug Iris who just smiled and stepped to the side avoiding him.
"But that's not the point!" Usopp shouted at them both.
"Quit bickering." Zoro had stood up and told them, "let's go." The four of them had started walking off to where Luffy and Nojiko walked off to. The group had reached the village they had guessed where Nami grow by when they saw a bunch of villagers plus Nojiko running off towards where Arlong Park was. Like the group had thought, Luffy was there and Nami was on the grabbed gripping onto the tattoo of the Arlong Pirates.
"ARLONG!!" And out of nowhere she had started stabbing her place the mark was, "ARLONG!! ARLONG!! ARLONG!! ARLONG!!" She was scream with so much pain and every time she stabbed herself. Luffy walked up behind her, only to grabbed her wrist to stop her. "Luffy..." she finally dropped the knife. "What do you want? You don't know anything. You don't know what's been happening for the past eight years on this island."
"Yeah. I don't." Luffy answered her honestly.
"This is non of your business! I told you to get off this island, didn't I?!"
"Yeah. You told me." Luffy told her again.
"Go away!" Nami scream and started throwing dirt behind her at Luffy. "You! Go away! Go away!! Go away!!" She screamed over and over again with throwing dirt. Until she couldn't do it anymore, "Luffy... help me." Nami had asked him. Luffy had took off his straw hat, placed it on Nami's Head and had started walking off.
"DAMN RIGHT!!" Luffy shouted loudly at the sky, it was so loud it echoed.
"Luffy.." as for the rest, they were waiting for Luffy. Zoro was sitting down on a bench. Usopp was crossed legged on the ground with his arms cross. Sanji was standing up with a cigarette in his hand and mouth and the other hand in his pocket. Then Iris, she was standing with her arm crossed under chest.
"We're going." Luffy told them.
"Right!" All four of them shouted, following after Luffy.

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