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The ship had finally made it into the entrance of the large gate, upon entering it a few flash's had pulled their attention towards many doors that were in the walls of the gate. "Oi, look over there! Someone's coming out!" Usopp was shouting while pointing at the door which began to open. The person that came out was a short very elderly woman with an extensively wrinkled face. She possessed purple hair, that was placed into two buns. She had thin arms, and wore a pink tunic.
"Look! On her back!" Chopper began to freak as his sights were pulled to the old lady's back. "W-Wings!" There were a pair small white wings on her back.
"An angel! So that's a real angel?" Luffy was questioning, as they already had a fake one on the crew. "She looks like a prune! Not like Iris!" And he ended up insulting her as he was disappointed since she's so wrinkly unlike his friend. After that was all said, they waited for the woman to speak, however, they just stood in uncomfortable silence.
"E-Excuse us..." until Nami managed to finally speak.
"I am the appointed lookout of Heaven's Gate, Amazon." But she revealed herself, the ship inspector at Heaven's Gate. "Sightseeing? Or fighting?" She suddenly asked that strange question.
"S-Sightseeing would be closer, I guess..." but the Navigator had answered, since they really only wanted to see the Sky Island.
"We wanna go to Sky Island!" Luffy ended up shouting over to the woman. "Sky Island's on the other side of this gate, right?" He then came to ask her.
"What do you mean, fighting?" Zoro asked since it was strange she asked that.
"It doesn't matter which." But the old woman just stated this as he expression didn't change in the slightest. "Just pay the immigration fee, 1,000,000,000 extol per person, and be on your way. That's the law." She came to ask them for a toll to enter.
"1-1,000,000,000!?" Hearing the amount shocked Usopp.
"There's that extol thing again."
"I really wonder what it is. Also, how much would it be in beli?" Iris was asking this question while looking to Zoro at her side.
"No matter what it is, 1,000,000,000's gotta be a lot!" Not that Chopper was wrong about that.
"1,000,000,000 for one person... 8,000,000,000 for eight people." Robin stated to total price they would have to pay in the end.
"We're only going in. Why does it cost that much to enter?" The long nose looked annoyed at the amount. "This old granny must have her wires crossed-" As he was about to insult the woman, Nami placed her hands over his lips to stop him.
"Excuse me, but about the money... If... If by some chance... we didn't have enough..." The Navigator was trying to say they didn't have anything, without telling the old woman they had nothing.
"You can pass." But the woman only stated that, as if she didn't care one way or another.
"We can!?" It was a little shocking that she said that though.
"Or, you can also not pass." The crew couldn't believe her response and how little she cared. "I am neither a guardian nor a warrior. I only listen to your will." This had been explained to them but it was still a little confusing.
"Okay, let's go! Let's go to Sky Island!" But Luffy didn't seem to care himself as he was ready to leave.
"We don't have any money, but we're going through, Granny!" Usopp was informing Amazon.
"I see! Eight of you, yes?" She asked to clarify the right amount of people.
"Yeah, but..." Luffy seemed a bit hesitant as he was looking to her. "How do we get up to Sky Island-?" Just as he had asked this question something had surfaced from the clouds below the ship and giant claws grabbed hold of the stubs of the Going Merry's broken wings. "Something's coming up!" And they began to freak.
"Inhabitant of the White Sea, the Express Lobster." Amazon spoken as the Merry had been lifted out from the clouds and in a second they found themselves swim up the waterfall, taking them to Skypiea.
"W-We started moving!" Usopp had obviously been the first to freak as he was barely holding onto the railing, while Luffy was laughing his head off while holding onto the comb placed on Merry's head.
"Whoa! A huge lobster!" The doctor had his entire body grabbing onto the railing, backwards.
"It's going up the fall!" The swordsman was shouting with leaning on front of the inner railing.
"I wonder how it's doing this!" With Iris was holding onto him, tightly.
"Hold on tight!" Nami hugging the front railing.
"This thing's fast!" Sanji was standing on the aft deck, in front of the kitchen door. The cook was calmly smoking away with his cigarette in mouth. A few feet from him stood Robin who had one hand gripping onto the railing. It wasn't long before the sight of a winding road heading up the the clouds had been spotted.
"It goes all the way to the top!" But as they were traveling up, they knew very little of what was awaiting for them as a message was being send.
I, Keeper of Heaven's Gate, Amazon... call to the Priests of the almighty God! Into God's Domain, Skypiea, eight individuals have now illegally entered! Bestow upon them Heaven's Judgement! Bestow upon them Heaven's Judgement!

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