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While Nami and Iris were hurrying their way back to the crew, most of them were laying across the beach sleeping for some unknown reason. They were snoring away as they did. "Making such a contemptuous sound on the serene Angel Beach..." But that came to a stop as a tall, well-built Skypiean man who bears the typical wings stood over them. He had a small scar placed under his left eye. The man was wearing a white beret, a short-sleeved shirt, cloud-patterned flared-hip jodhpurs, and black boots; and unlike the men behind him wearing the same thing, he wore a cape-like overcoat placed on his shoulders. "... You are guilty of environmental pollution. Your charge has now been upgraded to a Class-6 crime!" He shouted this at them.
"Oi! You can't even snore?" Usopp's head had shot up while this that. He seemed to be quite annoyed hearing this.
"Ahh, What the hell?!" Luffy was wide awake and shouting as he was pissed. "I'm gonna kick the shit out if this Old Believer Guy!" This was shouted while pointing to the man.
"Shall we?" And it seemed that Zoro was all in for it as he got ready his sword.
"W-Wait! Oi, Stop right there!" But the long nose tried to stop them even when it's clear that they were being framed for unjust reasons. "Calm down, Luffy, Zoro! Understand? You've heard of snails, right?"
"WAIT A MINUTE!!" A familiar voice had shouted and when they turned the figures of their friends were seen. One of them riding on the waver as the other was flying a little behind her.
"Ah! Nami, Iris, you're safe~!" Sanji was overjoyed upon seeing them both.
"Luffy, don't make those guys mad!" The navigator was shouting at the captain, as knowing his personality.
"But this guy's being a...!" But he was already losing his patience with the guy.
"Nami! Use your money to pay the 8,000,000 beli illegal entrance fee!" However, Usopp cut him off shouting over at her.
"That's good, Nami!" Iris came to say since it meant that this could all be dealt with by paying a fine. And at first Nami seemed to feel the same.
"8,000,000 beli..." But that changed in a second upon progressing the amount.
"N-Nami, calm down." She knew the look that she had on in that moment and it wasn't a good one. The waver had being picking up the speed, the clouds were pushed up and for a second Iris had to back away to prevent getting splashed.
"What!?" While Nami had lost her cool and...
"...TOO DAMN EXPENSIVE!!" Slammed the waver right into the face of the man in charge, sending him flying off his feet. "Shoot! In my anger over that ridiculous sum of money, I accidentally...!" She managed to snap out of her fit of rage and regretted what she done.
"Oi!" Zoro and Usopp were pretty stun as they spoke.
"C-CAPTAIN!" While the men belonging to the now unconscious one cried out to him.
"Is everyone alright?" Iris landed on the beach, asking her friends this question as her wings retracted.
"Oh, Pagaya. Thanks for the Waver. It was really fun." As the same time Nami began pushing the Waver over to the man.
"No, it was nothing. I'm sorry." Had been his response before moving onto bigger matters. "More importantly, you are in quite a predicament!"
"Everyone, let's run for it!" The crew was instructed by the navigator.
"Why!? Aren't you gonna finished the fight you started!?" But it only caused Luffy to ask this.
"I am certain that she finished it." Iris stated looking over to the unconscious man being surrounded by his men.
"This guy they call 'God' is not someone we should mess with!" As Nami ignored the captain and explained this, Sanji and Robin both walked passed the enemy to join them.
"By the way, what kind of crime did she commit just now?" But she wasn't the only one ignoring others as Zoro came to as an uncomfortable Pagaya this question.
"Most likely obstruction of a public servant, a Class-5 crime." He came to answer him.
"Good. It's still only a Class-5." Usopp seemed to be relieved hearing this.
"It's not good!" However, Conis ended up shouting causing all to turn and look at her. "If you commit a Class-5 crime... Then in the name of God Enel, you will be sentences to cloud-drifting." She explained the punishment for the crime.
"Cloud-drifting?" But the name alone didn't seem all that harmless.
"What's that? Cloud-drifting sounds like fun!" And it caused a misunderstanding.
"It's not!" Hearing Luffy's words caused the girl to once again scream. "It's a death sentence!"
"D-DEATH SENTENCE!?" The coward trio turned pale with sweat covering them.
"He's out cold." They were looking over to the man, Captain McKinley. "But, a death sentence in Godland seems kind of redundant." Zoro came to state this and it was understanding why he would.
"It's true! It really happens!" Conis informed them of this and that Cloud-drifting was when a ship is placed on a piece of Sky Cloud and it would drift in the sky with no end insight, even when the people on board come to meet their end. "It's a death sentence!"
"I see." Upon listening to her exclamation something seemed to have clicked with Robin. "So that's how that ship fell out of a clear sky."
"What do you mean, Robin?" Although, it seemed that the others didn't quite know what she meant.
"The galleon that fell on us from the sky, the Saint Bliss." She spoke as to remained them how they came to know of Sky Island. "Perhaps that ship suffered the same fate 200 years ago." This had caused the long nose face to turn blue in terror as he remembered the sight of the ship falling on them.
"HEY, YOU PUNKS!" But their conversation became interrupted by the shouting of men. They all glanced over to see the White Beret me who were looking over at them in anger.
"Do you have any idea what you've done to the Captain!?"
"What'd you say?" Sanji was about to lose it at them, since this was directed at Nami.
"Ah! Sanji, hold on..." Who came to step forwards stopping him.
"Yes, Nami~!" Which he instantly backed off.
"Please don't get so upset. That was just a reflex..." Nami began to explained
"A REFLEX!?" Though they didn't seem happy.
"I mean, how do you say it... Unintentionally..."
"Ah, that! You know... it was like an accident..."
"ACCIDENT!? AN ACCIDENT!?" But no matter what excuse she came up with that seemed to become more and more upset about it.
"That's right, an accident! It was all an accident!" And it appeared that she stuck to that story. "You see, it's so difficult to manoeuvre a Waver, isn't it? And today was my fruit time riding one. The handling is so sensitive! How clumsy of me!" The crew stood beside her in silence as she was trying to explain that this was all an accident she didn't mean to do. "Beginners should definitely keep away from such difficult things! They should, shouldn't they?" She was laughing away stating this.
"You were having a great time, riding that thing so smoothly." Until Luffy spoke up and said this.
"This is not the time, Lu." But it was then when Iris had covered his mouth to quiet him.
"Oh, that Luffy! Something like that can't possibly be true!" After she had glared over to him, she continued to speak to the men. It was then when Pagaya had come to step in.
"Um, I'm sorry. I think we should treat Captain McKinley as soon as possible." He spoken up to change the force of the enraged soldiers. "I'm sorry again."
"TH-THAT'S RIGHT! CAPTAIN MCKINLEY!" It appeared they had slightly forgotten about this and began to freak out.
"Then, let's carry him up to my house." This had been offered to them by the middle-age man.
"We appreciate your cooperation. Heso." They seemed to have calmed down upon accepting the offer. It was then when they pulled out a stretcher in which they placed McKinley onto. "The eight of you stay there and don't move! UNDERSTAND!?" It was then they began crawling away with the stretcher on their backs.
"There they go crawling again... Just carry the guy already."The crew watched at the White Berets carried away their captain while crawling. Conis had token off after her father telling the crew to return home.
"We should listen to her." Nami spoken up after a few seconds passed, then turned around to the others. "We saw it with out own eyes! An island filled with terrifying people!" She came to inform them of what her and Iris had seen while out on the Waver and flying. Hearing this caused Usopp and Chopper to turn pale and sweat as they were terrified upon this.
"So you two did go to that forbidden holy place." Zoro brought it up as it was the only explanation.
"There's forbidden holy place?" Iris question as this had been the first time she heard of this.
"The place we must never, ever set foot?" While Luffy's eyes were sparkling in excitement. "Terrifying people?" He seemed even more excited when he heard the last part.
"No more for you!" And this only caused Usopp to block his ears, not allowing him to hear anything more that would cause him to want to go even more.
"I wouldn't say they're terrifying people, but it does seem to be very dangerous." Iris pointed this out to the others, since even she couldn't deny that she was stunned by the power she witnessed. 
"Anyway, we're leaving! Right now!" Nami ordered the others after the angel had finished.
"Parting with Conis breaks my heart... But if Nami says so~!" Sanji seemed to be torn slightly at this fact.
"As long as we're here, those two will be in serious trouble!" She explained this to them, which was the truth as they could be seen as accomplices.
"She's right! and they mistaken for our compasses, the lies will be ruined!" The snipper pointed it out. "So, if we leave by ourselves, we won't cause them any more trouble. Alright? Yosh! Let's head back! Let' s go!"

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