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With the Southbird down in their possession, the crew headed back to Cricket's hunt in hopes to continue their party. "Pops! We got the bird—" However, instead they were horrified upon the sight they saw before them. "Diamond-head Guy!" And that was the house with a gapping hole in it, Cricket laying on the ground covered in blood.
"Masira!" While a bit further away from him was Masira face down also covered in blood.
"Shojo!" And finally that Shojo was floating in the ocean completely unconscious.
"What the hell happened?!" They had only been gone for a few hours and yet something like this happened.
"Who would do such a thing?" Iris was asking as she flew back to the shore after grabbing ahold of Shojo, even though he was being dragged in the water due to being too heavy.
"Oi, give her a hand!" Sanji had ran over with Chopper who turned to Heavy Point and the three of them pulled the ape man onto land.
"LOOK! The Going Merry!" And at the same time, Usopp was in tears as the Merry's front had been teardown. "How could this happen!? Who did this to her, damn it!? Who!?" He was out for blood.
"Sor... ry..." Cricket had began to regain consciousness again.
"Pops!" While Luffy was crouching beside him. "Oi, Pops! You awake?"
"I'm really sorry! We were here, but we couldn't do anything!" The injured man was apologising to them. "But, still... There's still time." But despite them he began pushing himself up. "We still have time to strengthen your ship...!"
"Hold on, Pops!" Luffy was trying to stop home from getting up. "First tell us what happened!" And he also wanted to know how they ended up like this.
"Nah, it's nothing. Don't worry about it. It doesn't matter anymore." However, the man wasn't going to tell them. "More importantly, did you—" Before he could finish the question he about the ask, he notice the Southbird hanging from Zoro's hand. "That's it. Good job catching that Southbird." He was happy before coughing hard. "That will do fine."
"Luffy!" But Nami came shouting after going through the ruined house in search of something. "The gold was... stolen!" When she had shouted that, it didn't take long before they understood the reason for this and hearing this wasn't pleasant to any of them.
"It... It doesn't matter. Just forget it." However, the person that should be the most upset about it was waving it aside like it was nothing. "More importantly, you guys—"
"What doesn't matter!?" Usopp cut him off shouting as he was angry upon hearing this. "Pops, you spent ten years beating up your body, diving day after day for that gold! And then you're—"
"Shut up, kid!" But this time it was Cricket that cut him off, shouting. "It doesn't matter. This is our problem. Got that?" He was Cleary in pain but despite that he spoke through it. "The three of us of the Saruyama Alliance have our duties. Your ship is in no shape to sail right now! We have to finish by morning! We're not giving up on your voyage!" He was right about the Merry being in no condition to sail but still... "Listen, I swear that I'll get you to Sky Island."
"Oi, Luffy." While this conversation was going on, Zoro had walked over to the back of the large board that had holes in it. The reason he had walked there was because he noticed something else. The moment everyone turned to look towards him, he pointed his thumb over his shoulders and there was a smiling Jolly Roger painted there.
"Isn't that..." Iris recognised it.
"Bellamy's mark..." As did Nami, as she looked stunned. A moment later, Luffy had stood up.
"Need a hand?" This question had been asked by two separate people, the swordsman and swordswoman.
"Nope, I'll be fine." Had been the response given as the captain placed his hat titling down.
"No, Luffy! Don't do anything stupid!" But this only caused Nami to shout at him. "There's only three hours left until we set sail!"
"If i follow the coast, will I reach hat town from this afternoon?" Though it appeared he wasn't listening as this question was towards Robin.
"Yes, you'll reach it." Who didn't hesitate upon answering. After hearing that, Luffy began heading off in the direction of where the town was located.
"Hey, kid! Where are you going!?" Cricket was now asking him, watching in a bit of confusion. "You'd better not be messing in our business! Do you know who you're going-?" The man was cut short as Iris placed her sword in front of him.
"The only way you're going to stop the captain is by defeating him." She stated with a large and sweet smile across her face.
"K-Kid..." there was no what the man would be able to stop him in his condition.
"Wait!" Nami had shouted at him, it appeared that she was still trying to stop him. "Three hours, Luffy!" However, she had said this to him. "If you delay us any more than that... it'll be your fault that we lost our chance to go to Sky Island!" This had been stated, it was clearly a warning to him. "You better be back before then!" Hearing this caused Luffy to crack his fingers as he was pissed and ready to beat the someone's ass.
"I'll be back by dawn."

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