The Collapse of the Fishmen!

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Zoro had stood up one more time when Nami had decided to stay and fight, as Sanji dove into the water to free Luffy. "Messing up your game? I thought it was messed up to begin with, bastard." Zoro was heavily breathing, it was most likely because his wounds opened up again.
"Whatever, I'll find out who's doing it. Move." Arlong glared down at Zoro with a smile.
"Egg Star!" An egg came flying at Arlong, who lifted up his hand to stop it. The two fighting had turned in the direction were the egg had came from. "I've got you covered, Zoro!" It was Usopp shouting.
"Big Bro Usopp! Are you alright?" Yosaku called out asking, looking around to find him.
"How brave! He's facing him without fear!" Johnny was stating also looking around.
"Oh yeah! I fight with no fear!" Usopp was finding on the other side of the hole in the walls of Arlong Park
"Why are you over THERE!?" Everyone shouted to ask him.
"Usopp!" Nami was happy to see him.
"Hey Nami, check it out! One of their guys, one of 'em was finished off by ME! Me, of all people!" Usopp was bleed from his nose, head and lips but was still smiling. "A guys with a face like this..." Usopp had pulled his face out, and had then started laughing, "these fishmen are NOTHING!"
"I agree." Someone had said standing next to Nami.
"Oh really, but you didn't fight th- Big Sis Iris!!?" Everyone had turned to the woman that just appeared out of nowhere.
"Yo!" Was all she said back to them, as everyone had backed away from her stunned that she had just appeared in front of them.
"Iris!" Nami looked at her, Iris had blood, dirt, cuts and bruises all over her. However, Nami couldn't help thinking something was off about them.
"I defeated that ugly patch guy! He was no fun though." She looked at Nami smiling.
"Chew! Funori! You bastards.." Arlong was glaring angrily at both Iris and Usopp who were smiling,
"You betcha!" Usopp shouted back to Arlong. "My appearance signals the climax of this battle!"
"Yep!" Iris gave Arlong a peace sign. "Time for the Big finish!" She had shouted throwing her arms up for joy.
"Oh! It's our Big Bro Cook!" Yosaku had shouted about Sanji.
"I'm not sure what's going on underwater, but right no, Whatever Big Bro Cook's doing is crucial..."
"Big Bro Zoro! Stand fast to stop Arlong!" Yosaku was cheering loudly for Zoro. This battle really was going to be bad, Zoro wounds are opening up.
"Hey ARLONG! Over here, dork!" Usopp was shouting, causing us to look at him.
"Big Bro Usopp!" Johnny shouted before Yosaku was yelling about how brave Usopp was. However, reality is slightly different.
"Usopp... Rubberband!"
"You dare to stand in my way? You want to be the first to die, Roronoa Zoro?" Arlong had completely ignored Usopp.
"Now! Go, Zoro!" Usopp released the rubberband he was stretching back, but it didn't do anything but fall to the side.
"Hey! What're you trying to do?" Nami shouted at Usopp asking him, while Iris was laughing.
"I will not die. Allow me to break that ugly nose you love so dearly!" Zoro had attacked Arlong's nose, to no had no affect on it.
"Fool... I love it because it's unbreakable."
"Oh my... That's one cool nose!" Iris started laughing and both Johnny and Yosaku crashed into the ground along with the villagers. "Was it something I said?"
"If you weren't hurt so badly, you might've given it a bruise or a scratch." Arlong was right, and to prove that he was he started pushing Zoro back with just his nose.
"Big Bro!" Yosaku was beginning to freak out,
"Look, over there!" Johnny was yelling pointing towards the direction behind Arlong.
"Ah! That octopus jerk woke up!" Yosaku was right, Hachi was standing back up. But something was off, he was standing there like he was waiting from something to hit him. "Huh? What's he doing?"
"Crap! I thought a rubber band was coming!" Hachi had opened his eyes yelling.
"WHAT THE HELL!?" What this octopus an idiot or something?
"WHAAAT?" Usopp was completely shocked that the octopus thought that, but then started laughing, "of course, I was aiming for him!"
"Didn't you shout, 'ARLONG'?" Both Nami and Iris had asked him.
"Roronoa Zoro! I won't let you get away with this! Watch how I kill your friends in the water!" Well this was bad, Iris thought as Hachi jumped into the water.
"Don't get frustrated, you'll all dead soon enough." Arlong had pierced Zoro.
"ZORO!!!" Usopp was trying to climb the wall, which Iris don't understand since he could have just climbed throw the hole. Arlong had Zoro by the throat about him.
"Done already? How boring. By the way, what's with this huge bandage?" Arlong had ripped off the bandages, "did you fall somewhere or something?" and was completely shocked. It wasn't hard to tell he was, since he became shocked. Those wounds were from Mihawk and hadn't been treated. Blood was dripping down from the wounds all the way down to Zoro's legs where blood dropped to the ground in a massive pool.
"Oh, you don't need to worry." Iris stated as she looked to where Hachi had jumped into the water.
"What are you on about, Big Sis!?" Johnny was screaming at me.
"Yeah, at this rate Big Bro Zoro is going to die!" Now it was Yosaku that was screaming.
"No, what I mean is, Luffy is going to be free soon." She told them.
"Big Bro Luffy?"
"Oh right! The octopus went down to kill them!"
"Like I said, it's fine." Iris smiled at them.
"What makes you say that?" Nami had asked her and she pointed to the water, where the water started turning red.
"See? Zoro did beat the octopus it was just that he didn't move to open up the wounds that had inflicted. In other words we are about to win!" She shouted and there he was, flying in the air screaming
"I'm BAAACK!!" was Luffy!
"Rubber boy!" The villagers seem to be in joy at seeing Luffy.
"Big Bro Luffy!" Both Johnny and Yosaku were bowling there eyes out.
"Luffy!" Nami had this giant grin over her face.
"Zoro!" Luffy's arm's had stretched and grabbed onto Zoro, "SWITCH!!!" and off Zoro was, flying off to where Luffy had came from. That idiot.
"YOU MORON!!" Everyone snapped at the boy.
"Gum Gum... Bell!" Luffy's neck had stretch, which has created more of an impacted in his head butt on Arlong. "Whip!" And had then used his leg like a whip into Arlong's side. His arm had stretched behind him, "Gum Gum... pistol!" Which had landed into Arlong's stomach when Luffy pulled it back, as Luffy was punching Arlong, it was like he had hundreds of arms, "Gatling Gun!" Luffy wasn't throwing any of his punches, they were straight into Arlong's chest over and over again and the fishman couldn't do anything about it. "Take that!" Arlong had gone right into the wall making a giant hole in it. "Done!" Luffy seemed really proud of himself, everyone was completely shocked that not only once but twice had Arlong be knocked over by Luffy. however, it wasn't over as he had re-emerged from the rubble.
"Did you think that'd do anything?" Johnny and Yosaku had started screaming about Arlong not having a single scratch on him.
"Nope. Just warmin' up." Luffy told him as he cracked his knuckles and had then started stretching to get his body ready for the giant Diaghilev about to happen.
"What's wrong with you, you pathetic scum? I think you would have been happier sleeping at the bottom of the ocean." Arlong was saying.
"No, actually, I'm pretty thankful to have been rescued."
"Because then you wouldn't have to see how anger I am. To see my brethren killed by you lame pals..." He had insulted the other then. "Soon enough, you're going to be wishing you had died earlier."
"Big Bro Luffy is going to be all right, isn't he?" Yosaku sounded very doubtful. "All of his attacks, did no damage!" That was true, however, there was more to Luffy, he had something Arlong lacked and it made Luffy stronger then him.
"More importantly, where did Big Bro Zoro land?" Johnny had asked, but it wasn't even that far really.
"Go, Luffy! I've got your back covered!" Usopp was finding in the hole in the wall again.
"I don't think that'll help!" Nami was right to say that.
"Do you know what the difference is between me and you?" Arlong asked seriously.
"Noses. Chins? Oh, the webs!" The guys were questioning if Luffy was serious about the answers he was giving back to Arlong, and boy was he.
"We are so dead." Iris said that.
"It's our race!" That was obvious. Arlong came down on Luffy to chump his, however, he got out of the way. Arlong tried again, again, again and again, but Luffy had dodged them all, sadly not the hand that grabbed his throat pinning him to a pillar. With no was of escaping, Arlong went in for another bite which this time Luffy grabbed his head to stretch it, causing Arlong to bit the column,
"That idiot, he'll bite off his own tongue! His teeth must be..." Usopp had trailed off when he saw the same thing I was seeing. Arlong's teeth had destroyed the column, which of a result caused the stone veranda. If Luffy loses, everyone's going to die. Not only that, but the whole of East Blue would be done for.
"He bit the column to pieces!" All anyone could see was smoke, but Luffy was yelling loudly . But It was more concerned at seeing what only his teeth could do. If he bit you, there won't be a scar since he would have bitten that whole section. It could very break bones.
"Behold. This is the true power of fishmen. The Heavens have made a distinction between us. The Heavens only gave you humans enough strength to exist below us. You are inferior animals!" This guy really didn't know when to quit. Why does he think he is superior then human, just because he is a little stronger and can breath under water?. "From the very moment we were born, everything was different. I'll show you just how different we really are." Luffy had stood back up, facing Arlong with a giant grin.
"Sure, show me. But there's no way in hell I'll lose to you fish-people. Because I'm... the man who'll become the Pirate King!" Luffy had a huge ambition, just like Mihawk said.
"Pirate King? Don't make me laugh." Arlong had told him, throwing up and down a piece of rubble in his hand. "You think a mere human like you can become someone like that? Can you bit through that column with you power?" Arlong could only laugh at Luffy.
"So what!? Don't try showing off..." Luffy destroyed a giant piece of rubble with just one punch, "with thing that don't matter! I can break that column without having to bite it."
"Oh! Well said, Big Bro Luffy!"
"You got it! In the end, the result's the same!"
"You're so stupid!" Arlong was shouting. "The whole human race is pathetic! You can't even save yourself in the ocean." The guy's aura was starting to go darker in anger. "You can't do anything!" Arlong went to bite him again which had Luffy dodgy. However, this time Luffy grabbed a pair of swords with his stretchy arms.
"And when I can't do anything, I have others to help me!" Luffy was 'shishi'ing as he held up the pair of swords. Arlong had backed away from Luffy.
"I didn't know Luffy could use swords." Iris was completely surprised, but reality soon come to site. He couldn't use swords, all he did was swing them around.
"What the hell are you doing now? You're just waving them around." Arlong was dodging them so easily, he had then broke one of him with his nose. really, what can't that nose do? "I'm not interested in fooling around with you." With the last sword, Luffy had grabbed with both his hands and swung it at the fishman but it was broken as well, but this time with Arlong's teeth. "This is boring."
"Then eat this!!" Luffy had given Arlong another left hook in the face.
"Arlong's teeth broke!" Everyone was completely stunned at the teeth of a shark fishmen break.
"Of course I don't know a damn thing about swords, you dumbass!" Luffy suddenly had an outburst. "I don't know how to navigate, either. I can't cook. I can't even lie!"
"Hey." Usopp had token offence to that remark.
"I know that I need others to HELL me if I want to keep on living!" Iris had to coving her mouth to not break into laugher. Luffy was so honest that it was cute.
"You sure are useless... How pitiful." He didn't really have to put it that way, "And such a pathetic guy is their captain? They must really resent you." Arlong was wrong about that. Everyone had such bright auras when they were around Luffy. "Why should they risk their lives to save someone like you? Someone they can't be proud of, what should you be their captain? What can you do?" Arlong was back to his feet, but had his hand over his mouth.
"I can beat the crap out of ya!" That was blunt of him, wasn't it.
"Yeah! I'll back you up!" Not that it was going to be much help with Usopp.
"Yeah! All right!"
"Kick his ass, rubberman!"
"Go Big Bro Luffy!"
"Go get him!"
"SHUT UP! You've got to be joking, weaklings!" Arlong's teeth fell out and new one's grew in their place.
"Eh? His teeth grew back!" Not to be obvious but Luffy was shock.
"Well, that is to be expected. After all, he is a shark!" Iris shouted over at Luffy, "Some species of sharks can have over 50,000 teeth over the course of their lives. Not only that but they get stronger every time!" She had explained delighted.
"That's right." Arlong had ripped out another set of teeth, "However many times..." another set grew, "...As many times as I need." And ripped another. "This is a trait that the Heavens have given to me."
"COOL!" Luffy is so cute!
"Are you beginning to understand just how superior I am?" Arlong had a set of teeth in both his hands, "Twist Gum!" Arlong had started attacking again.
"Whoa, stop that!" Luffy had barely dodged one of the sets of teeth because he had almost tripped over one of the fishmen.
"Big Bro Luffy!" Johnny and Yosaku were shouting as Luffy was screaming in pain while Arlong's hands were chomping down on him. Nami was completely speechless in horror, while I...
"A-Arlong... it hurts..." was trying so hard not to laugh at the fact he was attacking his own crew mates,
"M- y brother!" luffy had used the other fishman as a shield. "Why you, rubber bastard... how dare you use one of my brothers as a shield!"
"What're are you talking about? You're the one who attacked him." Luffy told him.
"That is hilarious!" Iris was on the ground banging the ground holding her stomach. It was hurting so much.
"Stand still, rubber bastard!" Arlong was clicking his teeth together in his hands,
"Heh, I just thought of a good idea." When Luffy had a idea in his head, it wasn't really good, but something that could get us killed.
"An idea?" Johnny had repeated.
"What could it be?"
"Twist Gum!" Arlong had strike again.. again... and again, until Luffy had gave him a back spin kick to the cheek. Once again, Arlong's teeth came out,
"They came out!" And Luffy was thrilled about it.
"Idiot, I told you that it doesn't matter how many times you break my teeth." Arlong's back was to us as he had sat up. "Don't you get it yet!?"
"Big Bro Luffy, could your idea have to do with..?"
"Look! Now I have 'em, too!" That couldn't be hygienic. Luffy had Arlong's set is teeth in his own mouth. Everything went silent as Luffy was chomping away with the set of teeth.
"How Long do you intend to keep fooling around?" Arlong was reaching his breaking point and that couldn't be good. And when Arlong went in to attack, he had gotten Luffy, who was on the ground rolling around.
"Ah! I was bit by a shark!" He was screaming in pain.
"'COZ YOU'RE FOOLING AROUND!" The two bounty hunters screamed at him.
"Who's fooling around? I'm dead serious!" And he was.
"Twist Gum!" Luffy was now on the run from Arlong that was breaking stone as he tried to get Luffy. Luffy had been attack again and had gotten a Direct bit.
"Bitten again!" But then Luffy bit back on Arlong's shoulder. Now the two of them had sets of teeth on them.
"How's that? Getting bit by your own teeth? Sha-hahaha!"
"Even if they are mine..." Arlong ripped it out, "Your jaw's far too weak! Listen, sharks tear fletch and limbs from the body of its prey." That was extremely gruesome. "That's what a shark's true power is!" Arlong had gotten a hold of Luffy's elbow in his teeth.
"No! Big Bro Luffy's bones will be broken!"
"Luffy!" Nami gasped before Luffy had began screaming in pain. Iris couldn't see what was going on from this angle all she could hear was Luffy screaming in agony. But then he had smashed Arlong into the ground. The two of them were now laying down but it wasn't long before Arlong was back up.
"Big Bro's elbow, you think it's okay?" Yosaku was asking but no one said anything. Luffy had gotten back up and ripped out the teeth in his side.
"Huh? Where is he?" Luffy hasn't seen where Arlong had disappeared off to, and that was right behind him
"Luffy! In the water!" Nami had shouted to him, warning the guy,
"The water?" Luffy turned to the water, and there was Arlong's back fin sticking out, "Oh! A shark!" Luffy shouted thinking it was a real one and more Arlong.
"That's ARLONG, dummy!" Usopp was completely and utterly stunned at Luffy's stupidity.
"Huh? He dove down." This was bad, fishmen grew more powerful with they're in water. Something had shot out of the water sending Luffy flying onto the ground face first.
"Something Shut our from the sea!" Iris had saw what or who it was and of course, it was Arlong. Luffy was in pain after that attack.
"Oh? You dodged that well." Arlong was standing on the second floor of the building. "But dodging is just dodging; the next one will send you to hell!" Arlong was getting ready once again, "Shark on Darts!" Arlong's nose had pierced the ground. All I can wonder was what the hell was this bastard made of? He had destroyed the floor. again, "Shark on Darts!" This time Arlong's nose pierced Luffy's flesh, and again. As he dove back into the water Luffy landed on his back on the ground.
"Hey, Luffy! Hide! He went back into the water!" Usopp was trying to tell him.
"Big Bro, hurry and his!"
"He's gonna attack again!" Yosaku and Johnny were shouting.
"RUN!!" What was Luffy going to do?
"What are you saying, you moron!?" Sanji had suddenly shouted out, "You wanna just stand there and be an easy target? Go and hide!"
"No! I'm gonna break that nose of his! Bring it on! Sharky!" Luffy didn't move an inch.
"What part of 'hiding' do you nit understand, Luffy? You just got lucky before and barely dodged it! But if he hits you this time, you're doomed!"
"Gum Gum Shield!" Luffy had pulled his fingers on his right hand stretching them.
"What's that stance?"
"Does he really think that'll stop him?" That wasn't Luffy's plan. At that thought, Arlong came out of the water.
"What? Is he dead?" Luffy was sent off.
"Would you guys stop freaking out, seriously." I stated as I sighed. Luffy was totally fine, "he got away." Luffy was now holding onto the wall at the top.
"I stopped your li'l trick, so I guess you can't use it anymore!"
"Shark on Dart!" Arlong shot from underneath him and Luffy was begging to fall towards the water.
"You dork, haven't you used enough of that?"
"You're finished!" Arlong had jumped down, using the same attack.
"Take this!" Luffy had his hands behind his head, "Gum Gum Net!" Luffy's fingers stretched out like a net towards Arlong, that had got caught in it. "Fishing! Let's fish! And now..." Luffy was spinning around and around with his feet together, "Spear!" That had shot Arlong down into the ground.
"He did it!!"
"Good job!" Everyone was cheering, all but Nami who was staring at Arlong that hadn't moved. However, when he had moved he had snapped.
"Arlong... with those eyes... I've never seen him like this!" Nami was gasping. His eyes were like that of a Sea King when they are going berserk.
"You inferior human!" Arlong had grabbed Luffy by the hair and was swinging him around like he was some kind of rope. "How did go do this to me, a fishman!?" He had thrown Luffy into the rubble.
"Man, that shook me up." But Luffy was completely fine, "I don't think he's hurt, but he sure is anger." That was the understatement of the year. Arlong had leaped towards Luffy who dodged but the fishman hand had gone throw the wall to grabbed a giant
"Kiribachi!" Nami was completely horrified at the saw-shaped sword, which was known as a Kiribachi. Arlong had pulled the Kiribachi back and leaped into the air hovering above Luffy and had then smashed it down on him. Lucky for Luffy, Arlong wasn't thinking properly because of him being full of anger. Luffy was going higher and higher up Arlong Park as Arlong was attacking relentlessly.
"Big Bro Luffy! Run! Watch out!" The two idiots were screaming over and over aga.
"He won't stop. There's no was out of this!" A man wearing a doctor coat was yelling. However, when Luffy went inside, I couldn't tell want was going on.
"That room is..." Iris turned to Nami, she seemed to be shook as she was looking towards the widows Luffy had leaped into. It was completely silent as nothing had happen since Luffy and Arlong had entered the building, when out of no where something came busting out.
"What's that!?"
"That's a desk? What is it doing?" Iris asked watching it slowly fall. Both Johnny and Yosaku were sighing in relief seeing it was just a desk.
"Oh, it's just a desk..." Johnny had stated,
"That scared me, I was afraid that it was gonna be Big Bro Luffy or something..." Yosaku said
"Hey, partner! Don't you have faith in Big Bro Luffy's strength!?"
"But Johnny, you were surprised too!"
"Dumbass! I was... sure that it was... Arlong, of course.." he really was a bad liar.
"Luffy?" Some more stuff was being knocked out of the walls of the room Luffy was in. A chair, a bookcase.
"What's going on?! What's up with all the furniture flaying out?" All of the stuff that was falling, it was clearly something that Nami owned, as they were maps and what not. The desk had crashed on the floor breaking. More stuff came flying out again, this time paper with sea charts.
"They're fighting so brutally."
"Indeed... a fight t the death." No, Iris didn't think it was like that, there was more to it, the tears of Nami proved that. she had her hand over her mouth and nose crying. Something had stood up from the top on the building, it looked like Luffy's foot and now everything was breaking apart but Luffy was still inside.
"LUFFY!!!" Nami was screaming, Iris had grabbed onto her as she tried to go in after him. "Luffy..." the wind was blowing from the aftermath of the building collapsing but we could see anything because of the smoke covering everything. It was destroyed, everything was nothing but rubble.
"Arlong Park is... demolished!"
"Big Bro..."
"What happened inside?"
Luffy..." Usopp called out to him, worried. Everything was once again silent as they waited, waited to see what was going to happen next. The clouds had finally cleared and was shinning down on the rubble, like the sun shinning after a giant storm to show a new day, and there he was.
"LUFFY!" Nami was shouting at seeing him.
"BIG BRO!!!" The two of those guys were in tears. Luffy on the other hand, he was just standing there, breathing heavily.
"Is he okay?"
"NAMI!!" Luffy shouted with all his might, "YOU ARE MY FRIEND!!!"
"Yep!" Nami was crying once again, and Iris couldn't but smirk, however, she looked down at the ground with a frown.
"He won?!"
"We won!"
"WE WON!!" It had finally sink in to everyone as they started cheering for joy.
"Arlong Park has fallen!" The villager had ran towards Luffy and had started tossing him in the air.
"You did it, Luffy! You deserved the praise! But if you let me have some, I'd really appreciate it!" Usopp was shouting next to me, jumping around.
"Man, you had me worried there for a bit." Sanji was out of the water and came up to them.
"I know right, next time he needs to do it fast." Iris smiled behind at him. The three of them had then spotted Nami coming up to the crowd where they had ended up dropping him, but he was only laughing. Nami had place his straw hat back in his head, and once Luffy was back up they high five each other. It truly was a joyful celebration
"That's enough, scumbags!" or at least was... the Marines really don't know when to read the mood. "Well, this must be my lucky day! Nice work. I enjoyed the show." The bastard, they were watching the whole time. "But I never would've thought... that these fishmen would be defeated by the likes of you silly pirates. But thanks to you, Arlong's bounty, as well as all of Arlong Park's riches, will be mine. Everyone, put down your weapons! I, Captain Nezumi, of the Marine's 16th Battalion, will be taking over from here~!" Someone had grabbed into the guy from behind
"You're still alive!?" Iris shouted in shock, seeing the swordsman.
"Don't spoil the mood when people are trying to celebrate!" The four of them had then completely beaten to a bloody polt without mercy.
"I-If you dare hit me one more time, I won't let you live..."
"You're still talking?" Sanji was annoyed.
"Can't you just shut up?" Iris asked the idiot. Nami had then came up to the captain and bend down beside him.
"This is for shooting Nojiko..." Nami placed her hand gently on Nezumi's cheek. "And for messing up Bellemere's tangerine grove." Next thing he knew it, she had struck him with her staff into the water.
"Thanks Nami. That was satisfying." Nojiko had said, winking.
"And there's a thousand more where that came from, jerk!" The man next to her, with all the scars, I'm pretty sure he was Genzo, on the other hand wasn't. When the Marine captain swan back, Nami grabbed a hold of his whiskers and started pulling them.
"Now, you guys will take care of cleaning up after the fishmen, and help reconstruct Gosa Village. But you wil not touch even the slightest bit of the fishman's riches! They belong to the people of this island. Understand?" Nami really is scary.
"Ow, ow! I'll do as you say..."
"And one more thing... GIVE ME BACK MY MONEY!" Really scary!
"I'll give it back, honestly. I don't want it anymore..." the group of Marines had started to swim away acting all tough, "this won't be forgotten, you lousy Pirates! Straw Hat Guy! The name's Luffy, right? You're the captain, aren't you? Don't forget this! You're gonna be big, after messing with me! Too late for amends now! I'll make you sorry! Mark my wooords!!"
"He said we're gonna be big." Sanji flicked his ash from the cigarette he had lite.
"How'd he know I was gonna be the Pirate King?" Luffy asked us.
"He wasn't talking about that, you numbskull." Zoro told him.
"What do we do now!? If we become notorious, what'll happen to us?" Usopp was already freaking out.
"We'll be hunted." Iris looked over at him.

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