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It didn't take long until the island of Alabaster had been spotted in the distance and it didn't take that long before the Going Merry was to reach the island as the crew were all on deck, with everything settled they had began pulling the plan into action. "Alright, make sure you tie it tight." Zoro was telling foe others all as he was tightening a piece of cloth around his left arm. "There's too much we don't know about our enemy."
"This is a good idea." Iris had turned to tie a piece of cloth around her left arm as well
"If we use these to confirm our identities, we won't have to doubt our friends." Nami had said, also agreeing that it a good plan.
"Did he really look like you that much?" Sanji had asked the others. It did seem bit hard to believe when they saw what Mr. 2 did, but this was the Grand Line and from what they've seen so far anything was possible her.
"The problem was that he didn't just look like us...he was us! Too bad, you really shoulda seen it! We were even dancing with the guy!" Usopp was saying as if that was something that was it important.
"I'm not interested in male 'ballerinas'." Sanji had just said bluntly.
"Since we know that kind of guy is among the enemy... we can't go around acting carelessly on our own." Zoro had stated to us all.
"Hey, what should I do?" Chopper had asked the crew.
"Right! Do what you can! There's no need to do more than that!" It didn't really sound convincing coming from Usopp but he was right. "It's okay to run away from enemies you can't beat!"
"Are you just telling that to yourself?" Sanji stated asking this of him.
"Do what I can... got it!" But Usopp did give good advice to him.
"I can see the island!" Luffy was delighted,
"We're going to stop at a port called Nanohana. We have to hide the ship." Vivi told them as the Going Merry was approaching Alabasta.
"Yosh! Whatever happens from now on..." Luffy had began to say pulling his left arm out in front of him. "This left hand is..." and the others all joined him as well, "...the mark of a friend!" He had shouted with everyone not saying anything but still agreeing. "Now, let's get on dry land! TO EAT! OH, and Alabasta..."
"Sort out your priorities." They all had told him after sighing.
"We're going up against another group of assassins, Luffy." Nami was trying to explain things to him.
"Yeah, that's right." He had agreed with that statement.
"So refrain from acting on instinct! Understood?"
"Yeah. I got it." Nami doubt that was true as she pulled in his cheek. "Ow! I got it!" With the time passing slowly as they approached the island, Vivi seemed to be very upset as she stood at the front watching as they got closer little by little. Iris looked to Nami who was looking at her as well and with a little nod they both headed up to join her. "We're almost there. Don't go getting all excited." Nami was half joking about that,
"She can't help it though. But Nami is right, do you think you'll have the strength to stop it? The rebellion, I mean." Iris had to be honest, she don't know if it was capable.
"We have what we have." Vivi was telling both, "But there's no guarantee that will bring about peace." At least she did understand that much. Outside on the bank side of Nanohana, behind some rocks, the crew looked off the city that they could just tell was lively.
"So that's what an Alabasta city is like."
"Food!" Was all Luffy cared about.
"Listen everyone's I'm only going to say this once." Everyone had turned around to Nami that was speaking. "I expect you all to be on your best behaviour at all times." This was more directed at the guys then to Iris
"Okay, Nami~!" Sanji didn't have any problems with that.
"But you know...." Iris spoken, Turing her head while doing so. "...the one that you should be the most worried about is gone." She was watching Luffy running off to the distance.
"HEY HOLD IT!!" Nami had tired to stop him but it was too late.
"He's completely inhuman."
"What'll we do?" Vivi was worried thinking about what could happen with Luffy loss in the city.
"Don't worry. Just go to the noisiest place you can find. That's where he'll be." Sanji had jumped down onto the shore.
"He's right, you know." Usopp had to argue with that knowing Luffy.
"Jeez! I wish he'd remember that he's got a bounty on his head." Nami was a little feed up with him. "Especially in a country this big."
"Just let him be. He'll be fine, let's just go eat." Zoro had told her as he began to climb down the rope ladder.
"Are you ready?" Iris had asked down to Chopper, who pulled on his bag.
"Yep!" He had answered excited and she had picked him up in her arms.
"Let's think about this stuff while we eat." Iris had told the others, flew off the ship after her wings came out but they were gone once she landed onto the shore.
"Every single one of 'em!" Nami was pissed off at not just Luffy now but Zoro, Iris, Sanji, and Chopper who had left.
"Carue and I cannot accompany you." Vivi stated to the remaining two,
"What's wrong? You have an upset stomach?" Usopp ended up asking confused,
"Too many people here will recognise me." What Vivi said was true the others had to agree with that.
"Don't worry! I'll pick up some food for you, Vivi!" Sanji was delighted but then the shock squawking of Carue caused them all to look up to him.
"What's the matter?" Vivi had asked him and he lifted his wing up pointing to behind them. That is where a ship with a 3 on it was docked.
"Mr. 3's ship!"
"That bastard, didn't we take care of him already?" Usopp was asking annoyed.
"I'm sure if it. If I remember correctly, that ship moves by means of his Wax Wax Fruit powers." Vivi explained to the others.
"So he's here." Sanji stated annoyed,
'That means trouble." Zoro had also stated.
"Yeah, He would be recognised us all." Iris turned and looked up to the other three on the Merry. It was only Sanji and Chopper, that had never meet Mr. 3. Although Iris hadn't either, her face was still known by Baroque Works.
"Don't worry." Usopp had turned facing the others sweating, "I've got a plan." Moments later the crew were walking through town catching attention because those that would be recognise by any members of Baroque Works were under a giant cloak walking through town, with the remaining two, Sanji and Chopper, walking along side it. "They won't be able to tell where we are. We'll be able to move without standing out."
"I think we stand out even more..." Nami had told him honestly. After walking through town and catching the attention of everyone one we walked passed, we made it to the outskirts of the city in a ruin of a house or building.
"Yosh! Everyone, the coast is clear!" Usopp acted like he was the brave one to come out first but
"We already took it off." The others were already out from it.
"Looks like no one noticed us!" Usopp had completely ignored him.
"No, trust me. They noticed." Iris had told him with completely confidence
"Vivi, you'll be safe from prying eyes here for the time being." Sanji had told her but she didn't say anything back to him, "Vivi?" But When he called out to her again she jumped from shock.
"Yes? Yes, yes, what is it?" She hadn't heard a single thing he had told her.
"Is something the matter?" Iris asked her worried. She looked at me a bit stunned and then back the way we had just come from only to look down at the ground.
"I'm sorry. I was just thinking... at least, while I was looking at the city, everything still seemed to be fine. And thought I can't truly be at ease... I think it can be saved." She really was worried about her Kingdom.
"You're right." Nami had said, breaking the silence that came over. "It seems like a peaceful city."
"Hey, Vivi." Hearing Zoro call out to her, she turned toward him. "You said you had forces to suppress the rebellion, right?" She nodded to him.
"Then what should we do now? What is it that you want us to do?" Iris ended up asking, watching, and waiting for her answer but she didn't seem to understand what she was asking.
"She means, if we can still save them, we have to take action soon." Zoro had understood what she was getting at.
"Yes, that's true... but you only promised to take me as far as Alabasta and-" that kind of pissed someone off as she punched Vivi softly but hard enough to hurt.
"Enough! I can't believe you're still talking like that." Nami had stood her,
"Yeah, we came all this way together. Do you really thing that we'll just leave and abandon you after all that?" Iris had asked. She was kind of hurt that she thought they would even do such a thing after everything they went through together.
"They're right, Vivi. Don't get all distant on us now." Usopp told her sighing.
"And I'm pretty interested in this War Lord of the Sea." That was the only thing on Zoro's mind.
"That's enough from you!" Nami looked him in the eyes and then turned to Vivi. "In any case, quit over-thinking this!"
"And of course, everyone expects me is being hunted, too." Sanji stated, reminding us,
"Sanji..." and then over to Sanji.
"That's how it is." He said smiling.
"And if this country is crushed, I won't get my see for escorting you here. Understood?" Nami had gone dark.
"Y-Yes." Vivi could only say that.
"Good, you understand!" She was delighted to hear,
"You're going to hell." Zoro told her and Iris nodded in agreement.
"Why thank you, Zoro. And I haven't forgotten your debt either." Nami was smirking at him.
"Damn you..."
"I'll get it from you, even if I'm a ghost!"
"Argh, you bitch!"
"You'll pay me back precious 400,000!" She really was going to hell.
"You raised it!!"
"If you don't pay it back soon, it'll go up more!" She was having fun.
"Oi, Usopp... could you..." Zoro had turned to him asking for money.
"No." Was his replay.
"Nami is in the right!" And Sanji was just on Nami's side without reason.
"Now, now. Calm down, Okay." Iris got in between them. "Now Vivi, could you tell us what the plan is?" She asked only to change the subject.
"Right." Everyone had quiet down and began to listen to her. "Northwest of this city lies the Yuba Oasis. That is the Rebels' base. I want to go there first and stop the rebellion. But to get to Yuba, we have to cross the desert. We have to arrange the necessary food and water here, but... if Mr. 3 is in this city..."
"Oh, if that's all, it'll be fine." Sanji had made us turn to him, "he's never seen my face."
"That's right. Sanji's never met that bunch." Nami realised,
"And there's also Chopper." Iris had stated to them after her.
"That's true." Zoro was the one to agree with her, since Chopper joined them after Little Garden.
"That's great. There'll be a lot to carry. I'm count on you." Sanji was talking to Chopper
"Okay, got it!"
"Oi, you gonna be alright?" Usopp had asked Chopper worried,
"I'll be alright! I want to do what I can!" Chopper had told him and then changed to his more reindeer form. "If I'm in this form, I want have any problems, right?"
"Yosh! You are truly a man... reindeer!" Usopp corrected himself.
"Then, please, if you would." Vivi had said to them
"You can count on us!"
"What we need most is supplies, and I'd like you to get some clothes as well." She had explained to them both.
"Clothes like citizens wear, so we won't stand out." She explained to everyone, which didn't make sense, they stand out like a sword thumb.
"And some perfume!" Nami had added to the list.
"Yes, Nami!" Sanji was delighted for that order.
"Food and water." Zoro told him,
"Tobacco." And then Usopp.
"Forget it, you louts."
"Food and water." They had began to repeat again
"Forget it, you louts." With those final words, the pair of them headed for the Main Street again.
"But right now... That idiot. Just where is he and what the hell is he doing!" Nami was asking the heavens more then the others.
"I am a bit worried, with Luffy anything is possible..." Iris had stated, thinking of one thing that had happened, and it was him running through and passed Nanohana.
"Well, it's Luffy we're talking about, so he should be fine." Zoro told her, which he was right. Luffy was stupid but he had the highest luck she has ever seen in her life. At the feast of the group waited for Sanji and Chopper to get back, they just sat in shade out of the sun. However, it was only an hour before they got back with clothes, food and water they had all changed, well the girls at least did.
"Ah, this is gorgeous! I love stuff like this." Nami was very pleased with it,
"About the errands we asked you to do, Sanji... isn't this... a dance girl's-?" Before Vivi had finished sanji was getting exited.
"Isn't it lovely? It looks great on you!" He had love heart in his eyes
"But I asked for clothes like the citizens wear..." she tried to say
"Dancing girls are citizens, too~!" But he was off in his own world
"But for walking on the desert..."
"Don't worry! If you get tired, I'll carry you~!" Sanji was laughing like an love struck idiot.
"It's no use talking to him." Vivi had finally given up on him.
"Well, even if they're for dancing girls, they look great." Iris had come out from behind the ruins changed

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