Another One?!

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The day was moving and in this moment a large ship which had giant trees serving as its masts was sailing in the waters off of Jaya. The sides of the ship had many doors with ladders that lead to the water, along with one large paddle, on either side of the ship. "Big Boss. The divers are OK on standby!" A man was shouting on the ship.
"Mic check OK!"
"Yosh! Here comes the sound waves of my Search Sonar!" Upon saying that a large scream come from a large man who looked like an orangutang with long green hair was being sent into a mic in hand. He wore a black button up shirt that was too small for his body showing off his hairy torso, a green captain's coat with his arms in the sleeves, and a green captain's hat with his personal jolly roger on the front. He also wore a belt that has the kanji for forest engraved upon it. For some reason his hair was so long that its entire length was almost as long as his entire body height.
"Wootan  Divers, number 27!" Someone in a strange black suit had shot out of the water shouting. "Echo confirmed! School of fish detected at 9 o'clock! Given their speedy they are definitely pike!" This information had been given out to the ship.
"Yosh, there's gonna be some barbecue tonight!" The man, clearly the boss, who was no different then an orangutang had come to shout back in response.
"Wootan Diver, Number 4! Echo confirmed!" Another man had bursted from the water shouting, wear identical suit. "Small sailing vessel detected!"
"What? A sailing vessel? Triangulate their position vector!" This order had been given out, however...
"I think... It's 12 o'clock!" The suited man, Number 4, was responding while looking off in the direction he spoke, where the Going Merry was slowly approaching.
"They're right in front of us!?" Which meant there really wasn't a need for the order and a barrel been thrown down at No.4. "Abort the search! Return to the ship, Wootan Divers!" That was when a large amount of man in all the same suits had began popping out from the water, where they began to climb up the ladders leading up to the doors on the side of the ship and slamming them shut.
"It's sort of weird to see them so soon." The Going Merry had made it to the vessel and it had been the reason Luffy had said this looking at it, as it was like Masira.
"I don't think it's the same." Iris pointed out, noticing the large differences as she was looking to Usopp hiding behind Sanji, who looked disgusted or uncomfortable.
"Well, we can't say if that's a good thing or a bad thing yet." The cook did have a point.
"Anyhow, we really did see them!" Usopp had stated this back to them. "Right?" Even turned to Chopper.
"Yeah, that salvage guy really does live on this island!" Who was hiding behind Iris legs as he spoke. "We saw them come back!"
"Well, it doesn't bother me if we meet them again." However, it appeared that Luffy really didn't care.
"Oh, oh! Guys, guys!" The large green hair man on ship had began shouting down to them. .you should quit that mouth-flapping over there!" The men behind him began to bellow like monkeys. "Dang, my heart was all a putter-patter wondering who you were." Luffy and the others were looking up as him sitting down, acting like some sort of king or something. However, there was something that appeared to bother them.
"You have a weird face!" Had been the first thing that came out of Luffy's mouth. "What species are you?" That question had soon followed.
"Lu, you really shouldn't say that." And of course, Iris had reminded him of his manners.
"I'm human, you numbskull!" And needless to say that the man was pissed off and upset at that question.
"YOU JERKS! You mean you haven't heard of the Big Boss of the Shoujo Pirates, The King of Underwater Exploration, Boss Shoujo?!" But it appeared that the anger of his men couldn't be compared.
"Don't you go making Big Boss mad!" They were going off like upset monkeys.
"Never mind, never mind." However, the Big Boss Shoujo appeared to brush it aside. "You seem to be pirates." But the air around him changed as he looked down to the Merry. "Have you heard? Crocodile of the Seven War Lords has fallen from power." Although, it appeared that they don't know who pulled him from power, at least who truely did. "In terms of merit, I may have a chance of grabbing his seat. My heart's a potter-patter as I wait!"
"Eh? You wanna be one of the Seven War Lords?" Luffy seemed surprised at hearing this as he asked.
"Eh? You wanna know what's so great about me?" However, it appeared that Shoujo heard something completely different, or pretended to. "How about how I have never cut my hair once in the 25 years since I was born! Well? Are you surprise?. This was behind asked, but...
"You're an idiot." It appeared that the straw hat captain didn't see it that way.
"That seems unsafe." While the Angel came to state this with a hand placed over her cheek.
"Oh, that surprised me!" And it appeared that the orangutang man was the one in shock.
"Bastard, out Big Boss is..." As his men were enraged
"Never mind, never mind." Until Shoujo spoken up to stop them. "Your answers' got my heart all a pitter-patter." He didn't seem all that bothered by it. "Understand this!" Though it suddenly changed again. "Pass through the tunnel that is my anger, and you shall find a sea of red blood."
"Yeah, anyway... We've got somewhere we gotta go. So move already." Not that Luffy cared or felt threatened by it.
"YOU INSOLENT FOOL!" That appeared to be the last straw from Shoujo as he came to snap. "THIS STRETCH OF SEA IS MY TERRITORY! IF YOU WANT TO PASS, PAY THE TOLL!"
"Oh my, isn't that what the King of Salvages, Masira said?" Iris remembered the gorilla man from before.
"Huh? Did he say that?" Luffy, who hadn't been there at the time, turned to the woman asking.
"What? Masira?" This seemed to have been heard by Shoujo as he began to question them. "What about Masira?"
"Well, we sorta kicked him." This had been the simple answer given. "But..."
"K-KICKED!? Kicked... him!?" This had caused the man to be in shock a bit. "Kicked...?!"
"Big Boss..."
"FOR MY BROTHER...REVENGE FOR MASIRA!" This was all he shouted.
"Oi! W-Wait a minute." While Luffy was trying to stop and explain something. "We kicked him, but... He's still alive!""
"Sound Wave!" However, it didn't appear to matter to Shoujo... "Havoc Sonar!" As he began screaming into a mic he had in hand.
"The ship is...!" Out of nowhere, the deck had began to rip open right in front of the group.
"And? What is he doing?" However, it was not the Going Merry but the Shoujo Pirate's ship that was being shattered all over the place.
"Big Boss!" And the men being sent flying just as much. "You mustn't do that while on deck!"
"Dunno. But that's pretty cool, breaking up a ship with his voice." Luffy and the other were watching the ship being torn.
"C'mon, guys!" But their attention being pulled behind them. "Quit staring at them and lets get going!" Nami was shouting at them beside the Mast.
"AYE!" Obviously Sanji was ready to do anything she told him.
"Oh! Nami's not a demon anymore!" Had been pointed out by Luffy.
"He's right!" Chopper appeared to be delighted at this fact as they were heading over to join.
"If you keep talking like that it'll appear again." Iris stated to them as she followed.
"Hey, he's emitting sound waves." Usopp had said only moments before he started screaming in terror. "H-Ho... Hold on! Oi!" He was shouting as the deck on Merry had began to rip. "We're in trouble! The sound waves are affecting our ship too!" This was being shouted to the others as Merry was beginning to become like Shoujo's ship. "They're ripping apart all the places I repaired! The hull was already in pieces! WE'RE GONNA BE TORN APART IF WE STAY HERE!"
"Full speed ahead!" This had Nami shouting to the others and like always they began running around. "Get out of range of his voice!"

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