An Nameless Island!!

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The sun had yet to rise properly as there was fog covering the sea. With a restless spirit Iris couldn't just lay around and sleep so she decided it was best to do something useful and that was by helping Usopp patch up the Merry. "Plank." The woman picked up the plank and placed it on the side, holding up as Usopp hammered in the nails.
"You're both up early, Usopp! Iris!" Sanji voice came from above, which caused Iris to look up to the Crows Net.
"Morning Sanji!" She called out to him,
"Good morning, Iris!" Sanji greeted her cheerfully.
"Can't be sitting around now." Usopp was saying as he hammered away, "In a pinch like this, you have to get moving as soon as you can."
"Yeah. That's right." Sanji agreed with him. The day was going a bit more smoothly then yesterday that Usopp and Iris had finished placing the last plank onto the side to fix Merry.
"You know... don't you think it's been cold these days?" Iris had asked the guys after thinking about it for some time.
"Yeah, I did. The temperature just suddenly decided to stabilise. Must be more of the fickleness of this place. This ocean, the Grand Line." Usopp was saying, but it think it was more then that.
"Actually, That might not be the case." Vivi's voice had joined the conversation causing Usopp to stop hammering. "It probably means we're close to an island. Sanji, concentrate in watching the horizon." She had said up to him. "There's a Winter Island around her, I'm sure if it."
"A Winter Island?" Iris turned around repeating and accidentally caused Usopp to hit his hand with the hammer.
"In meteorological terms, the island's of the Grand Line are classified into four types: Summer Island. Spring Island. Autumn Island... and Winter Island. And each of these types of islands has four seasons of its own. So it's basically like this:" Vivi had shown a graph that she draw in Iris note book for her. "Navigating through the Grand Line you must, at the very least... from the summer of the Summer Island to the winter of a Winter Island... be able to endure a range of 16 different seasons." That sounded complex. "Of course, there are many yet undiscovered islands whose climates may not fit this classification."
"I get it. And since there's so many of these islands crammed close together, the sea in between them couldn't possibly hold a steady climate." Usopp had put it more simple terms.
"Then when the climate is stable, it would mean that an island is close by." Iris had come to realised that.
"She's right... there it is!" Sanji had yelled. "ISLAND HO!" They could just see it in the distance, but it was completely white. Not only after that...
"An island!" Luffy was screaming his head off in excitement as he was sitting on Merry's head as they began getting closer to the island. "White! It's so white! I bet it's snow! An island of snow!"
"Lu, I don't need to remind you about this but we're not going on an adventure this time." Iris told him as she stood behind him.
"We're here to find a doctor! After we have one look at Nami we're gonna be leaving right away!" Sanji had told Luffy but he wasn't saying anything, "Oi! Oi, Luffy!"
"Snow's so fun... it's so white..." and we lost him,
"No use, he ain't listenin'." Sanji realised it too.
"H-H-Hold on now, is this safe?" Usopp was shivering and but it wasn't because of the temperature. "If there's snow, couldn't there be snow monsters or something!? We don't even know if there's gonna be people here or not, isn't that the biggest problem?!" That would be a problem for them. "OH NO. My Must-Not-Get-On-This-Island Disease is acting up again." Usopp was freaking out as Per usual.
"Snow... I love snow 'cease it's so white...." not to mention Luffy had been lost to them.
"Guess I'll go prepare to dock." Sanji gave up on the two of them.
"Are we really going to be alright?" It didn't take must time for us to reach the river mouth of the island and truthfully as looking around it was amazing about how white and beautiful the island was around them.
"So much snow... I'm so happy...! Luffy was crying tears of joy,
"This place is something else. Get a load of those mountains." Sanji was right about that, they were pretty tall not to mention strange. but since the ship entered this island it was even more freezing then before and as they looked to Luffy wondering if he hadn't noticed.
"Lu, I've been wondering this for a while now, but isn't it cold if your not wearing a jacket?" Iris had asked as she looked at him only wearing the red vest and blue shorts he always wears.
"The temperature is -10C!" Vivi pointed out to him, "At that temperature, bears start getting ready to hibernate!" Hearing them, Luffy turned his head with a blank expression on his face.
"I-It's cold!" He had finally answered after a few seconds of silence.
"COULD YOU BE ANY SLOWER!?" Sanji and Usopp had yelled at him. It wasn't long before the river had come to an end, with a water fall at the end.
"It's waterfall created by the melting snow. I think we can dock the ship somewhere around here." Vivi was telling Zoro and Iris at the front of the ship.
"Yeah, that would sound best." Iris had agreed with her on that matter.
"Okay. Someone has to go look for a doctor. Actually, we'd better find people first." Zoro had stated to the guys behind them.
"I'll go!" Of course Luffy's reason for going was for adventure.
"I'm going too!" At least Sanji was for Nami.
"Great! Get going!" Of course Usopp was to scarier to go.
"That's far enough, Pirates!" Looking up, there were men with guns pointed at us on both sides of the rivers. However, as they looked around, Iris noticed that their faces were filled with fear and they were not warriors.
"Oi, here's some people." Luffy said as if they weren't pointing there guns at the crew.
"But... they don't look very happy to see us." Usopp pointed out.
"Pirates." A man had stepped forwards form the crowd. "We hereby demand that you depart this shore... immediately!" This man was pretty imposing, with slicked black hair and a goatee. He had on a long, white fur-lined green tunic with armor plates on his arms. his head was covered with a green and white fur lined hat, equipped with ear-flaps against the intense cold, and he wore long boots. He carries a weapon, an extra-large spade, in a sheath that hangs on his back.
"We came here to find a doctor!" Luffy shouted over to him.
"We have a sick person on board!" Vivi was trying to explain to them but it didn't sound like they were willing to listen.
"You think your tricks will work on us!? You filthy pirates!"
"This is our island! We not gonna let a bunch of pirates land here and invade!" Which would mean they already had one that invaded before they came along.
"Now, take up your anchor and be gone! Otherwise, we'll blow your ship out of the water!"
"They really hate us." Sanji said as if it was a pain, which it was. "And we've only just met."
"They're pretty rude in my opinion." Iris stated that.
"Keep your mouth shut!" After a man had shouted that, a bullet was fired just before Iris' feet which scared the hell out of her.
"They fired!"
"You'll regret that." Sanji had gotten angry was about to attack, "Bastard!"
"Sanji, Wait!" If not for Vivi he would have already attacked them. But when another gun was fired by the same man, she had began to fall to the ground.
"VIVI!!" Needless to say none of them were happy as she laid in the ground. "Why, you-!" Especially Luffy.
"Aim!" The guns had been pointed at all of us again and this time we got ready to fight. Iris stood in front of Vivi to protect her, however, just as Luffy was about to charge for the island.
"No! Stop! Fighting won't help anything!" Vivi had grabbed onto him yelling. "I'm fine! It only grazed my arm!" She had then kneeled down in deck in front of everyone. "In that case, we won't land here! But could we ask for a doctor?" She had bowed down to them asking. "Our friend is suffering from a grave illness. Please help! I beg you!"
"Vivi!" It seemed that that the others were shocked as she was bowing her head down to these men.
"You're not fit to be captain, Luffy. Not everything can be fixed by acting recklessly!" She was right about that, they forget about that since they've joined the crew because that was all they did not worried about anything else but this time was different. This time the crew had to think about the way they acted for Nami's sake. "If you start a fight here, what will happen to Nami?"
"Yeah. I'm sorry! I was wrong! Please call a doctor!" Luffy had also dropped to his knees begging. "Please help our friend!" It was silent as the wind blow with no guns being pointed at them. It seemed that these men weren't sure what to do. They didn't trust the pirates but they didn't seem to completely mistrust them either. But there was one man that didn't seem that way.
"I will show you to the village." And that was the imposing man that spoken. "Follow me." They had began to walk off one after the other, after that man had said that.
"See? They understood!" Vivi had lifted her head and said to Luffy.
"Yeah! You're amazing!" With that, leaving Zoro and Carue, the others Usopp, Vivi, Sanji (carrying Nami), Iris, and Luffy had followed the man in charge, Dalton and the inhabitants of the island
"I must warn you, the only doctor we have here is a witch." Dalton looked behind him to the pirates that were following.
"Witch?" But there was a little confused when he said that.
"You gotta be kidding me. Nothing here makes sense..." Sanji stated this true fact as they walked, asking what is this place.
"This Land still does not have a name." Dalton stated, which made things even stranger.
"A nameless land? Does that really happen?" Vivi had asked, since she never really heard of such a thing. However, the man didn't say anything, causing silence to fall over.
"A bear!" Until Usopp began scream about a large white bear walking on two legs heading their way. "Everyone! Present to be dead!" He fell to the ground, but none of the inhabitants responded the same way as him.
"A HikingBear. They pose no danger." It had been informed to the others. "Don't forget to bow. It's proper hiking manners." Just as Dalton had said, all had bowed to the bear which responded with the same. Which caused Usopp to feel awkward about freaking out the way he did.
"Usopp, if you don't get up, you might be left behind." Iris had turned around to inform the long nose man, still in the snow laying.
"I'm coming!" But he had jumped up and ran after the group that pretty much just left him behind.

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