'The' Bellamy!

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Luffy and that had left the resort far behind them, but it didn't mean that all was forgotten. Especially to one person. "Man, I'm SO pissed off." Nami was saying after they had gone to one of the many bars to get drinks to feel better. Although, the Navigator just seemed more annoyed then before.
"I'm sorry to hear about that." The bar tender was saying after listening. "Mock Town has become a place for pirates to unload their riches." This information had been given and it explained a lot of things
"Shabby pirates need not enter, eh?" But it seemed that Nami's mood was getting worse.
"Looks like nothing i say will console you." The bar keep appeared to have given up. "Here. This one's on the house." A new cup was placed in front of her. "Because so many rick folk gather in this town, brawls and murder have become an everyday occurrence."
"And not once have the Marines tried coming here?" Iris asked this, since it was a place of pirates that gathered together. One would think that the Government would take advantage of that.
"They most likely have their hands filled with more important places." That might be true, since this place was pretty small and appeared to only had one town on it. "Although, it might also have to do with not killing the townsfolks." That could also be the reason. "Here you go." Two full pies were placed on the counter, one in front of Luffy while other to the large man next to him.
"Well, I still don't like this town." Nami huffed upon saying that.
"I guess i understand how you feel." Which had the bar keep laugh in agreement with her. "Sorry to tell you this, but you won't find any ordinary people in this town. Well, your Log should set in about four days. It'd be best to leave without causing any trouble, right."
"Four days, huh?" Hearing this had caused Nami to look down at their Log's needle still pointing up to the sky. "Then we can't stay longer than two days." They needed to to find the information then leave as fast as they can. "Hey, old—"
"HEY, OLD MAN!" But before she had the chance to ask anything, Luffy and someone else had shouted loudly with their mouths full.
"Huh? What is it?" The keeper was a bit stalled upon turning around, while Nami, Zoro, and Iris looked to the pair a bit confused and/or surprised.
"This cherry pie is so TASTY/NASTY I could die!" Both of them had said identical things, except how it tasted. This had them turn to look at one another, or more like glaring, before they grabbed their mugs and drank from it. "This drink is especially DISGUSTING/DELICIOUS!" Once again they were almost identical. They had opposite opinions on the food and drinks.
"Jerk, you got something wrong with your tongue." They were looking up at an extremely tall man with dark skin, being twice Luffy's height. He had a massive build as his body was round with relatively thin limbs. He had this big mouth with several broken or missing teeth, a pronounced crooked nose and a very large and hairy chest and torso. Long, thick, woolly black hair falls down the back of his neck, underneath a black bandanna, and a small scruffy black beard grows around his jawline.
"You got something wrong with your head?" It appeared that Luffy and him were ready to start a fight.
"Well, I'm not the cook here, so i don't care what you say." The Tender didn't seem to care in the slightest.
"Hey, old keeper! I want 50 pieces of meat to go." Luffy had suddenly said, forgetting about their finance issues.
"Old man, i want 51 of those cherry pies to go." Then the other man had added an extra to his own order to bet Luffy.
"Actually, i meant 52 pieces!" Which only had the rubber boy add another.
"Wait, I wanted 53 pies."
"No, 54 cuts of meat!"
"55 pies."
"60 cuts of meat!"
"70 pies!"
"100!" The pair were having a competition over the most ridiculous thing, which was why Zoro and that were looking at them unsure what was happening.
"WHAT, YOU WANNA FIGHT?!" They were exactly the same that it was almost terrifying.
"WHAT THE HEEL ARE YOU FIGHTING OVER!?" Zoro snapped at them because there was nothing to fight about.
"Luffy, you promised me, didn't you!?" Nami shouted, reminding him of the promise he made upon entering the town.
"We all just need to calm down." Iris was the only one with a cool head, which was completely normal. "Also, Lu, we currently do not have to money for that order." She had told him this, since they barely had any money at all.
"You a pirate?" The large man had come to asked, smirking at Luffy.
"Yeah, that's right." Obviously he answered with no hesitation.
"What's your bounty?"
"30 million!"
"30 million? You?" This appeared to be surprising to the man. "How the hell could that be?!"Then it appeared he was infuriated upon this. "LAIR!"
"I AIN'T LYING, IT'S THE TRUTH!" They were about to start again.
"Stop it!" Having Zoro snapping at them both.
"Come on now!I'll thank you not to fight in this pub!" The bar keeper placed a boxed covered by cloth. "Just take these and leave! 50 cherry pies." And with that, the man had left still glaring at Luffy as he did.
"Is there a pirate wearing a straw hat in here?" But someone new had entered the pub calling out for Luffy.
"I-It's Bellamy!" Someone shouted as a tall man with tan skin and short, unkempt blond hair stood in the entrance. He had on a pair of white pants, a green sash with markings, and a pink sleeveless shirt with a navy blue pirate captain's coat over it. The man had a scar above his right eye and tattoos of eye-like designs on his arms.
"You the one with a 30,000,000 beli bounty—Straw Hat Luffy?" The man had creepy grin across his face while asking this.
"What?" Luffy only response as he was leaning on back on his chair at the bar.
"Looks like he's calling you out, Luffy." Zoro stated this.
"Hey, isn't Bellamy the name of the guy who rented out that hotel?" Nami came to ask remember the owner saying 'Master Bellamy' a lot.
"The head of those rude people you mean?" While Iris remember Sarquiss and the woman, Lily.
"Did you hear what he said? That shrimp's worth 30 million!"
"That guy? You serious?" The background seemed a bit nosy as they were muttering with one another.
"I'm meeting a lot of huge guys today." Luffy only said as he titled his head up to the man, Bellamy, who was pretty tall.
"I'll have the most expensive liquor you've got. And give the shrimp here something he likes." That order had been placed while Bellamy pointed down to Luffy.
"Sure." The bar keeper didn't seem all that happy but walked off to get the order.
"Huh? Looks like the place is full." A rude and familiar voice had soon reached the ears of the others.
"What's with this place? It's filthy!" And when Nami and Iris turned around they found Sarquiss and Lily walking in with a group of people behind them.
"And they're all drinking cheap rum." It was clear that they were all members of the same crew, with their rude and confident attitudes.
"Look, it's those guys from before." Nami came to point it out to Zoro, causing him to turn his head slightly to see them beating the crap out of some men to take their table like it was nothing.
"You could at least clear out some seats for us." They truly were entitled, almost like spoiled brats. "What inhospitable folk." It had then been when people began getting up running from their seats.
"That's him, isn't it? Big Knife Sarquiss." The blue hair man had a large curved knife that was placed over his shoulder while blood from his victims was dripping to the floor from it.
"Are they looking to start up a fight in here?"
"You don't mean..." it was then was Sarquiss began licking the blade from his blade.
"Now that can't by hygienic." Iris could only say upon seeing it.
"The entire crew's in here. They couldn't all be here just for a drink, could they?" The tension in the bar was rising.
"Ignore it! It doesn't have anything to do with us."
"Bellamy sure likes his fun." The pink hair woman had said with a large smirk across her face.
"You said it." Along with Sarquiss and Iris couldn't help but get a bad feeling about this. The bar tender was back with two glass cups which were placed in front of Bellamy and Luffy before he walked off.
"Well, drink up." That had been said to the Straw Hat boy.
"Hey, thanks." Who didnt think much of it as he grabbed the handle. "What, you're a nice guy." Iris watched as he was going to take a sip. That's when she saw Bellamy's hand stretching behind her captains head and she knew right away what was going to happen.

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