A Black Cage!?

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The morning had come and it was where the Straw Hats began battling the Marines that were attempting to sink the Going Merry, leaving the crew in a pinch. "DAMMIT! SHOOT YOUR. CANNONBALLS AT US! I CAN BOUNCE 'EM BACK!" Luffy was shouting as he was waiting for the cannonballs that had been fired to come down.
"Ah... I don't think those are cannonballs." Iris had come to say as what came flying at them were large iron like spears, that impaled the ship.
"Goodness! Stop joooking around~!" Bon Clay was shouting as the Merry was getting heavily damage.
"If they keep hitting the ship with these iron spears, it's only a matter of time before we sink!" Sanji wasn't wrong about that, since they were already taking on water.
"Here they come!" Nami shouted as another barrage had been fired at them. Some had bounced off, but many of them impaled the side.
"Oi! There's no way I can patch all these holes!" Chopper was shouting at the others with planks and hammer in hand as he stood in the hatch below deck.
"Hurry up and DO something you guys!" Nami was ordering for Luffy, Zoro and Sanji to do something.
"We can only protect one side at a time!" Sanji tried to inform her that there were limits to their abilities. "Going up against eight ships is too much!"
"Even when we're stronger in hand-to-hand combat... even if we wash them or retreats, they won't break their formation!" They were surrounded on sides unable to escape.
"I got it!" Luffy suddenly shouted, causing everyone above deck to turn to him. "Iris, Fire at them with your large light thing!" It wasn't a bad idea at all, however...
"Well, the further away my lights become the harder it is for me to control them. They also will fade and become less affective." It didn't seem to work the way they wanted at a time like this.
"The Black Cage Corps: Black Spear Squadron!" A man on one of the marines ships was shouting. He was a skinny, gray-haired man who appears to favor strange, flamboyant clothes; the most notable of these are his red, heart-shaped glasses. He was wearing a bright purple-and-yellow giraffe-patterned shirt - with the standard Marine Seaman cap. Iris didn't recognised him at all.
"You pipsqueak's won't be us! Dorks!" But the one of the ship beside him she did. Iris remembered him from the Baratie but he looked more shrivelled then before. He was now wearing a Marine cap, a navy blue shirt, orange plaid pants, and brown boots. He still had his bolts attached to his knuckles. His hair was also a bit longer and more unkept.
"Oi, Hypnotist! I thought you were a pirate!" Luffy seemed to know the other man as he was shouting that.
"Shut up! I have my own reasons for this!"
"I think I recognise that guy on the left..." Sanji had completely erased from his mind about how he beat the living shit out of the guy.
"It may as well have been 100 years since we last met! That impudent, harrowing cook and his buddies..." It seemed that Fullbody was holding a grudge. "This is the day you sink to your doom! I've powered up, you see..."
"Now... Look closely at this ring." The former pirates pulled a chakram on a string that was made of metal out. "This is the day I prove to you that I ain't weird." Although, Iris would disagree with that but her attention seemed to have followed Usopp that was running off to the cannon on deck. "One! Two! Jan..." But before the former pirate could finish Usopp fired the cannon and it had destroyed the ship the weirdo was on as well as the ship Fullbody was on. All were looking on in shock, especially the one that fired it.
"Usopp! That was you!?" Luffy shouted looking at him asking. "Awesome!" He then praised him for marksmanship, saying it was awesome.
"Y-YOSH! JUST AS I CALCULATED! That's what I can do when you rely on me!"
"Then why did you look the most surprised?" Iris came to ask him since he changed in a second.
"Nose-boy, amazing! Good going!" Bon Clay was praising him as well. "Now the two ships to the south of gone! Full speed in that direction~!" It was time for them to escape.
"SIR BON KUREI, A PROBLEM!" That was until the shouting of his men were coming to him.
"WHAT IS IT!?" And he was annoyed by it.
"IT'S THE BLACK CAGE!" That had been shouted loudly, which came as a shock to Bon Clay.
"What's that?" Luffy asked as he had no idea.
"Black Cage Hina! The Marine Headquarters Captain who patrols this area of the sea!" It was then when Bon Clay began explaining who Black Cage Hina. "This is not good at all! Let's get outta here super-quick!"
"Aye, Sir Bon Clay!" However, none of the Straw Hats moved in the direction of the escape.
"What the hell are you guys doing!? Let's run away! If we exit to the south, we can escape with minimum damage!" Bon Clay was shouting at them since it was the only way they could go. "If we stay like this come out will be done in for sure!"
"If you want to go, then go." Luffy had come to say, not even thinking about it. "We can't."
"What do you mean you can't!?"The ballerina questioned why the Straw Hats would not escape.
"SIR BON Clay, PLEASE HURRY! LET'S JUST ESCAPE ON OUR OWN!" the men from the other ship were urging the captain.
"We made a promise to be at the eastern harbour at noon." Nami had come to answer Bon Clay's questions. "There's no time to sail back. We have to press forward."
"Really, that's the silly silliest thing I've ever heard!" But it didn't seem that Bon Clay understood. "What kind of treasure could possibly be there but that's worth your lives!? Go ahead and die then!"
"We're going to see a friends." Luffy came to say, which caused the man to freeze. He looked back to the crew and saw that they weren't lying about such a thing as they were looking ahead.
"F-For a... friend?"

Bon Clay's ship had taken off and of course the Marines didn't budge, until they spotted Luffy and the others on top of the ship and had taken off after them. "Three minutes..."
"Prepare the bombardment!" It had been ordered by tall and slim woman with straight, waist-length pink hair that she wore in a middle part. She had dark brown eyes and wore red lipstick. She was seen smoking a cigarette while wearing a burgundy-purple two-piece suit over a white blouse, as well as dark brown shoes and a pair of dark gloves. It was clear that she was Black Cage Hina.
"Here we go! FULL SPEED AHEAD!" Little did they know the truth.
"Could the Straw Hat Luffy you're looking for possible be me~!" In an instant, one was able to see that the Straw Hat crew before them were nit that of the actual crew. "Not a chance!" Especially when Luffy turned into Bon Clay only a moment later.
"Captain Hina! The sheep ship is escaping to the east!" It had all been a trick. Bon Clay had used his disguise ability to fooled the marines into pursuing him, allowing the Straw Hats to escape.
"What!?" The woman was shocked but turned back to Bon Clay upon hearing him laughing.
"You feel for it~! My boys and I are masters of disguise~! As well as... Straw-boy's friends!" It was there when the man turned his back to the marines to pose. "One of may stray from the path of a man, one of may stray from the path of a woman, but there is no straying from the path of a HUMAN! All friends must scatter into the sky of truth, and blossom! OKAMA WAY! - by Bon Clay." Bon Clay recited his Okama Way poem and his men were all in tears upon hearing it. "BRING IT ON!" And he was prepared to engage the marines in battle.
"Hina humiliated." The crew were watching from a distance as the battle began to erupt between the Marines and Bon Clay. The ships were exploding all over the place. The guys all seemed to be in tears upon witnessing what was unfolding between Bon Kurei's crew.
"Bon Clay. Bon Clay, we will... NEVER, EVER FORGET YOU GUYS!"

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