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The Knock Up Stream drives the Going Merry through the Cumuloregalis Clouds. None them had expected that it would behave just like water, and does it forced them to hold their breaths. However, the ship had broke there the surface of the clouds but it broke off the wings. Iris laid on deck beside Zoro trying to catch her breath while feeling like she had been pulled out from the ocean. She felt extremely weak. But she wasn't the only one as the others were having a hard time breathing.
"Damn... What the hell happened?" The swordsman was asking himself while sitting up against the wall. "Everyone still here?" He then asked the others if they were alright.
"Oi, everyone take a look!" Of course the first one to have recovered was Luffy. "Look around the ship!" He was telling them filled with energy but when the others had seen it...
"What is this place?"
"It's SOOO white!" they too seemed to have recovered after witnessing the beauty of the clouds.
"Clouds!" They were everywhere around them.
"We're on top of the clouds?" It was a bit hard to believe as all but one had gathered at the head of the ship. "How are we floating on them?" One had to wonder how it was even possible.
"Sure we can float on them." But there was one person who wasn't thinking such a thing. "They're clouds." And thought that alone was a good enough reason.
"No, we can't!" The other guys tried to tell him, slapping the air before them.
"Oh dear! Usopp are you alright?" Hearing Iris asking this question, the others turned around to find her kneeling beside the long nose young man.
"Oh, no!" Usopp's not breathing!" He wasn't breathing in the slightest as he appeared to had drowned while they were passing through the cloud.
"WHAT!?" Luffy was in complete shock upon hearing this. "Do something! Try CPR!" And began to freak out. The doctor began pushing down the chest in a panic.
"Yosh! I'll give Nami CPR-!" Sanji swung around, ready to head towards the navigator.
"Yutz." But had been cut off by Zoro who insulted him.
"Stay with us, Usopp!" Iris was holding onto the long nose's hand, her hands glowing warmly so to heat up his cold body. Usopp finally comes to...
"Usopp!" Which had delighted the three beside him.
"The clouds..." He was a little out of it. "WHAT!? CLOUDS!" But quickly wonders at the clouds expanse as well. "Too many clouds! What's going on!?" He was asking questions none stop in confusion.
"This is like the sea of the sky." Had been what Nami came up with, to slightly explain why they were floating on the clouds.
"Sea of the sky?" Though, Usopp was still in shock as he was looking over the railing down below.
"But, look." Nami was holding up the Log Pose towards Robin, who was sitting beside Iris that had Chopper on her knees. "The Log Pose is still pointing up." This had been explained as the needle was still pointed almost straight up.
"We seem to be in the middle layer of the Cumuloregalis cloud." Had been the only thing that made sense.
"So we have to go higher? How?" That was the next thing they had to worry about.
"That I don't know." But Robin didn't have any ideas but turned to Iris. "Perhaps Ms. Angel could fly up and have a look." She had come to suggests this.
"That might not be a bad idea." And the blonde hair woman seemed to be agreeing with this idea.
"Who're you calling a yutz?" As this conversation was going on, Sanji was getting in Zoro's face for what he called him a moment ago.
"I forget."
"A sea..." Usopp on the other hand seemed to be in his own words, looking blissed. Until he suddenly pulled his overall straps of his shoulders and was posing on the railing while laughing. "For his fist course, Captain Usopp is going for a swim!"
"Let's see it!" Luffy begin to cheer him on, along with Chopper.
"I do not think that's wise." But Iris was against the idea. "We still need to figure things out before you start doing that." She was trying to explain to the trio.
"A sea is a sea~!" However, it feel on deaf ears as Usopp just leaped into the clouds.
"He's so brave!" While the two members of the trio with Devil Fruits watched in all struck.
"Usopp's lucky... I wish I could swim too..."
"It's probably really fun..." after a little while had passed, the amazement had soon to slight jealousy. However, Usopp did not resurface despite some time.
"Oi. He's... not coming up." Zoro had been the first one to speak up about it, as everyone was standing in silence waiting. It was then when the rest of the crew walked to the side where Usopp had drove off from to look down into the clouds.
"Just a thought... Is there a bottom to this sea?" This question had been asked and the moment it had...
"YOU THINK...!?" Everyone had realised that it was possible Usopp had fell out the bottom.
"That idiot! Did he fall out of the cloud!?" Which only meant that he would be falling down to the sea below.
"USOPP!" Luffy was about to stretch his arm out but a bright light had stopped him. The light had come from Iris who had her wings stretched out before diving into the clouds.
"What is she doing!?" But the clouds were just like the ocean below, meaning that the moment she entered Iris would become weak and sink like a rock.
"This is Iris, she's not stupid." Unlike the others, who were now panicking about Iris' actions, Zoro didn't seem the slightest bit fazed. He was right though, she wouldn't do something that would only cause more problems.

Iris had drove into the clouds and using her wings like fins making her able to push through. The reason that she wasn't being effected by the clouds was because of a thin light that was covering her entire body. As long as the clouds didn't directly chose her body she would not be effected by it. She was swimming down while light were being sent all around her in order to find Usopp, however, there was no sigh of him. It wasn't long until Iris finally broke out from the bottom of the cloud and that was where she found Usopp, who was falling and unconscious. "Usopp!"

Angel's True Face (One Piece)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz