This is Little Graden!?

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It take a while for the crew that left Whiskey Peak with Vivi to reach Little Garden. So it was pretty much a lay around day with the sun being high in the sky... for now at least. "I wonder if it'll snow." Luffy had said out of the blue sitting on the rails up on the Aft deck by the stairs.
"How the hell can it snow?" Zoro had asked as he sat on the floor underneath Luffy.
"No, it could. After all, it did snow when you were sleeping, meaning you couldn't have known." And Iris

was sitting on the stairs beside Luffy

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was sitting on the stairs beside Luffy. But hearing her say that, only confused him more to what she and Luffy were on about.
"Hey. It'll snow again, won't it?" Luffy had looked over to Vivi asking her.
"Well, it's not as if it will never snow again, but that first stretch of ocean is unique." Vivi had stated to him and had then began explained to the three of them how the Grand Line worked. "The 7 magnetic fields emanating from Reverse Mountain affect everything in the area. Nevertheless, we must stay on our guard." She stated looking out to the ocean, "it's quite rare to have such a violent trip as that one." She had then walked over to the side, "But this sea is more difficult to navigate than any other in the world. The iron-clad rule is to never take this sea lightly."
"Hey, you louts!" Sanji had suddenly shouted out to the guys carrying a tray of green drinks, "How about a round of my Special Drink?" Iris ended up standing up so that Carue could ran down the stairs, where Zoro got up and join Luffy who jumped off the Aft deck. "Drink up!" The four males sat in a group drinking Sanji's Special Drink. Vivi's seeing this slammed her hand on the rail glaring down at them.
"Hey Usopp, make some fishing gear for us!" Luffy was ordering him.
"Fishing gear! Great idea!" Zoro had agreed with the idea.
"Alright! I'll make some really artistic fishing lures!" Usopp was getting into the idea as well, with no complaints. Carue had grabbed the straw in his beak but it rolled upside down so he was unable to drink.
"No, no. Like this..." Sanji help fixed the straw and Carue had sucked the drink up in an Instant. "You like that, huh?" Sanji had asked amazed. "Tasty, ain't it?" He had asked as he swapped an empty one for a filled one which was drank right away so he swapped it again.
"Cool!" Luffy was excitedly watching, while Vivi on the other hand was upset watching them
"Chug it, Carue!" Usopp was cheering the duck on.
"How can they act like this?" Vivi was asking as the door to the kitchen had opened and both Nami and Iris, who had entered before, had stepped out.
"Here you go Vivi. This one's yours." Iris was holding out another of Sanji's Special Drink to Vivi with a smile.
"Just let them be." Nami had told her from behind Iris sipping her own drink, "If a storm does come, they know what to do." She was trying to reassure Vivi.
"Yeah, after all, they do not wish to die." Iris stated to her as well.
"Well, I suppose... but it seems like they're not even trying to be alert!" But it seemed that Vivi wasn't reassured at all by the other two's comments.
"You shouldn't worry like that." Nami was smiling cheerfully to her.
"Especially when your on this ship." Iris had smiled more gently as well to Vivi. Not sure what she should do, Vivi glanced over to the group that were still watching Carue drink.
"Go! Go! Go!" Until he had a sudden outburst to then fall onto his back, making the whole group of males laugh. They were being watched by Iris and Nami who were totally used to all this which then turned to Vivi.
"Well, this is kind of relaxing..." she did have to admit that much. Not much time had passed and the guys had moved to the front deck and not far from the Merry was a beautiful dolphin leaping in and out of the water.
"Hey Guys, look! It's a dolphin!" Sanji had pointed out to all of them and they just watched with a peaceful expressions on all of their faces.
"It's cute!" Nami wasn't the only one to say that but also Iris. That was until the thing leaped out of the water and the crew saw how giant the thing was as it leaped over the Merry.
"IT'S HUGE!" Only Luffy seemed excited about that fact. Because for the size of the thing when the dolphin had landed back into the water a giant wave had formed and was heading right for the Going Merry. "RUN AWAY!" The guy had dropped everything, literally the glasses smashed on deck.
"Let's go It!' Zoro shouted to the others as he ran to the stairs.
"Yeah!" Usopp had jumped off the Front deck and grabbed into the mast which he had began to climb up. Sanji on either hand had jumped down to low deck. That's when everyone started running all over the place, all expected Vivi and Carue who were watching the crew spring into action. Sanji was pulling the ropes for the sail while Usopp lowered them. Zoro had ran into the kitchen and grabbed the helm. "Secure that line !" Usopp was pointing to the other rope for the sails. Luffy had ran to it and had began to pull on it to secure it before tightening it.
"These guys..." Vivi was completely shocked at watching them.
"FULL SAIL!" Luffy shouted in joy as the ship took off with the dolphin right behind. "Alright! We'll catch the wave and ride it out of here!" He had informed the others. The dolphin had landed right behind the ship and another giant wave formed and the ship was just riding it. After everything had calmed down Luffy had asked Nami how was their course.
"Just a sec, I'll check." She had ended back up in the Aft deck and she looked down to the Log. The Log wasn't pointing straight but of to the side. "Turn us hard to port!"
"AYE-AYE!" Zoro and Luffy shouted as the helm had been turned and the ship turned hard to port and they were off again in the direction of the island. So more time passed and an island was in viewing site.
"No doubt about it." Nami had said holding up the Log Pose to see if the needle was pointing to this island. "We're directly landed up with Cactus Island. Our next destination is... that Island!" She had shouted pointing to the island.
"So that's it! The second island of the Grand Line!" Luffy shouted with excitement at normal. The Going Merry had reached the island that was known as Little Garden, and they were sailing beside it.
"So this is Little Garden." Luffy was Saying, But no matter how one looked at it...
"...I do not see how it's little..." Iris titled her head confused because it was a jungle twice a tall as a normal one.
"It doesn't look nearly as cute as its name..." Nami had said disappointed.
"This is like, unexplored territory! An untamed jungle!" Usopp was shaking in fear as he backed off.
"We have to be careful... I'm still concerned about what Miss All-Sunday said." Vivi was right to be worried, because every time Iris remember it that woman hadn't lied to them once, which was strange and scary.
"D-D-Does that mean there's gonna be monsters!?" Usopp was sweating buckets.
"Who knows?" Was all Luffy said to him which probably didn't help things.
"Let's just go to the next island without stopping here!" He had began panicking even more.
"But we need time to set the Log." Nami had responded back to him.
"That, and it's about time we picked up some provisions. We didn't get to stock up at the last town." Sanji had reminded the crew and because of a certain captain they had no bait to fish with.
"I see a river mouth up ahead!" Iris flew up to the front deck and landed along side Zoro, see where it was he was pointing at and there was a river leading in. The others had ran towards the same side that the two of them were so that they could see the river mouth. The helm was turned and the ship were heading up the river mouth.
"I hope there's a yakiniku restaurant here~!" Luffy was drooling.
"What the hell would one be doing here!?" Sanji had completely snapped at him because of course there wasn't going to be a restaurant here more like any humans at all.
"But didn't you say we needed provisions?" Luffy was asking.
"Lu, he meant ingredients for cooking." Iris had explained to the rubber head captain of hers, although he was a idiot she finds that's want makes him a cute little brother.
"I don't know what goes through that ting brain of yours!" Sanji was only shaking his head in annoyance.
"But landing is going to be dangerous." Nami had told them as she walked over to the side looking at the jungle. "I mean, take a look at those plants." She was now pointing to the shore. "Those aren't in any botany book I've even seen." Right after saying that the sounds of a bird call echoed above group ceasing Nami and Usopp to shrike in fear.
"Cute~!" Sanji had a perverted grin on his face as he looked at Nami who was covering her head.
"You mean me?" Usopp had asked as if it wasn't obvious.
"I MEAN NAMI, OBVIOUSLY!!" He had completely snapped at him.
"But what was that just now?" Iris was asking ask she looked around the Merry looking for the bird that was making that sound. She had never heard it before and have landed on deserted islands before from the pasted, but this sound was completely new.
"Don't worry." Iris looked over to Sanji who was smiling and that's when she saw it, coming from above behind him. "It's just a little old bird." That was anything but little. "And this is just your normal jungle." Yeah, Iris didn't think he'll been saying that if he saw what was behind him. "Nothing to worry about." Nami and Usopp saw the colossal giant bird coming down from below and ran off which confused Sanji. "What's wrong?"
"Sanji, behind you." Iris pointed and he looked around only to dodge the claws of the bird in time.
"WHAT THE HELL, YOU SHITTY BIRD!!?" Sanji was shouting at the bird as it flew away.
"A lizard..?" But there should be limits to Luffy's stupidity, right? "I wonder how it taste."
"Lu, please think of once." Iris had told him before a giant explosion echoed and shook the island.
"Is that the kind of sound you hear in a NORMAL jungle?" Nami was beginning to panic again.
"That sounds like a volcano erupting!" And Usopp was just still freaking out,
"Really? It sounded like weapons clashing to me." Iris had looked over and told him as she trying shoing the smoke and dust that had appeared away. Not long after that, a sudden bloodlust coming from the island and caused the woman to become alert as she turned the island where she found a pair of glowing eyes in the shadow of the jungle. Which had belonged to a large tiger that roared as it was coming out form the jungle.
"A tiger!?" Nami was shaking in fear.
"It's freakin' huge!!" Along with Usopp of course. The tiger was pretty huge it was at least 5x's it normal size. It most likely wanted to eat them because it was following the ship up the river. However, that didn't last long when it coughed up blood out of nowhere and fell to the ground into a puddle of its own blood.
"What? What happened to it? This is not normal. This is definitely not normal!" Nami was right about that.
"It seems normal to me." Iris had stated to her not even affected by it.
"Same here." And Zoro, standing beside her, agreed.
"How can you be so calm! I mean how can a tiger, the King of the Jungle, collapse in its own blood!?" Usopp was nodding his head in agreement while still sweating buckets.
"Well then, it's decided we are NOT stopping at this island!" He was yelling while shaking.
"We'll just sit on the ship and quietly wait for the Log to set..." Nami said with him also agreeing without hesitation. "Then we get out of here as fast as possible."
"We do have to hurry to Alabasta, right?" With not much choice Zoro throw the anchor off side and the sails were pulled up. It was pretty quiet until Luffy began giggling.
"Sanji, lunchbox!" He had said shaking.
"Lunchbox?" Sanji repeated to him confused.
"Yeah, to recharge my power! A TON of meat and NO vegetables! A PIRATE Lunchbox!" Luffy had told him looking around with a giant grin, which only meant one thing... "I smell an adventure!"
"N-now hold on a second, you!" Nami had stomped over blocking his view of Sanji. "Where do you think you're going?"
"On an adventure!" Iris giggled as how adorable he was right now, he really was the little brother she never got. "Wanna come? Adventure! Adventure!" He was pumping his arms in excitement. By the tears running down Nami's face she realised that it was useless since he was too excited.
"You're kidding, right?" Usopp's mouth was wide open as tears ran down his face, "The monster that killed that huge tiger is still out there!"
"Sanji, lunchbox!" Luffy had told him again.
"I heard you. Gimme a minute." Sanji was already walking off to the kitchen.
"If that's how it is, I'll come too." Iris said walking up to be side by side with Vivi looking over to Luffy.
"Yeah! Iris is coming too! Let's do this!" Luffy was even more excited.
"Hey, is it okay if I go with you two?" Vivi had asked out of nowhere, which surprised the others.
"Yeah, c'mon! Let's go!" Luffy had told her right away.
"Don't tell me you're going along with this!?" Nami had asked the girl with her eyes wide open.
"Well, if I sit around here, I'll only get depressed." Vivi had explained to her. "I might as well relax while we wait for the Log to set."
"You can't! Luffy do this all the time and we don't need to worry about Iris, but it's far too dangerous for you!" Nami was trying to change her mind.
"I'll be alright! Carue will be with me!" Vivi had told her back, but Carue was the one most shocked right now. He was so shocked that his aura just went white.
"He's so surprised he can't speak." Nami had said looking at the poor duck.
"Well, Iris and Vivi, I'll make you both a special Love Lunchbox!" Sanji was saying waving form the door way to the kitchen.
"Thank you." Iris waved back him smiling,
"Can you Please make some of your drink for Carue, too?" Vivi had asked him kindly.
"Of course! Leave it to me!" The door was then closed. Half an hour later Sanji came out with our lunchboxes and had made sure that Luffy's lunch was tight and wouldn't fall out but Luffy's jumping around. Iris placed the lunch into a satchel as she couldn't wear a bag pack because of her wings that sprouted out as she was now floating in the air. She was set and so was Carue once Sanji placed his drink around Carue's neck.
"Okay! One Pirate Lunch and one Special Drink just for Carue! You're all set!" Sanji had told them.
"Yup!" Luffy jumped up and over to the island With Carue and Vivi right behind him.
"Okay, We're off!" Vivi waved,
"Alright! Let's GO!"
"We're off." Iris told the others as she flew after Luffy.
"We'll be back soon!" Vivi was telling them back at the ship.

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