Monkey D. Luffy Wanted!

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It had been a long time since Luffy and the crew left Iris' home island, Heaven Haven and it was once again a peaceful day on the Going Merry. "They raised the price again?" Or it was until Nami was yelling about the prices of the newspaper. "Don't you think that's a little too high? Why you..." She gave the money to the poor bird that was delivering. "Next time the price is raised, I won't buy it, hear?" She really was a money pinched.
"Geez, it's just a newspaper!" Usopp really was going there.
"But if you get it all the time, it adds up!" Nami told him
"Well, you don't have to save up to buy your village from Arlong anymore... so why keep worrying about money?" He had asked her, throwing out a valid point.
"Dummy! That's exactly why! I don't have that obligation anymore, so from now on, it's all for myself!" Nami had shouted back to him.
"Nami does have a point." Iris looked up from the book, she was writing in, to the girl. "How about next time I pay for it, since I do have way more money then you now." So that she was smiling.
"Thank you, Iris! Only you understand me!" Nami looked at her smiling. "Iris and I, the two of us can't go around being some kind of cheapskate pirates, can we?" She asked Usopp, not that had was paying attention as he was doing something else. Iris looked back down to continue writing.
"Hey, keep it down!" He was telling Nami. "I'm in the middle of formulating my 'Sure-killing Tabasco Star'! Here!" It was then when Iris glance up to see Luffy, he was trying to grab one of Nami's tangerines from the trees that she took from her mother's home. She picked up her ink from the table next to her."with this, if I shoot it into the enemy's eyes..." Luffy was sent flying into Usopp which went into the table noticing it. There was red liquid over Usopp's eyes and fire had shot from them as he was screaming in pain.
"What? Come on, just one?" Luffy was whining at Sanji that was protecting Nami's trees.
"Never! This is Nami's tangerine grove. I won't allow you to lay a finger on it!" Sanji was strong but when it came to woman it was really weak. "NAMI! THE SECURITY GUARD OF LOVE IS ON DUTY!" He really was a lost cause. Iris had gotten up from her seat and headed down the stairs.
"Thank you, Sanji." Nami wasn't even paying attention to him and Iris I came back up shortly after with a wet tower, where everything seemed to have calmed down a bit. Nami was reading the newspaper on an adirondack chair, with Usopp on the ground in pain.
"Here Usopp." Iris placed the wet towel over Usopp's eyes.
"Thanks, Iris." He placed his hand on the towel.
"What the hell? It's just one little tangerine!" However, Luffy was still whining about the tangerine. "Stingy Sanji.
"I SAID NO!" Sanji just yelled at him.
"Oh well, Whatever. I'm in a good mood." Luffy started smiling at Iris.
"The world's in such chaos right now. There was another coup-de-tat in Villa." Nami was saying as she was shifting the paper, when something fell out.
"Hm? A flyer?" It has flouted pass Luffy onto the floor beside Iris, which she had picked up. Those on the deck all looked at it and when they saw it they all shouted in disbelief once they saw what was on the flyer. Luffy, he had a bounty. And not just any bounty but a 30 million Beli bounty on his head, it was the largest in the whole East Blue. Luffy now was holding up the wanted poster of himself laughing. "Check it out, we're WANTED!"
"Wanted... dead or alive... 30 million beli?" Usopp had read out the wanted poster.
"30 million beli, YEAH!" Luffy really was excited about having a bounty.
"Check it out! Even my back is famous now! Damn I've got it goin' on..." Usopp pointed out,
"What!" Sanji quickly ship over to get a closer look at the poster. "They don't have my picture, yet they have Long nose's? Oi- where, where? I don't see you."
"Isn't that it right there?" Iris pointed to the bottom right corner.
"It's just the back of his head." Despite saying that Sanji was pouting, then saying it doesn't count.
"Hey now don't be jealous!" Usopp was picking on him.
"He's right Sanji. You'll get a bounty before Usopp does, not to mention it will be higher then his." Iris had told him.
"Really?" Sanji looked delighted after hearing her say that.
"Yeah, after all you don't need to be the captain to have a bounty." she place her hand on Sanji's shoulder. "I have a bounty of 15 million Beli and I wasn't a pirate or the leader." She had explained him smiling.
"All right crew! We're goin' to the GRAND LINE!" Luffy was shouting happily as the two guys were now dancing happily.
"YAAAY!" They had cheered.
"You guys... once again you really don't understand the seriousness of this situation! Don't you see this means they're coming for our head? It was bad enough that Iris has a bounty but after 20 years she looks different now, however, it won't take them long to realise who she is." Nami looked like she was getting a headache from all this.
"You know... It probably not the best idea to stay around the East Blue for must longer." Iris walked over to her, stating.
"Yeah, you're right." Nami was completely frustrated on her face. But she really had a right to be, after all, with a bounty like that there were going to be an enormous amount of top Marines and bounty hunters coming after their crew. This time, there was a need for Iris to get serious to protect her friends.
"Let's go! Let's go! To the Grand Line!Let's go! Let's go! To the Grand Line!" The guys were still cheering, it really was cute. Lunch had approached for the crew, Sanji was in the kitchen preparing it. Luffy, Usopp and Iris had moved to the front of the Going Merry, where Zoro was now laying on Iris' lap.
"Does that feel better?" She had asked him.
"Yeah." Zoro rolled around on her lap hugging onto her back. Since the whole Heaven Haven Island adventure, the two of them were close. A Marine ship had then sailed right by the Going Merry.
"Full stop! Hard to starboard, 180!!" To only come back around.
"Are those pirates?" Luffy had questioned looking at the ship. "Using a scrapped military boat?"
"How wasteful, the Marines are." Usopp stated standing beside him. "Just throwing them away as scarp..."
"WE ARE NO SCRAP!" A familiar voice shouted. "Are you idiot's blind? How could you forget Fullbody the 'Iron Fist'?" There he stood, But a lot more shabby then before, or at least that's what Iris thought.
"Ah! It's that Marine Guy! Are you in trouble? Do you need us to save you?" Luffy was honestly a kind soul, Iris knew that the moment she meet him and saw the aura surrounding him.
"Stop kidding around! Destiny has placed you into my hands. MONKEY D. LUFFY!" Fullbody held up the wanted poster of Luffy. "You are under arrest!"
"Cool! My picture looks good!" Luffy was admiring the picture of him smiling and waving.
"And the back of my head looks good, too!" Not that it was any real reason for Usopp to brag about.
"DEAD OR ALIVE. Dead or alive." Fullbody repeat twice with a creepy grin on his face, "LOAD CANNON!" He had ordered and a cannon was pointing at the Going Merry. However, the only one that seemed to panic was Usopp.
"What're they doing! Attacking us?"
"They're aiming right at us..." Usopp started moving back, "This is not good!" Zoro had gotten off of Iris' lap.
"Alright! Lemme at 'em, I'll bounce it right back!" Luffy was ready for the cannonball.
"Luffy, I'll handle it." Zoro had gone up the the rubber head captain.
"Right, right. You stand back. Don't get involved." Usopp had grabbed Luffy, pulling him away.
"W-W-Why? Why?" Luffy was completely confused to why he was pulling him away.
"Sink them." Fullbody had signal with a thumbs down and cannon fired a ball, which was sliced in half.
"Woooo, awesome!!" Luffy was impressed while Usopp was stunned but he wasn't the only one.
"No way, that's crazy!" The Marines were also in stunned at what Zoro had down.
"You shouldn't bug people trying to take a nap." Zoro glared over at them as he placed his sword away.
"You've improved a lot." Iris was clapping to Zoro.
"But I have a ways to go if I want you to fight me seriously." He had looked around at her.
"I wouldn't say that, if you continue to progress like this, you will be about to beat me in no time." She tried to tell him, but he didn't see it the way she did.
"How many shots can you stand!? Fire!" The cannon was being aimed again.
"Er... not good." Luffy had looked over to the cannon.
"Not good?" Usopp was confused to why he was saying that, and when the cannon exploded the answer was given.
"See? The cannon had a crack in it." Luffy pointed out to him.
"Yeah, that's definitely not good." He had agreed with him, looking at the Marines ship oddly. The ship had the sail into the Merry.
"Listen, you brats! Do not look down upon an Ex-Captain of the Marines! We'll defeat you in close combat." Fullbody had boarded the Merry, "Let's go, men!" The soldiers followed after him. "I'll have your head!" Fullbody head straight for Luffy who was just standing there with Usopp hiding behind him. Fullbody did land a fist on him, however, it only stretched his neck back.
"Gum Gum Bell!" Fullbody was head butted and sent into the rails, as for his men, they were sent back into their ship. Fullbody who was confused turned back to the front and screamed at seeing one man.
"How dare you interrupt a cook in the middle of his work. You frickin' jerk." Sanji was glaring down at him, extremely pissed off. "We're not serving soup today. You wanna lick the deck?"
"Why is that waiter here!?" Following after his man, Fullbody ran off the other side of the ship into the water.
"Huh? It's over already?" Leaving Luffy disappointed,
"Hmph. He's all talk." Usopp stated as if he wasn't like that.
"He must have some serious trauma from you, Sanji." Iris pointed out, it was clear that Fullbody was terrified of the man after what had happened at the sea restaurant.
"That guy's still a jackass." Was all Sanji said.
"You guys are so noisy!" Nami had yelled still reading the newspaper at the back of Merry. "Can't I get some peace and quiet to read?" She had asked,
"NAMI! IRIS! THE FOOD IS READY!" Sanji had totally changed the subject,
"Really? I'm starving! Food! Food! Food! Food!" It was after eating that Nami had gathered everyone back on front deck where she placed a map down in the floor in front of her. Luffy sat beside her, as Usopp and Sanji were standing up across from her. As for Zoro, he was leaning on the rail next to Iris who was leaning on them as she looked over to the girl.
"We're getting very close to the Grand Line. The only way to get there, is to go through 'Reverse Mountain'." Nami had extremely pointing to the mountain on the map.
"That's a pain in the ass. Can't we just go straight there, from the sea?" Zoro had asked a stupid question but at the same time it was a reasonable one,
"Nope. According to the old man's stories, it's the only way to get into the Grand Line." Sanji had told him. He wasn't the only one that's heard stories, Iris had also heard the same thing from many of the members from Black Cat.
"Why's that?" Usopp ended asking,
"It's extremely dangerous." Was all Sanji replied
"That's why I asked! Why?"
"I don't know any more than that!" Sanji ended up snapping at Usopp, since that was all he knew.
"The reason is-" Nami was trying to feel them but Luffy had cut her off.
"Ok! I got it. Let's go head-on through the front!" He was shouting.
"Are you even listening to me!?" She snapped over at him.
"Because, won't it be more interesting?" Luffy asked her, he was so innocent and stupid that Iris did worry about him sometimes. "It'll definitely be more exciting that way!
"Argh... trying to explain things to you is driving me insane!" Nami had began to become frustrated with him.
"But what's most important is, we should stop at an island and buy some meat." Luffy had already eaten most of the meat since they left both Nami and Iris' islands. Once again, she pointed to the map causing Luffy to look back down to it.
"On this island, there is a famous city. Loguetown." She had told him.
"Loguetown? Are they famous for their meat?" Luffy, he really never hear of this place. He said he wanted to be the Pirate King but doesn't know about this city.
"It's also called, The Town of the Beginning and the End. Or at least I heard." Zoro told him,
"The reason for that name, is because it's where Gold Roger, King of the Pirates, was born as well as executed." Iris explained and Luffy completely changed after hearing that.
"The city where the Pirate King died..." he repeated after her.
"Wanna go?" Nami smirked over at him, already knowing the answer.
"Yeah. I want to see it. The man who owned One Piece. The man who had everything in the world. The place where he was born and died..." With that, their destination was decided.

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